IMPACT Wrestling Results (September 13th, 2019): Major star returns, LAX gets one last chance

Tessa Blanchard surrounds herself with ECW originals in the presence of oVe.
Tessa Blanchard surrounds herself with ECW originals in the presence of oVe.

Last week, it was revealed that Brian Cage would be defending his IMPACT World Championship against his #1 contender, Sami Callihan. However, it would have to be at Bound For Glory, a whole six weeks from now. It probably goes without saying, but the Callihan Death Machine was a tad bit upset about this decision.

Tonight, though, he had to put that in the back of his mind. In the main event, he would team with the X-Division Champion to take on two longtime enemies of oVe. It would be the Draw and the Golden Draw against the Undeniable Tessa Blanchard and the Hardcore Icon Tommy Dreamer in a Street Fight.

Ace Austin has been after Alisha Edwards for over a month now, and with all of the tricks that he's pulled since setting eyes on her, he's close to finally breaking her away from her husband Eddie Edwards. Tonight, the former World Champion had one last shot to make sure that didn't happen when he battled Austin in single's competition.

Plus, a huge return to IMPACT Wrestling may have changed the balance of the tag division as we know it! All that and more on this week's IMPACT Wrestling!

Kiera Hogan vs Tenille Dashwood

Hogan tried to test Dashwood early, hoping to get into the new signee's head. Dashwood wasn't shaken, but as she tried to chase the Girl on Fire into the corner, Hogan demanded the ref back her up, allowing her to get in a few cheap shots.

Dashwood responded by leveling Hogan and covering her for a near fall. Hogan escaped and went outside, trying to break away from her opponent. Dashwood chased her around the ring and caught her in the ropes with a neckbreaker. Hogan was sent into the ropes and rolled Dashwood up with a sunset flip, then connected with a superkick.

Hogan sent Dashwood to the mat with a hair pulling mat slam and attempted a cover. Dashwood easily broke out. In the corner, Hogan placed her foot in Dashwood's throat, trying to choke the life out of her in her IMPACT debut.

A running clothesline in the corner set up for the running dropkick and a pinfall. Hogan tried to use the ropes to help get the pin, but couldn't reach with her feet, allowing Dashwood to kick out. A bulldog dropped Dashwood on her face giving Hogan another near fall.

Dashwood finally got back in the match with a few clotheslines and a butterfly suplex into the turnbuckle. The running corner body splash gave her a near fall. Hogan dodged the Spotlight and laid out Dashwood with a high roundhouse kick, but the pinfall was broken up again. She brought Dashwood up for the swinging fisherman suplex, only for Dashwood to escape and counter another facebuster with a German suplex.

Hogan countered a deadlift German and chopped Dashwood in the throat. She rushed the corner for another clothesline. However, Dashwood avoided it and locked her in the Tarantula, breaking the hold at the 3-count. A crossbody from the top allowed Dashwood to finally hit the Spotlight for the win.

Results: Tenille Dashwood defeated Kiera Hogan via pinfall.

Another oVe promo saw the group awaiting a furious Sami Callihan who was upset about Brian Cage getting another six weeks until he had to defend his title. By the time Bound for Glory gets here, the IMPACT World Championship will have been sitting on the shelf for two months.

Callihan said that he'll have to deal with Cage and his fiance Maria Santos later, because he and the Golden Draw, X-Division Champion Jake Crist, will take on Tessa Blanchard and Tommy Dreamer tonight. oVe plan on finally putting them down forever.

Big Mike sent a dangerous message to Naomichi Maraufuji
Big Mike sent a dangerous message to Naomichi Maraufuji

Jimmy Jacobs interviewed the IMPACT Tag Team Champions backstage, going over their epic victory over LAX. Following the loss, Santana and Ortiz were forced to leave IMPACT Wrestling.

Josh Alexander and Ethan Page were furious that the tag titles were playing second fiddle to LAX, but now they can be the new favorite tag team of the IMPACt fan base.

Michael Elgin vs Dinastia

Elgin looked to make quick work of the AAA Mini Champion and easily broke a waist lock to send him over-head with ease. Dinastia tried to stick and move with a variety of kicks, but Elgin was simply not phased. The luchador avoided a clothesline and attempted a Pele Kick. Elgin blocked him but was sent into the corner with a hurricanrana.

