Ryback reveals the truth about his backstage fight with The Big Show in WWE

Ryback (left); The Big Show (right)
Ryback (left); The Big Show (right)

Former WWE star Ryback recently disclosed details about when he and The Big Show got involved in a real-life altercation.

In 2015, Ryback retained the Intercontinental Championship against The Big Show and The Miz at several SummerSlam Heatwave live events. On one such occasion, Show was still asleep in his bus 30 minutes before a match because he thought the event began two hours later.

On his Ryback TV YouTube channel, The Big Guy said he confronted the seven-foot star after someone woke him up:

"When Big Show came out [of the bus], I decided to get in his face, and let him know what I thought about the entire situation in not so nice words," Ryback said. "And Big Show decided to go ahead, and tell me what he thought about the entire situation, in not so nice words, and things went all out chaos at this point in time." [4:55 – 5:14]

The two men faced each other dozens of times in WWE. To this day, The Big Show remains the only person to kick out of Ryback's Shellshock finisher.

How The Big Show and Ryback's backstage fight ended

Seth Rollins' former on-screen allies Jamie Noble and Joey Mercury were in charge of the live event. Both men separated The Big Show and Ryback to stop things from getting out of control.

Ryback added that some WWE stars moved out of the way, while others stepped in to break up the fight:

"There were a lot of WWE talents around this. Joey Mercury and Jamie Noble were there. Instantly, there was two things that happened: a big group of people cleared out, and got completely away from the situation, as they wanted nothing to do with the two of us trying to tear each other's heads off, and then Jamie Noble, Joey Mercury, and other WWE talents pulled us apart away from each other, and created some space." [5:14 – 5:37]

According to Ryback, The Big Show balled up his fist and was "ready to strike" before cooler heads eventually prevailed. The in-ring rivals had a positive conversation after the match, which Ryback believes brought himself and the current AEW star closer together.

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