Teddy Long recalls Ric Flair allegedly calling him the "N-Word"

Ric Flair wasn't very PC in the old days (Pic Source: WWE)
Ric Flair wasn't very PC in the old days (Pic Source: WWE)

Ric Flair is one of the greatest pro-wresters of all time. His legend is synonymous with the pro-wrestling business, with his signature catchphrase of "Woo" even known in mainstream circles. While most people remember Ric Flair for the good times, there are stories out there that aren't as complimentary.

In an interview with Hannibal TV, Teddy Long recounted when Ric Flair called him the "N-Word" a long time ago.

Ric Flair never apologized to Teddy Long for using the "N-Word" on him

Former WWE SmackDown General Manager Teddy Long started in the wrestling business back in the 1980s, working in Jim Crockett Promotions/WCW as a referee and manager. Long would continue in similar roles in WWE before becoming the SmackDown GM for several years.

On the subject of Ric Flair calling him the N-Word, Long said that Flair never apologized for it, but he never really cared. He made it on his own, but the incident did happen.

Hannibal then asked him how the incident exactly occurred, and Long explained that it was one time in Knoxville, Tennessee. Long said:

"I remember there was some girls that were trying come into the back door, getting into the back of the arena. And I think, he was maybe at that door and they said some girls threw me under the bus. I didn't know who they were, I'm a referee. I don't know these people. And said, they used my name and said that I told them that they could come in or they could come to the back door or something like that. And so he runs into me and the next thing I hear him say to me, 'N*****, do you like working here?"


Teddy Long acknowledged that it was a different time in the 1980s, but it was something that he has put behind him since.

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