IMPACT Wrestling Results (December 15th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

The North continues to fall apart; Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers lay out top IMPACT stars
The North continues to fall apart; Kenny Omega and The Good Brothers lay out top IMPACT stars

IMPACT Wrestling last week proved to be one of the best nights of the year for the promotion. Thanks to the excitement surrounding Kenny Omega and AEW working with IMPACT Wrestling, fans of both promotions and other outsiders tuned in to see what the buzz was about. Between AXS TV, YouTube, Twitch, and Facebook, IMPACT managed to get over 750,000 views on their product.

The AEW World Champion and Don Callis were back tonight and would be popping up throughout the night. His former Bullet Club partner Karl Anderson would be in action as well, taking on Chris Sabin.

We also had Manik versus Chris Bey, as the new IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion looked to start his reign strong with a win over the Ultimate Finesser. Alongside that, the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title Tournament continued, with the next round starting tonight. Rosemary and Taya Valkyrie battled against Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz, with both teams going in as strong favorites to win the belts.

Kaleb with a K introduced us to IMPACT Wrestling and Tenille Dashwood. At Final Resolution, they managed to overcome Alisha and Eddie Edwards in tag team action. Tonight, Lish had a shot at redemption.

Tenille Dashwood w/Kaleb with a K vs Alisha Edwards w/Eddie Edwards on IMPACT Wrestling

Alisha Edwards dropped Tenille Dashwood on her face after a swinging leg trip, following up with a running senton splash. A tilt-a-whirl sent Dashwood into the corner, but Dashwood turned things around with a rope hung neckbreaker. Edwards kicked out at two.

Dashwood's technical work was enough to keep Alisha fighting from underneath throughout most of the match. Though she escaped a full nelson, a sidewalk slam bounced her off the mat. However, Alisha managed to avoid a second rope hung neckbreaker, responding with a step-up enziguri and a running clothesline.

Alisha followed up with a running elbow in the corner and a bulldog. Kaleb with a K pulled Dashwood to the floor just in time. Eddie Edwards tried to get Kaleb out of the way, and was hit with his camera for his trouble. Lish took him out with a dive after Dashwood shoved him into harm's way.

Unfortunatley for Alisha, when as she entered through the ropes again, Tenille Dashwood bulldozed over her with the Lights Out Kick.

Results: Tenille Dashwood defeated Alisha Edwards via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B-

Immediately after the match, the static appeared throughout the IMPACT zone, as Sami Callihan's ICU appeared on the screen. Callihan then sent a message to Eddie Edwards, wanting to put an end to their rivalry once and for all. On the first episode of IMPACT Wrestling in 2021, Callihan and Edwards will go to war one last time.

Mean Gia Miller was backstage with The Motor City Machine Guns. Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley said that their hit list was almost finished. They knocked off XXXL and The North in recent weeks.

Tonight the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Chris Sabin looked to prove that the true Machine Gun wasn't Karl Anderson.

Don Callis and Kenny Omega were with Anderson on Omega's bus. The AEW World Champion and The Invisible Hand both told Anderson to go prove why he was a finalist in the 2012 G1. That match should be incredible.

Moose is ready to show Rich Swann pain
Moose is ready to show Rich Swann pain

Karl Anderson rushed through the doors and ran right into the IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Rich Swann, looking for Chris Sabin. Anderson claimed that he'd knock out Sabin before they even got to the ring, but when the Guns showed up beside Swann, his tone changed.

Mr. IMPACT Wrestling continues to play mind games with Rich Swann

Moose, the self-proclaimed TNA World Champion, gave us an update on Willie Mack. Chocolate Thunder would be out of the IMPACT Wrestling ring for weeks after the punishment Moose put him though last week.

Moose said that he didn't even have any issues with Mack, but needed to send a message. IMPACT Wreslting fans are only talking about Rich Swann, when they should be talking about him. He told Swann to call his friend up to ask what pain really felt like.

Willie's music hit, and he tried to rush the ring. However, security stopped him from getting off the ramp. Mack said that he wasn't here to wrestle, but to issue a challenge. He's tired of referees telling him when he's had enough. At IMPACT Wrestling Genesis, he'll face Moose in an I Quit Match.

Mack rushed the ring, but was held back again, allowing Moose to lay him out. The security team tried to do the same to Moose, but felt his wrath when they inadvertently tore his suit.

Moose ran into Gia Miller backstage, and said he was tired of Independent Wrestlers looking for opportunities to get on camera. The so-called "security" just ruined his shirt, and this was the one warning he'd be willing to give. Never put your hands on Moose.

Chris Bey ran into Rohit Raju backstage and actually had some advice for the Mocha Skin Manimal. Unmask Manik and prove that he's TJP.

If they do that, IMPACT Wrestling would have to give him the X-Division Championship on the grounds that TJP wasn't supposed to get another shot at the belt. Raju would accompany Bey ringside in his match with Manik next.

They had Manik ready to be unmasked...and then...
They had Manik ready to be unmasked...and then...

AEW's Tony Schiavone and Tony Khan again paid for some advertising space, and they once again insulted IMPACT Wrestling as well as calling out the AEW World Champion and Don Callis. Schiavone buried AXSTV, claiming that it was impossible for fans to find.

While plugging the next episode of AEW Dynamite, they continued to insult IMPACT Wrestling, even saying that Christopher Daniels and Kazarian both stated that IMPACT never really had fans. Considering they're both former X-Division and IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions, that's a rough statement.

