Interview: The New Day discuss The Revival, funniest Vince McMahon memory, singles runs, The Elite, and more

The New Day were in India to spread the power of positivity, to one and all!
The New Day were in India to spread the power of positivity, to one and all!

They look far bigger in person than they do on TV. Thankfully, they are just as hilarious as they are on screen. We caught up with Kofi Kingston and Big E as part of their India tour. We asked them the questions you wanted answers to. Their answers were absolutely hysterical, more often than not.

Here is the unedited transcript from the same.

Sportskeeda: The last time you were in India, you were in a program with The Usos, where you were the faces and they were the heels...

Big E: What’s that? What are these terms you use? We just go by the expression of our hearts and how we feel at the time.

Kofi: We have never changed.

Big E: It’s always been about positivity.

Kofi: It’s always been about positivity.

Sportskeeda: You introduced the Hardyz, and everyone wanted a feud between The New Day and The Hardyz...

Big E: Oh, did they?

Kofi: I guess they want to see the greats.

Big E: The legends of their era. The New Day are the legends of The unicorn era. I don't know if you know this, but that’s what we’ve coined the era. The unicorn era.

Sportskeeda: But do you think we’ll see The Hardyz vs. The New Day down the line?

Kofi: Well, who knows? They’re on Raw, we’re on SmackDown now, right? So who’s to say? You never say never in WWE.

Big E: At some point, I think so. But it’s about building anticipation. A lot of times people just want it right away. You can't just get it right away. Yeah, let it build. Let it simmer.

Sportskeeda: Speaking of dream feuds, The New Day vs. The Elite. Do, you think that’ll happen in the future?

Big E: (Dramatically) Ah, we'll see. We shall see. The Elite are very talented individuals. And I think it would be a phenomenal matchup. Maybe. One day. Keep dreaming.

Kofi: The thing about it too is that there are a lot of people in the WWE that you thought would never be there. Oh, Kevin Owens would never be here. Then, he's The Universal Champion, The United States Champion. So many people. AJ Styles. Now here he is. So you never know who’s going to be in WWE.

Sportskeeda: Kofi, how did the idea of the Royal Rumble spot come about, and what’s your favourite?

Kofi: (smiling) You know what? I never rank a favourite. It's not my responsibility to rank the favourites. I just try to come up with something that’s entertaining and then (look to) people around me that I depend on, to execute the entire thing... and it's always gone off without a hitch, you know.

Knocking on mahogany over here. Knocking on wood. You know I saw John Morrison had that like... parkour thing, where he got knocked off the side of the ring all the way to the barricade and you know, hung on. And when I saw him do that, I went, “Oh, I wish I did that.” The very next year, he wasn't with the company anymore and I was like... oh, there’s a spot for somebody to be doing these things. So, I just kind of took it upon myself, to kind of fill that spot and you know, here we are.

Sportskeeda: Big E, you are an ordained pastor now. And we know that John Cena’s getting married soon. Can we see something happening soon?

Big E: It's true. I mean his people have got to call my people if he wants me to marry him. But I guess it’s a possibility. That would be very strange.

Kofi: It would be.

Big E: But I guess it is possible now.

Kofi: I feel like it needs to happen now (everyone laughs).

Sportskeeda: Will either of you eye a singles title in the near future?

Big E: You never know.

Kofi: You never know. The thing about singles titles is when one of us is champion, we are all champions. So it’s in the cards. There’s a lot of championship titles out there that need to be won and we like winning. So, we’ll see. Like I always say, you never know what’s gonna happen.

Big E: It’s true. And I think it would be fresh. I think to have a trio ‘Freebird’ a singles title. That would be cool. It's something we've talked about many times, and we're ready to shake things up.

Sportskeeda: What did you guys individually think about the Old Day segment?

(Big E and Kofi Kingston burst out laughing)

Big E: Move on to the next question.

Kofi: You've got a lot of questions ahead.

Big E: That question should be redacted from the list. Whoever wrote those questions should be taking that one out.

Sportskeeda: The funniest Vince McMahon memory that you have?

Kofi: For me, and E can resonate with this too, so we were trying to figure out what music we wanted to use. The initial music they gave us was like extremely old-school gospel music. Slow, like you couldn’t get behind it. So, we gave them some Kirk Franklin and they came up with The New Day theme. And when they came up with it, we were all listening to it in a room. So after the show, we had like a big speaker and it was so loud.

Big E: So loud

Kofi: And you know Vince. Really stoic for the most part except when he’s getting angry on TV. But this was a side of him I’d never seen, him just rocking out. Him just stomping his foot (enacts it). And I’m not even doing it justice right now, because he was so into it... and we're all sitting there like we didn’t want to be respectful, but this was just funny, man. Like you didn’t expect Vince McMahon to be getting down to this Kirk Franklin style gospel music and he was just so into it. I’m sitting there, just kicking E...

Big E: That’s certainly my favourite moment too. You can't do justice till you’re in that moment. I was shocked at just how much into the church music he was.

Kofi: It’s one of the biggest travesties in the history of the WWE that, that moment was not caught on film. Because the 5 or 6 of us who were in the room are the only ones who've gotten to see that. And it's here (points to head). It really should have been on film.

Sportskeeda: So before you guys moved to SmackDown (The New Day interrupts)

Both: SmackDown Live!

Kofi: C’mon now, you’re media!

Big E: It’s the name of the show. SmackDown Live.

Kofi: SmackDown was the old fist coming through the wall

Big E: It’s old. SmackDown is old.

Sportskeeda: I'm sorry, as I was saying, you were in a feud with the Revival. What do you think of The Revival?

Big E: Despicable.

(Kofi Kingston shows off the scars from his real life ankle surgery)

Big E: The Revival are very talented. Obviously, Mr. Wilder’s jaw is currently, at the moment, it’s...

Kofi: (after a pause) Incapacitated.

Big E: Right. That's the word. I think the cool thing about The Revival is that they're very talented and they are, pretty much what we say in wrestling is - 'what’s old is new again’. You take and borrow from things no one really does, or works in that style of being a really fluid tag team using the brainbusters. Arn and Tully, that kind of you know, working as a tag team and being on the same page, is very cool. They just have a throwback look and feel that is very unique.

So, I’m definitely interested to see how things work for them once they get back on TV because I definitely think there’s place for a tag team like that. That is unique, and different and I think a lot of people, especially like people in the 30s and 40s who grew up watching Arn and Tully are all going – 'Man, The Revival is bringing back that style and doing something new with it’.

You know, borrowing from the past and still making it fresh, so I really dig that. And they’ve had some great, excellent, Match of the Year type candidates in NXT, so I'd like to see them do that on the main roster as well.