Dinastia went up for a dive only to be caught by Elgin with one arm, sending him onto his knee with a backbreaker. Elgin attempted a suplex but the Mini Champion was able to escape, sending Elgin outside and leaping onto Elgin with a double springboard corkscrew moonsault. Elgin caught him and powerbombed him on the apron, then went back inside to deliver a devastating lariat.

An Emerald Flowsion put Dinastia away.

Results: Michael Elgin defeated Dinastia via pinfall.

Following the match, Elgin called out Naomichi Maraufuji. Big Mike said that he's beaten the Best Bout Machine, bloodied the chest of the Rainmaker and more. However, while he was in Japan, there was one man who never faced him one-on-one, and that's Marufuji.

Elgin then challenged Marufuji at Bound for Glory, looking to put yet another legendary performer and send them to the hospital.

Taya Valkyrie and John E. Bravo were aggravating Rosemary in her cave. The Knockout's Champion gave the Demon Assassin an iPhone and suggested that the next time they meet, it should be somewhere they can get mimosas. Rosemary was furious at the thought, but Valkyrie believed that she secretly loved their time together.

A special exhibition between two former AAA Mega Champions
A special exhibition between two former AAA Mega Champions

TJP met Fallah Bahh backstage in catering, trading food. The former X-Division Champion did his best to give a pep talk to the big man, hoping to connect via their Filipino heritage. Somehow, someway, TJP is going to help Bahh find his voice.

James Mitchell sent a personal message to Havok, hoping to stop her from going to war with Su Yung. The Undead Bride is the equivalent to a category five hurricane, according to the Sinister Minister, and there's nothing he can do to save Havok should she choose to face that storm head-on.

A pre-taped Moose promo played next, with Mr. IMPACT Wrestling claiming that Ken Shamrock wasn't the Most Dangerous Man in the World. Next week he'll give the UFC Hall of Famer and everyone else a taste of what true danger is, and at Bound For Glory, he'll prove just how deadly he can be.

Texano Jr vs Dr. Wagner Jr

Texano attacked Wagner as the legendary luchador cut a promo, sending him outside. Ringside, the two men brawled, with Texano keeping the upper hand. Back inside, Texano battered him with fists and kicks, then worked over Wagner's leg with a heel hook.

Wagner tried to roll over but his knee was driven into the mat for his trouble. Texano grabbed the bull rope only for Kid Ref to block the attack, taking it away. This gave Wagner enough time to get back in the match, sending Texano over with a pair of dragon screws. Wagner took Texano up to the second rope, the most dangerous rope, for a cutter.

Texano was then sent over the ropes and apron, crashing to the ground below. A rolling senton from the apron took the big man out. Wagner teased using the bull rope, but opted to launch Texano into the steel barricade instead. As he followed Texano back inside, though, Texano kicked him coming through the ropes, setting up a DDT. Wagner kicked out of the pinfall. A leg lariat led to another near fall.

Texano ascended the ropes but was met by Wagner, who brought Texano crashing to the mat with a superplex. Texano kicked out at two. A hammerlock lariat set up for the Wagner Driver, giving Wagner the victory.

Results: Dr. Wagner Jr defeated Texano Jr via pinfall.

Ace Austin tried to convince Alisha Edwards not to rush out to ringside should his match with Eddie Edwards get out of hand. Eddie has, according to Austin, been sending death threats and is probably going to do some despicable things tonight. Alisha promised she would stay back for her safety.

The war for Alisha Edwards continues
The war for Alisha Edwards continues

Konnan, Santana, and Ortiz were seen backstage packing up for their departure. Angel Ortiz was seen drinking coffee, for the first time that Santana can remember. Willie Mack & Rich Swann came in to give them a pep talk, reminding them that they turned the tag division on its head and proved themselves against the best. After all, Konnan doesn't just represent anybody.

Swann said that there's still time for them to end things in IMPACT on a high note, and figured the best way to do that was for the four of them to face off next week. Konnan thought that was a great idea and went to IMPACT management to demand the match be made. Ortiz, who was drinking coffee before because he didn't want to associate alcohol with bad times, pulled out a bottle and screamed, "I'ma drink now!"

