Velveteen Dream lied in tell-all interview, according to EC3 (Exclusive)

Velveteen Dream, real name Patrick Clark Jr., left WWE in 2021
Velveteen Dream, real name Patrick Clark Jr., left WWE in 2021

EC3 has fired back at several claims Velveteen Dream made about him in a recent interview on Chris Van Vliet's Insight podcast.

In 2022, EC3 accused his former NXT co-worker of filming people going to the bathroom at a house party without consent. Dream confirmed to Van Vliet that he left his phone in EC3's bathroom at the party. However, he claimed the device was face-down and not recording anybody.

EC3 appeared on the latest episode of Sportskeeda's The Wrestling Outlaws with Dr. Chris Featherstone and Vince Russo. When Dr. Chris mentioned his past accusations about Dream, EC3 reiterated that his "claims" are factual:

"I'm not making the claims. There was literally a camera in my bathroom that belonged to him, on his cell phone, that was filming the toilet, okay? It's not a claim. Do I make crazy, weird accusations about people in the business? Have I ever driven that sort of kind of news cycle? No, I said one thing that literally happened and here we are, but okay." [18:50 – 19:11]

Dr. Chris pointed out that EC3's allegation is still technically a "claim." The NWA Worlds Heavyweight Champion agreed before going into more detail about the placement of Velveteen Dream's phone:

"Touché, fair enough, I made a claim about something that factually happened in real life in the reality we currently live in," EC3 continued. "Now, we can go into fourth dimensions and we could go into alternative realities, and there's two sides to every story, but this side of the story is there was a camera in my bathroom filming the toilet. It was weird. Turned out to be his. Was it face down? No, it was not face down. It was directly in the perfect line to catch a pecker p***ing." [19:16 – 19:43]

In the video above, you can watch EC3 tell the full story about what happened that night.

EC3 says Velveteen Dream only admitted to half of the story

The incident occurred several years ago when EC3 and Velveteen Dream were WWE NXT roster members.

Reacting to Dream's admission that his phone was in the bathroom, EC3 claimed the former WWE star failed to tell the rest of the story:

"Why was the phone in the bathroom? Why was it lying flat? Because it wasn't. Is that plausible deniability? Is that what we call that, Dr. Chris? That like if I kinda admit to half a truth, I can get away with a half a lie?" [21:27 – 21:39]

EC3 went on to repeat his 2022 claim that Velveteen Dream's phone was strategically positioned to record other people urinating:

"The phone was propped up, like it is on this desk at Al Snow's guest house, filming the toilet, selfie mode style, like bafflingly crazy. I'm so aghast and shocked that I couldn't believe I was watching my own phallus tinkle on someone else's phone to see the record button going. It didn't make sense to me at the time. Was it the narcotics? Or was it the alcohol? No, it was the flat-out truth because nothing sobers you up quicker than seeing a camera watching you pee." [21:40 – 22:14]

EC3 also admitted that drugs were taken at the party, but he does not believe that impacted his ability to remember what happened.

What do you make of EC3's latest remarks about Velveteen Dream? Let us know in the comments section below.

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