IMPACT Wrestling Results (March 17th, 2020): Ken Shamrock makes career announcement, Will the North lose the Tag Team Titles? 

Ken Shamrock was met with a fireball by the man behind Reality Is Lost
Ken Shamrock was met with a fireball by the man behind Reality Is Lost

With the coronavirus pandemic forcing closings, cancellations, and postponements of various events and buildings, it's not surprising to have learned that IMPACT Wrestling has postponed all upcoming house shows and special events. Thankfully, they've got a few taped episodes left, giving wrestling fans a sense of normalcy.

Tonight's episode was pretty stacked, featuring several fantastic matches from the IMPACT roster. Ken Shamrock's big announcement was finally made tonight as well.

We kicked off the night with the IMPACT Tag Team Title match. The North has lost several matches against TJP and Fallah Bahh, both singles and tag team contests. Tonight, Ethan Page and Josh Alexander defended the belts against arguably their toughest opponents since LAX.

IMPACT Tag Team Championship Match: TJP & Fallah Bahh vs The North (c)

Ethan Page & Josh Alexander hammered Bah, but he shrugged off the shots and dumped Page to the floor. Tagging in TJP, Bahh dropped him with a belly-to-belly suplex. TJP followed up with a kneebar but was blocked. Page caught Alexander just as he was getting spun around in a tornado DDT, countering into a double Impaler.

Page tagged in, and the North began working over the former X-Division Champion. With the ring cut in half, TJP's back was weakened. Various stretches and backbreakers hindered the challenger's movement. A hand-off stalling suplex was countered, but Ethan Page distracted the ref, preventing him from seeing the tag to Bahh.

The North set up for another double team maneuver, but TJP was able to send Alexander into Page before dropping him with a double underhook gutbuster. Bahh finally tagged in and set up both champions in opposite corners for a series of running hip attacks. Page attempted a kick but his foot was sent into Alexander's face.

With Page dumped to the floor, Bahh planted Alexander in the middle of the ring with a sit-out powerbomb for a near fall. TJP tagged back in, but their offense was broken up when Page knocked TJP off the top. A nasty running crossbody through the ropes by Alexander wiped out TJP as we cut to commercial.

Back from the break, Alexander was still wearing out TJP with punches and chops. TJP escaped the North's corner and tagged Bahhh back in. TJ-B hit a double foot jawbreaker/running crossbody for a pinfall. Page, however, broke it up.

Alexander and TJP were at their feet first, leading to a striking contest between the two. TJP countered a ripcord discus lariat with a leaping back kick. Page took him out, but was laid out by Bahh. Alexander followed up with a German, but the big man rose back to his feet and knocked Alexander's block off with a massive clothesline.

Bahh took Page to the top, but was halted by Alexander. The Walking Weapon dropped him with an electric chair facebuster, while Page followed up by a Swanton from Page. The Monster Mash (Double neutralizer) failed to put Bahh away. Bahh took out the North with a pair of clotheslines before tagging in TJP.

TJP's wanton missed, but he caught Page in the TJP Clutch. Page crawled towards the ropes, forcing TJP to change to the STF. As Bahh attempted to hold Alexander back, they fell into the ref, distracting him just as Page tapped out.

TJP and Bahh sent Alexander to the floor where Bahh hit a massive suicide dive. Back inside the ring, Page sent Bahh into TJP and rocked the big guy with a roundhouse. With him on the floor, the North set their sights on TJP. He fought off the champs, sending Page away in order to spike Alexander with a Tornado DDT. However, they were eventually able to connect with the Northern Assault, retaining their belts.

Results: The North defeated TJP & Fallah Bahh via pinfall.

After the match, Eddie Edwards revealed the members of his LockDown team. Tommy Dreamer, Daga, and IMPACT World Champion Tessa Blanchard. However, LockDown has been postponed going forward.

Chris Bey has arrived
Chris Bey has arrived

On this week's episode of "The Real Housewives of Slamtown" Taya Valkyrie introduced her "bestie" Rosemary to her friends. Valkyrie's friends Heather and Holly weren't sold on their friendship. A few bottles of wine later, and the women were ready to go out for a night on the town. However, at the nightclub, Rosemary nearly sucked out the soul of Holly.

