G1 Climax 30 Night 7 Results: Shingo vs. Ishii in a banger 

A Block delivers another stellar show for the G1 Climax 30.
A Block delivers another stellar show for the G1 Climax 30.

NJPW is back from the second of three straight shows from the G1 Climax 30 tournament. We were once again in the beautiful, intimate setting of Korauken Hall for the continuation of A Block competition. After the best show of the tournament on Night 5, this event featured another set of highly anticipated matches including a rematch of one of the best matches from the G1 Climax 29.

The headline match featured Tomohiro Ishii against Shingo Takagi in a rematch of their Wrestling Observer Newsletter 5.5-star rated match from last year's tournament. We would also see Switchblade Jay White facing Will Ospreay. The other A Block matches were Kazuchika Okada vs. Taichi, Kota Ibushi against Jeff Cobb and Minoru Suzuki battling Yujiro Takahashi.

The current standings for the A Block going into the night were:

  • Taichi, Jay White (3-0)
  • Will Ospreay, Minoru Suzuki, Kota Ibushi (2-1)
  • Kazuchika Okada, Shingo Takagi, Jeff Cobb (1-2)
  • Tomohiro Ishii, Yujiro Takahashi (0-3)

Your "Matches To Watch" for Night 7 of the G1 Climax 30 are:

  • Kota Ibushi vs. Jeff Cobb
  • Jay White vs. Will Ospreay
  • Tomohiro Ishii vs. Shingo Takagi

This show once again kicked off with a battle of the New Japan Young Lions in what has been called the "unofficial" C Block of the G1 Climax 30.

G1 Climax 30 Night 7: Yuya Uemura vs. Yota Tsuji

The opening match featuring the Dojo trainees of Yuya Uemura facing off against Yota Tsuji. These two men both came in at 2-2 so far during these G1 Climax 30 events. They have split their last two contests against one another.

This contest started with grappling for position between the two. Yota gained control by using his strength and attacking the back of Uemura to set up for the Boston Crab. Uemura tried to use his speed to counter. However, Tsuji continued to assault the back.

He locked on the Boston Crab, but Uemura fought to the ropes. Tsuji then used a Giant Swing to regain his control. He finally stomped on Uemura's back and locked back on the Boston Crab for the submission win in seven and a half minutes. Tsuji got his third win of the unofficial C Block of the G1 Climax 30.

This was their strongest match so far. Everything these two men did was crisp and on point in this encounter. The Korauken Hall crowd was very receptive to this G1 Climax 30 opening contest.

Results: Yota Tsuji defeats Yuya Uemura via submission

Star Rating: ***1/4

Yujiro Takahashi (0-3) vs. Minoru Suzuki (2-1) (G1 Climax 30 A Block Match)

Our A Block opener for this evening was Yujiro Takahashi of the Bullet Club facing NEVER Openweight Champion Minoru Suzuki of Suzuki-gun. Takahashi came in at 0-3, while Suzuki came in at 2-1 following his win over Cobb on Night 5 of the G1 Climax 30.

Both men came out shoving before the bell. This led to a fiery exchange of big boots to start this G1 Climax 30 contest. The action went to the floor, where Yujiro choked Suzuki with his pimp cane. Back in the ring, Suzuki gained the advantage and took it back to the outside. Suzuki caught him with a stiff elbow to the jaw. Once back inside, he looked for the choke. However, Yujiro fought him off and hit a Fisherman's Buster. Yujiro showed more fire against Suzuki who wasn't taking him serious at all times here.

Yujiro fought out of a choke and looked for Pump Juice. However, Suzuki rolled out and locked on the choke before he transitioned to the Gotch Piledriver for the win in just under eight minutes. Minoru Suzuki gets another two points in the G1 Climax 30. Yujiro remains winless. This was well worked and solid for what it was.

Results: Minoru Suzuki (6) defeats Yujiro Takahashi (0) via pinfall

Star Rating: **3/4

Jeff Cobb (1-2) vs. Kota Ibushi (2-1) (G1 Climax 30 A Block Match)

Our next A Block match was Kota Ibushi vs. Jeff Cobb. Ibushi came in at 2-1 following his win over Ishii on Night 5 of the G1 Climax 30. Cobb stands at 1-2 following a loss against Suzuki on Night 5. This was a first time ever encounter between the two men.

We got a tentative start from both before Cobb worked Ibushi to the ground. We then got a strike exchange early that ended with Kota landing a mid kick followed by a standing moonsault. Cobb followed with his dropdown, leap frogs and dropkick sequence to gain control.