Ace Austin vs Eddie Edwards

Eddie Edwards rushed the ring just like the last match. Ace Austin saw it coming, though, and sent him into the corner for a few strikes. However, Edwards avoided a chop and sent Austin outside, following up with a suicide dive. Austin tried to rush him when Edwards adjusted his shoe, but Edwards blocked a suplex and laid him out with a massive chop.

Austin was sent crotch first into the steel ringpost by Edwards. The former World Champion followed Austin back inside only to be cut off by Austin, who battered him with a few kicks and took him down with a float-over suplex. Edwards broke out, leading to Austin's infamous playing card spot, cutting the fingers of Edwards.

Edwards was pelted with elbow strikes to the shoulder and jaw, as we saw the youngster going toe-to-toe with IMPACT's resident Hardcore Hero. At a certain point, though, Edwards became empowered by the punishment, and nearly decapitated Austin with a clothesline. Some more chops left Austin's chest beet red. Austin tried to catch Edwards with a springboard kick only for the Boston Brawler to catch him in a Blue Thunder Bomb. Austin kicked out.

Austin blocked the Tiger Driver and sent Edwards into the corner. Austin was sent to the apron, and as the referee was distracted, cracked Edwards in the face with his baton. Edwards was hit with the springboard kick but yet again kicked out as we went to commercial break.

Back from that, Austin was taking it to Edwards, catching him with a series of kicks and knee strikes before dropping him with a bulldog. A double leg facebuster set up for the Fold, but Edwards blocked it for the Tiger Driver. Austin managed to kick out.

Before Edwards could hit the Boston Knee Party, Austin rolled outside, However, he was met by another suicide dive, sending him crashing to the ground. Edwards took out a chair, and though Austin avoided a few shots, a handstand on the apron allowed Edwards to sling the chair into Austin's arm, seemingly breaking it.

Results: Ace Austin defeated Eddie Edwards via DQ.

Austin screamed in agony as he was rolled inside. Edwards finally connected with the Boston Knee Party. As he continued to go after him, the referee and security pulled him away. Edwards picked up a chair again on the outside, but when one member of security came between him and Austin, he sent it into his head.

Brian Cage and Melissa Santos were interviewed by Jimmy Jacobs, and the couple revealed that they would be getting married in two weeks in Las Vegas.

When asked about the possibility of his title getting stripped, Cage said that probably would've been the right move, but he's not here to be a once in a while attraction, and vows to be the kind of champion that the IMPACT fanbase deserves.

Back from the Deaner's Compound, the Desi Hit Squad look to get back on track
Back from the Deaner's Compound, the Desi Hit Squad look to get back on track

Another Johnny Swinger vignette played, with the Swing Man showing off his incredible physique. Swinger even called out Brian Cage, claiming that he looks like he never works out.

Alisha Edwards assisted Ace Austin to the ambulance backstage. Eddie Edwards came to try to keep Alisha away, but by that point, she had made up her mind. She said that Edwards wasn't her husband, just a cheater.

Austin made some...suggestive moves as Alisha had her back turned to him, proving that he wasn't as injured as originally thought and aggravating Edwards even further.

Big Mami & Niño Hamburguesa vs the Desi Hit Squad w/the Deaners

Raj Singh and Rohit Raju came down to the ring wearing overalls from the Deaner Compound. Hamburguesa almost sent Singh outside with a shoulder tackle. Raju and Big Mami tagged in here, with Mami slapping Raju across the face.

Mami ducked a clothesline with a matrix into as bridge, but Raju took her out with a kick. Mami responded with a crossbody and torqued the arm with a wrist lock. Hamburguesa tagged in but Raju broke away and sent him into the Desi Hit Squad's corner, allowing Singh to tag in for a running dropkick to the knee and a running boot to the head.

Singh went to the second rope for an elbow drop. Hamburguesa rolled away and tagged in Mami, with both of them sandwiching Singh. Mami followed up by giving him, and later Raju, a stinkface. WIth both of them stacked up in the corner, Hamburguesa rolled in for a cannonball senton. The Desi Hit Squad rolled outside, but they weren't safe. Mami held the ropes open while Hamburguesa rolled through them, taking the Hit Squad out.

