Former WWE star is in no rush to sign a contract with any promotion

WWE arena
This former WWE star was popular in NXT (Source: WWE's website)

A former WWE star stated that he is no rush to sign with any promotion at the moment. This comes after his recent departure from the Stamford-based promotion.

Dijak was a part of the WWE roster for several years. During this time, he saw a lot of ups and downs. His initial NXT run was well-received due to his consistent in-ring performances. He also had a couple of memorable matches on the brand.

When he was promoted to the main roster as a member of RETRIBUTION, things took a turn for the worse for him and he was soon sent back to WWE NXT. Again, Dijak impressed the management by reinventing himself. He was called back to the main roster on the back of his good work in NXT but was soon informed his contract wasn't renewed. He left the company without a chance to redeem himself after his first run on the main roster.

During a recent interview with WrestleMobs, Dijak mentioned that he had reached to everybody to see what's there for him.

“I mean, yeah, we’ve… I wouldn’t say that they’re conversations per se, but we’ve reached out to pretty much everybody at this point, just to see what the field has to offer in terms of what people either want or don’t want, or what they’re looking for,” Donovan Dijak said. “I know that there’s a lot of things going on backstage with TV rights, deals and things like that. New Japan’s doing some shifting around in terms of contracts and stuff.”

Dijak continued to say that he was in no big rush to sign with any promotion since he was under a contract for the past seven years and would like a break from it.

“Listen, I’m not in a big rush. I’ve been under a contract for seven years. I could use some time not under contract. If the right contract comes around, that’s great. It has to be accomplished by the right conversation to go with it. I’ve been down the road of being handed a contract and said, ‘Take it or leave it and whatever happens, happens,’ and I go, ‘Okay, I need to prove myself. I need to show that I’m a good employee, I need to show that I’m loyal.’” [H/T - WrestleZone]

Dijak opened up on his WWE run

Dijak had made a name for himself on the indies before joining WWE. Hence, it goes without saying that his run in the company didn't go according to plan. But what did he have to say about it?

During the same interview, Dijak mentioned that he didn't envision his WWE career ending the way it did as he always held himself to a higher standard.

“To a certain extent, it worked out. I had a great job for seven years,” Dijak said. “That being said, the run didn’t progress and didn’t end the way that I envisioned it progressing and ending. I hold myself to a specific standard. I consider myself and I look at myself as the best wrestler in the world, and I always hold myself to that standard. It doesn’t matter what show I’m on or where I’m on or who else is on the show.” [H/T WrestleZone]

It remains to be seen where Dijak will end up in the future now that he's a free agent.