NJPW News: Kota Ibushi defeats Kenny Omega to advance to G1 Climax 28 Finals

Ibushi is victorious and the Golden Elite stands strong
Ibushi is victorious and the Golden Elite stands strong

The Golden Lovers faced each other to determine who would meet Hiroshi Tanahashi in the Finals of the G1 Climax 28.

Despite Kenny Omega's best efforts, Kota Ibushi would emerge victorious and hand the IWGP Champion his second loss in the tournament.

The match began with both men demonstrating their technical skills, but quickly led to both men getting into a striking match with each other.

Ibushi gained control and attempted a dive to the outside, but missed and was viciously attacked by Omega who sent him back into the ring.

Ibushi would attempt his Golden Triangle Moonsault later on, but was caught by Omega who attempted to hit a dragon suplex and the One Winged Angel on Ibushi until he finally decided to drop him on the edge of the ring via a piledriver.

Omega woudld eventyally land a V-Trigger and attempted to hit the One Winged Angel, but hit a German Suplex for a nearfall and nailed Ibushi with a Tope Con Hilo moments later.

The IWGP Champion ascended the top rope, but was cut off by Ibushi who threw Omega to the mat with a hurricanrana for a nearfall and hit his Golden Triangle Moonsault moments later.

Ibushi attempted a Springboard move, but Omega caught him and attempted the One Winged Angel but was countered and dropped to the mat - leading to Ibushi hitting a moonsault and landing knee first into Omega's chest.

Ibushi tried for the Kamigoye but missed and was eventually hit with a V-Trigger to the back of the head.

Omega set Ibushi on the top rope and attempted a Dragon Suplex, but Ibushi landed on his feet and hit a last ride powerbomb for a nearfall.

Ibushi would finally landed a Kamgoye, but Omega kicked out at two.

Both men would lock wrist and strike each other with elbows, headbuts and kicks until Omega hit a V-Trigger.

Ibushi attemped to regain control with a few strikes, bur Omega countered with a V-Trigger.

Omega hit the ropes for a move but as countered by a dropkick.

Ibushi climbed the top rope for a Phoenix Splash, but missed and was hit with another V-trigger to the back of the head.

Omega attempted the One Winged Angel, but Ibushi tried to counter with a hurricanrana which lead to Omega dropping ibushi on his head for a nearfall.

Omega hit another V-Trigger and hoisted Ibushi on the top rope for another One Winged Angel attempt, but Ibushi countered and hit a double stomp to the back of Omega’s head.

Ibushi climbed the top rope again and hit Omega with a Last Ride Powerbomb from the top rope for another nearfall.

With no time to waste, Ibushi would quickly get back to his feet and hit Omega with the Kamigoye to win the match.

Ibushi's victory resulted in a three-way tie between himself, Omega and Tetsuya Naito, but Ibushi was declared the winner of the B-Block due to him defeating both men in previous B-Block matches.

The finals of the G1 Climax 28 will take place Sunday August 12 and will be held at the Nippon Budokan arena in Tokyo, Japan. It will see Kota Ibushi taking on Hiroshi Tanahashi.