Mami followed up with a dive from the post to the outside, bowling over everyone. Hamburguesa was sent into the ring post, and the Squad set up to put away Mami. Mami avoided a boot from Raju who connected with Singh instead. Raju was sent outside following a Samoan drop.

Hamburguesa dropped onto Singh with a body splash and Big Mami held him down for the pinfall.

Results: Big Mami & Niño Hamburguesa defeated the Desi Hit Squad via pinfall

Following the match, Mahabali Shera attacked the Deaners, laying them out with ease. A massive chokeslam bounced Cody off the mat while Jake was nearly driven through the mat with a sitout spinebuster.

Gama Singh came down at this point, applauding the big man. Shera demanded that Raju and Singh pay their respects to Gama, officially joining the Desi Hit Squad in the process.

Blanchard and Dreamer wage war in a Street Fight
Blanchard and Dreamer wage war in a Street Fight

Street Fight: oVe (Sami Callihan & Jake Crist) vs Tommy Dreamer & Tessa Blanchard

oVe and Blanchard & Dreamer met on the ramp, with oVe sending their opponents to the top of the stage. Crist and Callihan tried to send them into each other, but they caught each other's arms, turned around and took out Crist and Callihan with a pair of clotheslines.

Blanchard focused on Crist near the ring while Callihan battled Dreamer on the ramp. On the apron, Blanchard caught a boot from Crist and sent him face-first into the ring. She followed up with a leaping clothesline, laying him out. Callihan was seen at the top as Dreamer had been taken out at some point.

They met at the bottom of the ramp, with Callihan getting the better of the situation. Callihan looked for a powerbomb. However, Blanchard grabbed onto the ropes and launched herself onto the Draw with a rolling senton.

Back from the commercial break, Crist was taken out with a tilt-a-whirl DDT inside the ring that was now full of steel chairs. Dreamer was working over Callihan outside but was stopped off camera, leading to another brawl between Callihan and Blanchard. Callihan grabbed a staple gun and tried to drive it into Dreamer's head. the Hardcore Legend went to the midsection, putting a stop to it.

Callihan tried to bring him over with a sunset flip, only for Dreamer to keep his balance and fill Callihan's chest and backside with staples. He was hung up in the corner in a tree of woe while Dreamer and Blanchard battered Crist with a series of punches. Crist was placed in a tree of woe and both oVe members had chairs placed in front of their faces. Dreamer and Blanchard drop kicked them into Callihan and Crist's faces, following up with a pair of cutters.

Both men kicked out. As Dreamer and Blanchard tried to focus on Callihan, Crist dropped Blanchard with a right to the jaw. Dreamer was taken out, leading to a two-on-one brawl between the Undeniable One and oVe. Blanchard was taken out by a pair of running boots. A superkick and a super cutter couldn't put Blanchard away.

The #1 Contender to IMPACT's World Title demanded Crist take Blanchard up top. Dreamer sent him into the same corner, placing Crist on Callihan's shoulders for a Doomsday Device, leveling Crist, who was then crushed by Magnum. Callihan went to Blanchard's gut with his bat, but Dreamer broke up the Cactus Special with a kendo stick.

Before he could finish off Callihan, Dave Crist and Madman Fulton interfered, allowing Callihan to spike Dreamer with the Cactus Special for the win.

Results: oVe defeated Tommy Dreamer & Tessa Blanchard via pinfall.

Following the match, oVe continued to beat down Dreamer. Blanchard saved him from another Cactus Special with the kendo stick. Callihan and the Crists were taken out, but the stick didn't phase Fulton. A low blow, however, doubled him over, and a cane to the head sent him outside.

Callihan responded with a chair to the throat of Blanchard. Before she could hit the Cactus Special, Rhyno and Rob Van Dam rushed the ring. A Gore cut Callihan in half while Van Dam delivered a spinning back kick to Jake Crist. the Five Star Frog Splash crushed Crist, sending him out to recover with the rest of oVe.

Blanchard was left standing in the middle of the ring with Dreamer, RVD, and Rhyno, while Callihan and oVe stood outside the ring snarling.