Valkyrie stopped it but allowed her to suck out the soul of the bartender instead. It was as ridiculous as it sounds, and we need more.

Josh Mathews and Don Callis addressed the weekly cyber attacks that IMPACT has been dealing with. Extra security around the building is one step that's been taken, though that didn't stop ICU from hacking the official IMPACT Twitter page the week prior.

Chris Bey vs Damien Drake

Chris Bey took Damien Drake down with a shoulder tackle before sending him overhead with a headscissors takedown. A running leg trip set up a running roundhouse to the back of the head. A dive to the floor left Drake dazed.

Back inside, Bey avoided a kick from Drake and lit him up with a series of kicks followed by a slingshot neckbreaker. A spinning knee strike set Bey up for the Beymasser.

Results: Chris Bey defeated Damien Drake via pinfall.

Alicia Edwards met Jordynne Grace backstage hoping to get a spot on her Lockdown team. Grace said she'd already proven herself after beating up the X-Division Champion earlier in 2019.

Backstage, TNA veteran Chase Stevens of The Naturals was interviewed about TNA's No Place Like Home. Stevens, like every other TNA legend, was interrupted by Moose, who stated that nobody that's returned over the past few weeks is considered a superstar.

Once again, Moose was dragged for a lack of titles in IMPACT. This week, he wasn't having any of it and swung on Stevens. However, the three-time tag team champion saw it coming and took the fight to the former NFL player.

After months of trials and tribulations, it was revealed that "Shogun" Jackson Stone won this year's Gut Check Challenge.

After a quick commercial break, we were brought to an interview with Jimmy Jacobs and IMPACT World Champion Tessa Blanchard. The Undeniable One has had a strong 2020 so far. Blanchard managed to defeat Taya Valkyrie and Ace Austin in the past month, finally knocking off two competitors who had defeated her for titles in the past.

At Rebellion, Blanchard is set to defend her title against both Eddie Edwards and Michael Elgin.

Cancel Culture has taken over IMPACT Wrestling
Cancel Culture has taken over IMPACT Wrestling

Joey Ryan came out to the ring dressed in a long sleeve sweater and cargo shorts. Accompanied by Rob Van Dam and Katie Forbes, who was now covering up her assets, they were introduced as "Cancel Culture."

Ryan, now called Joseph P. Ryan, stated that they all have gifts, but were tired of getting such a negative reaction from the fans, both at the shows and on the internet. Ryan stated that we'd never see the "D-Flip" again before RVD took the mic, insulting their opponents who have been drinking beer all night. The former world champion berated them for letting their minds be altered by any substance before a match.

Cancel Culture (Joseph P. Ryan & Rob Van Dam) w/Katie Forbes vs The Deaners

Ryan took off the sweater, revealing a button-down dress shirt. He was battered by Cousin Jake but was able to hang Cody Deaner up on the ropes in order to tag in RVD. The high-flyer knocked Deaner to the floor with a leaping back kick off the top rope.

Back inside the ring, RVD teased Rolling Thunder, but denied the fans. Ryan tagged in and rocked Deaner with right hands to the jaw. He teased the D-Flip again, only to deny, like RVD. Deaner escaped as he insulted the fans, allowing Jake to run in and lay him out.

Jake delivered a strong running shoulder block to RVD in the corner. Deaner tagged back in, but was distracted by Katie Forbes. A superkick from Ryan set RVD up for the Five-Star Frog Splash.

Results: Cancel Culture defeated The Deaners via pinfall.

Lacey Ryan looked great against another top Knockout, Kiera Hogan
Lacey Ryan looked great against another top Knockout, Kiera Hogan

Willie Mack met Ace Austin backstage, thanking the X-Division Champion, although he didn't need the champ's help. Austin said he's got a goal in IMPACT, and that's to hold all the gold in the company. Therefore, he picked Mack to be the man to capture the IMPACT Tag Team Titles. Mack declined, stating that his only tag team partner is Rich Swann.