Cobb hit a front suplex. Ibushi evaded a corner attack and followed with a hurricarana. He then hit a plancha to Cobb on the floor. Back in the ring, Ibushi reversed a Cobb spear into a double stomp to the back. Cobb regained control and hit an Athletic Plex for a two count. That was some impressive strength from Cobb in this G1 Climax 30 match. He followed that with a standing moonsault for another two.

We got a strike exchange, which ended with Cobb no selling an Ibushi lariat then hitting one of his own. Cobb followed with his rolling gutwrench suplexes. He looked to cap it off with a gutwrench powerbomb, but Ibushi blocked. Cobb transitioned, spinning Kota in the air for a F-5000 for a near fall. Both men showed some amazing chemistry in this G1 Climax 30 battle.

We got finisher attempts and a final strike exchange that ended with Ibushi landing a knee strike. He followed with a Kamigoye for the win in just under 11 minutes. Kota Ibushi got another two points in the G1 Climax 30. Post-match, both men showed respect by embracing.

That was a fun, all-action sprint that displayed both men's strength wonderfully. It ended just when it was going to that next level of greatness. Ibushi and Cobb are both having strong G1 Climax 30 efforts.

Results: Kota Ibushi (6) defeats Jeff Cobb (2) via pinfall

Star Rating: ***3/4

***Intermission followed***

Taichi (3-0) vs. Kazuchika Okada (2-1) (G1 Climax 30 A Block Match)

A Block competition resumed with Kazuchika Okada facing one half of the IWGP Heavyweight Tag Team Champions, Taichi. Okada came in at 1-2 following a main event loss against Jay White on G1 Climax 30 Night 5. Taichi came in as one of our leaders with a 3-0 record. Taichi has never beaten Okada in two previous matches, including earlier this year at New Beginning.

Taichi attacked Okada before the bell to start this G1 Climax 30 match. He took Rainmaker to the floor and threw him into the guardrails. He took advantage of a distraction from El Desperado on commentary to use a chair on Okada as well. Back in the ring, Taichi then focused on the injured back of his opponent. Okada blocked a corner attack and got his first advantage. He followed up by hitting a DDT for a two-count.

Taichi avoided a missile dropkick, which hurt Okada's back again. He then followed a tilt twirl neckbreaker and a high-angle half crab. Okada reached the ropes. Rainmaker blocked a powerbomb and hits an air raid neckbreaker.

Taichi avoided the dropkick and hit a buzzsaw kick. He removed the tights and looked for a Superkick, but Okada hit a dropkick instead. He then looked for the Money Clip, but Taichi hits a backdrop suplex. Taichi then tried for Black Mephisto, but Okada reversed into the tombstone piledriver.

Okada finally locked in the Money Clip for the first time in this G1 Climax 30 encounter, but Taichi choked him. Okada then backslided into a lariat, holding onto the arm to attempt to hit the Rainmaker. However, Taichi pushed the ref and landed a low blow. He followed with the Gedo Clutch for a close near fall.

Taichi reversed the Rainmaker and hit one of his own for another two count. He then set up for Black Mephisto, but Okada reversed into the Money Clip. Taichi fought out twice, but Okada hit a neckbreaker from the Cobra Clutch position and reapplied the Money Clip with Taichi passing out for the win in 17 minutes. Kazuchika Okada earned another two points in the G1 Climax 30.

This was a solid, psychology-based battle with an enthralling finish. It was also a strong showing by Taichi, despite marking his first loss of the G1 Climax 30.

Results: Kazuchika Okada (6) defeats Taichi (6) via submission

Star Rating: ***1/2

Jay White (3-0) vs. Will Ospreay (2-1) (G1 Climax 30 A Block Match)

Our semi-main event of the evening was Switchblade Jay White against Revolution Pro British Heavyweight Champion Will Ospreay. White came in the leader of the A Block with a 3-0 record. Ospreay came in at 2-1, following his loss to Shingo on Night 5 of the G1 Climax 30. These two men have split their first two matches together with this being the rubber match.

After a lockup to start this G1 Climax 30 encounter, we got a chop exchange, which Ospreay won with a stiff chop knocking Switchblade down. Will then dared White to chop him, which he obliged. White used Ospreay's momentum to finally get control via a uranage to the outside. On the floor, he whipped Ospreay to the guardrails.

Back in the ring, White grounded Will using a STF. Switchblade then attacked the leg of Ospreay, but he fought back, hitting a springboard kick to White. Ospreay hit a chop and then a standing Shooting Star Press. He then followed with Pip Pip Cheerio sending White to the floor. Jay used a distraction by Gedo to hit a DDT, once Ospreay returned to the ring. He followed with a Blade Buster for a near fall. Will tried to make a come back, but his leg was affecting him in this G1 Climax 30 match.

