Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch retain NXT Tag Team Championships in Street Fight

It was a rough night for Drake Maverick
It was a rough night for Drake Maverick

Siding with Pat McAfee and Pete Dunne, One-Two, The Brit-Am Brawlers, or whatever you may call them, are the most hated tag team in NXT.

Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch stole the NXT Tag Team titles from Breezango months ago, and have since spent their time on the Black and Gold Brand assaulting every tag team on the roster.

Killian Dain and Drake Maverick were two of The Kings of NXT's original targets when the group officially formed, leaving both men on the shelf for quite some time. They recently returned and looked to put an end to the reign of Lorcan and Burch tonight.

NXT tag title Street Fight opens the episode

Dain and Maverick didn't give the champs a chance to even get to the ring before blindsiding them in the opening moments of NXT. They were here for blood.

It seemed that One-Two would be fighting from underneath tonight, as they seriously struggled to deal with the overwhelming strength of The Hound of Ulster. Killian Dain was able to fight off multiple tag team maneuvers, leaving Lorcan and Burch worse for wear.

All it took was one shot, though, for the NXT Tag Team Champions to turn things around. They were allowed to slowly demolish Drake Maverick once Killian Dain was driven through a table.

Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch battered Maverick throughout the commercial break, leaving the former 205 Live General Manager barely hanging onto consciousness.

Dain eventually tagged back in, and when he did he came in like a house on fire. The Beast of Belfast can take on most two-on-one situations and come out on the other side with his handheld high. Sadly, after being launched off the apron onto two tables, neither of which broke, Dain was out for good.

Drake Maverick did his best to hold on, hitting the champs with low blows. Unfortunately, a cricket bat to the chest left Drake in a lot of pain, allowing One-Two to hit him with their elevated spike DDT. Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch walk out, again, with the NXT Tag Team titles.