Is the crowning of new champions so frequently a problem or a benefit for WWE?

WrestleMania XXVlll

The recently heard news focuses mainly on new champion crowning. We heard recently that Wade Barrett won the Intercontinental Championship from Kofi Kingston. More recently the news that Alberto Del Rio defeated Big Show in a Last Man Standing Match for the World Championship became very popular. Is that a mistake? Or is the WWE mainly focusing on extending the WWE Champion CM Punk‘s reign? Are the other superstars just used for main event matches?

Punk won the WWE Championship in November 2011 at Survivor Series. The title’s still on Punk’s waist. Did Big Show even get 5 months to keep the World title? Did Kofi get the chance? The answer is ‘NO’. The reason behind this can be that the company is only focusing on the top superstars. What of the mid-card ones? Don’t they deserve to get on the top roster? I do agree that many top roster superstars like Randy Orton and John Cena are without any title for a long time. But what about newcomers? Isn’t Ryback capable of winning the WWE Championship?

The cause of this is that the scenes of main-event matches are planned months in advance. Examples are – Triple H challenged Brock Lesnar for SummerSlam (August 2012) at No Way Out (June 2012). The Rock challenged CM Punk for the WWE Championship at RAW 1000 (July 2012) for Royal Rumble (January 2013), that too for the WWE Championship! That means it’s confirmed that Punk will not lose the title till Royal Rumble. That’s the reason why the PG Era is boring. A particular superstar, say Ryback, was first screwed over by Brad Maddox, a former referee, and then the WWE put an end to the story by suspending Maddox.

Then comes the Shield. Ryback was about to win the Championship, but WWE was searching for another storyline to keep Punk’s title reign intact. They attacked Ryback. CM Punk vs Ryback was a match first decided for TLC. Then WWE made another excuse for Punk’s knee injury. This is weird and boring. The first time CM Punk cleanly defeated Ryback was the first RAW of the New Year.

WWE are crowning champions for rivalries and not rivals for championships. Alberto Del Rio’s face turn was a mistake and WWE made another mistake by crowning Del Rio as the new champion. This isn’t interesting at all. I mean, what does it mean if you have a 15 second reign like the Big Show at 2011′s TLC? They should get some time. I conclude with the same view that crowning new champions so frequently is a big problem.