WWE Superstar shares what text he was sent after his faction broke up

The WWE star has been focused on leaving a mark in his matches
This WWE star has been focused on leaving a mark in his matches

Things didn't go exactly how they were supposed to at a recent WWE event. On WWE NXT, Mustafa Ali was the guest referee for the match between Wes Lee and Tyler Bate, and while he tried to call the match down the middle, things didn't really go smoothly. Now Dijak has retweeted Ali's message after the match.

Dijak and Mustafa Ali are more than a little familiar with each other. Ali was the leader of the RAW faction named RETRIBUTION. At the time, Dijak was part of it under the name T-Bar. The faction was very poorly received by fans and didn't really end up as anything positive.

Eventually, Ali pushed the other stars too far, and they attacked him, which caused the faction to break up.

This time on NXT, Ali tried to call the match fairly as a referee, but he was favoring Bate more at times. He even started the count to 10 late when the stars wound up outside the ring. At times, Ali counted the falls quickly, with Wes Lee even confronting him over it.

After the event, Ali sent out a tweet saying that he felt he had done a good job. But Dijak retweeted it, saying that he had received the same message from Ali after RETRIBUTION broke up, implying that Ali's opinion is not always the best.

Dijak has been a force to be reckoned with in WWE NXT

Ever since he returned to NXT from the WWE main roster, Dijak has been a force to be reckoned with. At no point has he looked like he can be stopped.

His feud with Ilja Dragunov concluded recently, and even though he lost, Dijak came out looking great. The two ended their rivalry with a Last Man Standing Match, and at one point, the brutality had reached such a point that Dragunov burst into actual tears from the pain he was enduring.

It will be interesting to see what's next for the superstar as he continues to blaze a new path in NXT.

Who do you want to see Dijak wrestle next? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.