White used another distraction by Gedo to catch Will on a springboard into a flatliner. He followed that with a German suplex. White placed Ospreay on the top rope, but Will reversed out and hit a springboard dropkick to his back. Gedo got White out of the Tree of Woe, but Ospreay hit a Sasake Special to the floor on the two men. He followed with a springboard 450 for a near fall. The Korauken Hall crowd was very much into this G1 Climax 30 battle at this point.

The two men traded strikes, but White evaded an OsCutter and hit a uranage followed by a Kiwi Crusher for a near fall. He set up for the Blade Runner, but Will reversed into a Liger Bomb. Ospreay then hit the OsCutter for a near fall. Will set up for the Hidden Blade, but White evaded by feigning exhaustion from this G1 Climax 30 match.

White blocked the Stormbreaker by tripping the referee. This led to Gedo coming in with brass knuckles. Ospreay caught him and hit a discus elbow. We then got an exhilarating sequence of reversals, which ended with Ospreay hitting the Hidden Blade followed by the Stormbreaker for the win in just under 19 minutes. Ospreay earned two points in the G1 Climax 30. This was Jay White's first loss in the tournament.

This was a fabulous match filled with fast-paced counters from both men. The way Switchblade countered moves in this G1 Climax 30 barnburner was so smooth and highlighted how truly great he is.

Results: Will Ospreay (6) defeats Jay White (6) via pinfall

Star Rating: ****1/4

Shingo Takagi (1-2) vs. Tomohiro Ishii (0-3) (G1 Climax 30 A Block Match)

Our main event of Night 7 of the G1 Climax 30 was Shingo Takagi of Los Ingobernables de Japon against Tomohiro Ishii of CHAOS. Shingo came in at 1-2 following his win over Ospreay on Night 5, while Ishii stood at 0-3. These two men have fought twice, with Shingo winning both.

Early in this G1 Climax 30 encounter, both men no-sold shoulder blocks. A strike exchange followed, which led to more shoulder blocks with Ishii finally knocking Shingo off his feet. Stiff chops from Ishii knocked Shingo down. He followed with kicks, and Shingo dared him to hit him harder.

The two men fought to the floor, where Shingo gained control with a lariat after running Ishii into the guardrail. Back in the ring, Shingo talked trash, daring Ishii to get up. Ishii got up and dared Shingo to kick him in the head. He responded with stiff throat chops to Shingo, cornering him. Shingo then dared Ishii to kick him, but Shingo responded with throat chops of his own. He followed with Noshigami and a deadlift German suplex. Shingo hit the sliding lariat for a two count.

Ishii evaded a Pumping Bomber, which led to a series of reversals. Shingo instead landed the Pumping Bomber, which Ishii no-sold, and hit a lariat of his own. The two men then traded lariats, which both continued to no-sell until both fell down in this G1 Climax 30 hard-hitting affair.

Ishii took Shingo to the top rope and hit an avalanche brainbuster. Shingo back dropped out of a powerbomb attempt. He looked for Made In Japan, but Ishii blocked. Shingo instead hit a gutbuster. He followed with Made In Japan for a near fall.

Shingo hit a Pumping Bomber for another near fall. He looked to set up for Last of the Dragon to end this G1 Climax 30 contest, but Ishii blocked him. Shingo responded with a stiff lariat. Ishii reversed a Pumping Bomber into a pair of backdrop suplexes. The two men traded strikes with Ishii winning the exchange, following that up with a powerbomb for a two-count. Shingo blocked the brainbuster and reversed into a Death Valley Driver. Ishii then reversed Pumping Bomber into a backdrop suplex, followed by a lariat but only got a one count. This made the Korauken crowd get loud for this G1 Climax 30 battle.

Ishii hit a sliding lariat for a near fall. He went for a brainbuster, but Shingo reversed and hit a sliding lariat of his own. Both men were brutally beating each other in this G1 Climax 30 battle. The two men fought to their feet and traded headbutts. Shingo hit a Pumping Bomber for a close near fall. He then set up for the Last of the Dragon, but Ishii reversed into a tilt-a-whirl DDT.

We got another strike and headbutt exchange, which ended with an enziguri from Ishii. He followed with a lariat, turning Shingo inside out for a near fall. Ishii then hit the Brainbuster for the win in 26 minutes. Tomohiro Ishii got his first two points in the G1 Climax 30. After the match, both men were still trying to fight each other.

This was a certified banger of a match. It was hard-hitting, physically intense and an absolute war. Ishii notched his first win of the G1 Climax 30 in his defeat of Shingo Takagi

Results: Tomohiro Ishii (2) defeats Shingo Takagi (2) via pinfall

Star Rating: ****1/2