Austin asked when he'd be ready to capture gold in IMPACT. Mack revealed that he'd be in a match next week to determine the #1 contender of the X-Division Championship, much to Austin's dismay.

Kiera Hogan vs Lacey Ryan

Ryan had an incredible match against Jordynne Grace last week, earning a lot of respect from the fans. Tonight, she hoped to pick up a victory against Kiera Hogan.

Hogan attacked Ryan before the bell, but the powerhouse was quickly able to get back in the match with a great rolling dropkick. A slingsot elbow missed, however, allowing Hogan to hit a springboard axe kick in the ropes.

Back on the inside, the Knockouts traded chops. A poke to the eyes allowed Hogan to send Ryan into the corner for a running dropkick to the jaw. Ryan kicked out of the pinfall and pelted Hogan with kicks, but was again cut off with a leg trip.

A strong right hand from Ryan kick-started her comeback. Several clotheslines, a kick and lifting knee to the jaw dazed Hogan. After getting bounced off the turnbuckle, Hogan was hit with the slingshot elbow. A reverse suplex into a knee strike nearly gave Ryan the victory.

Hogan avoided a frog splash and rocked Ryan with a roundhouse. A swinging fisherman's neckbreaker put Ryan away.

Results: Kiera Hogan defeated Lacey Ryan via pinfall.

Su Yung found a note from James Mitchell, asking that she meet he and Havok in the Undead Realm next week for a match without the possible interference from Rosemary. Mitchell blamed Rosemary for ruining any possible alliance Yung and Havok could've had, and promised to stay impartial next week.

Eddie Edwards revealed his Lockdown team earlier tonight. Michael Elgin responded with three incredible picks. Taya Valkyrie and The North will join Big Mike in his war against Eddie Edwards when Lockdown takes place.

Jake Crist vs Daga

Crist was nearly pinned at the beginning of the match with a crucifix attempt. Daga took out Crist with a kicking combination, but couldn't hit the stomp. Avoiding Crist's roundhouse, Daga took him down with a head scissors. However, Crist caught Daga in the ropes and hit a dragon screw leg whip that bounced Daga's knee off the apron.

Daga shook it off and set up for a suicide dive, but a wheel kick rocked him. Crist spiked Daga with a diving tornado DDT on the floor as we cut to break.

Back from commercial, Crist locked Daga in the stump puller. Daga eventually made it to the ropes. As they both stood up, they hit one another with roundhouse kicks and clotheslines. As they continued to trade, Daga got the upper hand and took Crist down with another pinfall attempt. Crist kicked out and was planted with a gutwrench sit-out powerbomb.

Crist escaped a double underhook and battered Daga with his own kicking combination, finishing with a nasty rolling roundhouse kick. Daga was spiked with a German suplex, but rose quickly to respond with a snap German.

As Daga moved up for a dive, he was met with a Crist Cutter. Daga managed to kick out and spike Crist with another snap German. The double underhook lung blower put Crist away.

Results: Daga defeated Jake Crist via pinfall.

Backstage, security thought they'd spotted the hacker. A man in a hoodie was suspiciously standing by a merch stand before getting tossed out.

The man that was arrested backstage was in fact Ryan Cage, ordained minister and brother of former IMPACT World Champion Brian Cage. Scott D'aMore stopped security from tossing him out, but after saying "I came to see my brother" he was tossed out the building.

Josh Mathews stood in the ring to discuss the upcoming Lockdown and TNA: No Place Like Home events, both of which have been postponed. Mathews then brought out wrestling and MMA legend Ken Shamrock.

The crowd erupted in "Thank You Shamrock" and "He's a Legend" chants. The first-ever TNA World Champion was an important building block for what is now IMPACT Wrestling. At Bound for Glory 2020, Shamrock will be inducted into the IMPACT Wrestling Hall of Fame.

In the middle of the video package for Shamrock, ICU interrupted once again. The lights went out, and when they came back up, a masked man appeared in the middle of the ring before tossing a fireball in the face of the newly announced Hall of Famer. It was pretty evident, though, that it was Sami Callihan.

Callihan revealed himself before using his phone to cut off the lights again, disappearing just as backstage officials and security rushed to the ring.