Former US Champion on why he "was not happy with" the Stone Cold Stunner he received on WWE RAW

WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold has executed the Stunner on a long list of opponents
WWE Hall of Famer Stone Cold has executed the Stunner on a long list of opponents

In a recent tweet, former WWE Superstar Lance Storm claimed that he wasn't happy with the Stone Cold Stunner that he received on an episode of RAW in 2003.

The Hall of Famer was running rampant on WWE RAW back in 2003-04. On an episode of red brand 20 years ago, Austin hit a thunderous Stunner on Lance Storm. The clip was recently shared on Twitter and Storm noticed the same.

The WWE veteran responded to the clip by stating that he wasn't thrilled with taking the Stunner from Stone Cold that night. He explained the reason behind the same as well.

Check out the tweet below:

"The only stunner I ever took. Was not happy with it. Actually tweaked my knee because I only landed on the one knee. 🤷‍♂️"

How did fans react to Lance Storm's tweet about taking the Stone Cold Stunner?

Fans stormed into the reply section of Lance's tweet with a variety of reactions.

Check out some of the responses below:

Around the same time that Lance Storm was hit with a Stunner, he was involved in an infamous segment with Stone Cold. The segment saw the WWE Hall of Famer calling Storm 'boring'.

Stone Cold Steve Austin came out to the entrance ramp with a pillow and a blanket in his hand moments before Lance was about to compete in a match. The Rattlesnake then buried Storm on the mic and said that he hadn't slept in a couple of days and that watching Storm wrestle could possibly help him sleep. Unfortunately, for Lance, nothing came out of the segment.

You can check out the segment HERE.

The Stunner has been dubbed by many fans as the most iconic wrestling move of all time. Austin popularized it during the Attitude Era and it was instrumental in him getting over with the fans back then.

What do you think of the Stunner that Storm was hit with? Did he sell it well? Sound off in the comment section below.