Current WWE champion should immediately be taken off TV: Vince Russo - "You're not good at what you do"(Exclusive)

Vince Russo is a vocal critic of all things wrestling
Vince Russo is a vocal critic of all things wrestling

Former WWE head writer Vince Russo recently went off on a current WWE Superstar, claiming that she was not good enough yet despite having years of experience in the pro-wrestling business.

The target of Vince's criticism, Bayley, has been in the industry for over ten years, counting her initial days on the independent circuit. Despite being a multi-time champion in WWE, Vince Russo thinks that her promo skills are significantly less than desirable.

In a recent episode of Sportskeeda's UnSKripted, Vince Russo expressed his frustration with the reigning champion.

"What you are seeing on wrestling is a lot of people that went through the training, but bro they don't have 'it.' I mean bro, again I am not meaning to pinpoint people out, I am just telling what's coming immediately to my mind. Bro when you watch a Bayley promo, she should not be at that level after 10 years. And if you are not cutting a believable promo in 10 years, and it sounds like a wrestling promo, you are not good at what you do and you probably shouldn't be doing it. And there are atleast fifty Bayleys running around the WWE right now." [9:02 onwards]

As of now, it remains to be seen how the rest of Bayley's WWE Women's Championship run unfolds. The star defeated IYO SKY for the gold at WrestleMania XL.

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