Kofi Kingston talks about fitness and being healthy

Kofi cuts a promo on RAW

– Kofi Kingston is recognized as one of the most athletic wrestlers in the WWE at present. Kofi who is currently the tag team champion with the New Day has showcased a lot of spellbinding moments inside the ring.

Kofi spoke with the Men's Journal while promoting the upcoming PPV event Hell in a Cell which is scheduled for Sunday. Kofi spoke about fitness, his workout ethic and also gave some tips to the readers. He also talks about working with John Cena’s trainer and the benefits of sleeping. Click here for the complete interview.

On the benefits of a good night’s rest

Kofi talked about the importance of a good nights’ sleep. He said that sleep is the most important thing for him and he manages to crash whenever and wherever he can. With WWE Superstars working such a gruelling schedule, it must be hard to catch a shut eye but Kofi said that he has no problem sleeping on the train or the on the flight. He also added that taking rest is as important as the actual workout.

'I am not the best example for somebody who gets enough sleep. The rest is almost as important as the actual workout. A lot of people run themselves into the ground, but you need that rest time to recuperate and recover.”

Oh his trainers

Kofi has been trained in the mixed martial art Capoeira. It is a form of Brazilian martial arts which involves a lot of fierce movements. Kofi spoke about Capoeira and relates it to the video game Tekken. Being a video game buff, Kofi stated that its such a unique art that a person won't even know what struck them while facing someone trained in Capoeira. He is baffled by the things his Capoeira trainer can do and said that if he can do at least 10% of that, he will open a whole new world of possibilities. He also acknowledged that the whole thing is very complicated. He also talked about training with Rob MacIntyre who has been John Cena’s trainer since ages. He concluded by saying that he likes to gain knowledge from every person he trains with.

"[My capoeira trainer] Marrese Crump is very knowledgeable in that aspect, and if I could learn a tenth of what he knows, I would know so much more I did before. And I have a trainer too, Rob MacIntyre. He’s the same guy who’s been training John Cena his whole life. I go to people who have the knowledge I need to make myself better.”
