Aleister Black teases big changes in cryptic Instagram post

Things are changing for Aleister Black on Raw
Things are changing for Aleister Black on RA

WWE Monday Night RAW Superstar Aleister Black has taken to Instagram to tease what could be some potentially big changes to his overall character presentation.

In the cryptic post (typical of Black's mysterious style), he talks about having to "re-write" his own history, as well as getting rid of "weakness", either of which could be references to a number of aspects of his character and past:

The edited photo which Black shared in the post appears to show streams of blood coming from his injured eye, as well as a devil horn atop his head - a common theme of Black who often enjoys including satanic and gothic references on his social media.

It comes after the former NXT Champion came under a vicious assault from Seth Rollins and Murphy this past Monday on RAW. The incident saw the "Monday Night Messiah" and his follower inflict a similarly gruesome injury like the one that they delivered to Rey Mysterio only weeks prior - driving his eye into the corner of the unforgiving steel steps:


Aleister Black's push in WWE

The Instagram post also comes just days after rumors broke online that Black may have lost favor with some of the higher-ups in WWE, particularly company owner Vince McMahon, who reportedly feels there is "something missing" with Black. This is in stark contrast to the opinion of the recently-removed Paul Heyman, who supposedly thought very highly of the Dutch star.

The exact changes remain to be seen as despite these reports online, at the moment, it all remains speculation. It could be something as simple as a small change in appearance or something much, much different.

Will we see Black become more in-tune with his dark side? Or will we be seeing something entirely new?

We'll keep you up to date with any news regarding Aleister Black, and the exact nature of this cryptic message, as we hear it. Until then, stay tuned to Sportskeeda for the latest WWE news.