Indy News: PWG to edit Dusty Rhodes diss out of DVD

What did Cody Rhodes think about Trevor Lee’s comments?

What’s the story?

Pro Wrestling Guerrilla (PWG) will be editing out a promo that Trevor Lee cut prior to his match with Cody Rhodes, which disrespected the late Dusty Rhodes.

At PWG’s Saturday show, Only King Understand Each Other, Lee cut a promo and said “F#ck Dusty Rhodes”, and did not discuss saying the line with Cody beforehand. This led to Cody going on Twitter to explain rumours of tension between himself and Lee. See the tweets below.

In case you didn’t know...

The late Dusty Rhodes passed away in July of 2015. His body was cremated and The American Dream’s ashes were spread on one of his favourite ranches by members of his family. Goldust took to Facebook to inform people of this.

A year later, Cody Rhodes requested his release from the WWE and took to Twitter to explain his reason for parting ways with the company. One of the biggest issues Cody discussed was his desire to leave a legacy better than the character of Stardust and his desire to become WWE Champion; one of the major titles his father never held.

This isn’t the first time that Rhodes has been upset when people bring up his father in bad taste, as he chastised the WWE for the Dusty Rhodes teddy bear incident that happened back in December 2016.


The heart of the matter

Cody still seems to be deeply emotional about his father’s passing and views insults about his death as an affront to him personally. The incident with Trevor Lee could’ve gone south if Rhodes didn’t act like a professional, so it’s good to hear that the two men worked it out.

What’s next?

Hopefully, his future opponents respect his wishes and leave Dusty Rhodes comments out of their feuds and potential matches. Unfortunately, a situation like this may occur again and hopefully, Cody continues to handle these situations in the best way possible.

Sportskeeda’s Take:

Cody Rhodes very clearly misses his father and would rather not hear his name brought up unless to honour his legendary career. Hopefully, this will be one of the last incidents of people using the Son of a Plumber to get cheap heat.

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