We got another one of Eric Young's imprisonment vignettes, with Eric Young speaking about sickness. Sitting across from him was Cody Deaner, who attacked his own cousin at IMPACT Wrestling Final Resolution. Young claimed he would baptize Cody and bring him in as a new follower.

Chris Bey w/Rohit Raju vs Manik on IMPACT Wrestling

Chris Bey started the match of strong, battering Manik in the corner. Eventually, Manik was able to escape through the ropes and turn Bey inside out with a tilt-a-whirl headscissors. A tilt-a-whirl alpine slame planted Bey before he was dumped to the floor for a dive.

Back in the ring, Bey struggled to keep up with the IMPACT Wrestling X-Division Champion, but caught him eventually going through the ropes with a kick to the head. A leaping elbow off the second rope brought Manik down for a two-count.

Bey continued to work over the champ while Rohit Raju begged him to tear the mask off. The constant distractions kept Manik in the match more than anything, and a back suplex bounced Bey off the mat, momentarily picking up steam. A leaping kick dazed Manik, but he was able to avoid the Art of Finesse.

Manik crawled under the ring and appeared on the other side. When Bey turned around, a diving crossbody connected. Following a running double knee in the corner, the Detonation Kick dropped the former champion.

Bey avoided another maneuver by holding onto the referee, catching Manik with a low blow at the same time. The ref turned around to see Raju trying to tear his mask off. Bey tried to get him to leave, and when he turned was hit by Raju, forcing the DQ.

Results: Chris Bey defeated Manik via DQ on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: B+

Bey had a wide grin on his face, and it seemed that both Manik and Rohit Raju were finessed. With a win over Manik, Bey is now in line for a title shot, all the while making Raju look like a fool.

The worl
The world belongs to "us"

Ethan Page caught up to Josh Alexander backstage to explain his plan for The North. Alexander was still wearing The North jacket, looking like he hadn't yet given up on his partner. The former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions still wanted the gold, but Alexander needed Page to get his head straight first.

Page said he was right, and that "we" would always have his back. Who is Page talking about?

Brian Myers tried to convince Josh Alexander to join him in a new tag team. Alexander stated that he was already in a bad mood, and would rather take it out on IMPACT Wrestling's "Most Professional Wrestler."

Karl Anderson was back on Kenny Omega's bus, again hyping him up for his match tonight. However, after Anderson left, Omega said that he was tired of IMPACT Wrestling World Champion Rich Swann trying to run the show. It was time for Kenny Omega to show him who was really running things.

Knockouts Tag Title Tournament: Kiera Hogan & Tasha Steelz vs Taya Valkyrie & Rosemary on IMPACT Wrestling

Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary, both former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champions, came in as the favorites. However, were they facing anyone else, Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan would be the easy bet.

Tasha Steelz was tossed around by Valkyrie and Rosemary. After taking a big exploder suplex, Steelz tagged out to Hogan. Rosemary easily overpowered her former ally, the woman she once called Firefly. Still, Steelz was able to catch Rosemary near the ropes with a step-up enziguri, allowing Hogan to get back in the bout.

Hogan and Steelz kept the Demon Assassin locked down cut off from her side of the ring. Rosemary knocked Hogan to the floor and trapped Steelz in the Upside Down, taking full advantage of the five-count. Rosemary managed to get to her corner, but Hogan rushed over and yanked Valkyrie off the apron to prevent the save.

Rosemary blocked a step-up enziguri, and cut Steelz in half with the spear. Valkyrie and Hogan tagged in, and Hogan was dropped with a spear as well. A Blue Thunder Bomb planted Hogan, but Steelz broke it up. Kimber Lee and the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Champion Deonna Purrazzo pulled Rosemary off for a flatliner on the stage.

For some reason, the referee never turned to look that direction, and the distraction allowed Hogan to hit the spinning fisherman's neckbreaker for the win.

Results: Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz defeated Taya Valkyrie and Rosemary via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A-

We got another Eric Young vignette, with EY telling Cody Deaner that wrestling is a disease. Cody's first love was wrestling, and he's been waiting for wrestling to give back what he's put into it. Again, wrestling is a sickness, and sickness doesn't give. It only takes.

Deaner repeated every line Young said, and it seemed that the brainwashing was complete.

Something is missing here...
Something is missing here...

Tasha Steelz and Kiera Hogan were celebrating their advancement to the finals of the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Title Tournament. They were also talking about the missing wad of cash when they were interrupted by Johnny Swinger. They quickly left but left Steelz' fanny pack, which was holding the wad of cash. Oh no...Swinger has the money.

Josh Alexander vs Brian Myers on IMPACT Wrestling

In this clash of former IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champions, Brian Myers surprisingly had an early lead. However, a distraction from a late Ethan Page allowed Alexander to bounce his head off the turnbuckle.

Myers turned things back in his favor, sending Alexander from the top to the mat and getting a two-count. Alexander struggled to get out of the gate, with Myers drumping him with several slams and back suplexes. As Myers set up for the spear, though, Ethan Page returned.

Well...not Ethan Page. No, it was the Karate Man. The Karate Man ran in and beat down Myers, forcing the DQ.

Results: Brian Myers defeated Josh Alexander via DQ on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: C

Alexander told his best friend that he desperately needed help before leaving, completely frustrated.

Eric Young told Cody Deaner that the fans weren't laughing with him, they were laughing at him. Young baptized Deaner, claiming that he was no longer contaminated. The captain of Team Giv'er was gone. This was a new Cody Deaner, a serious Cody Deaner.

Young freed Deaner from his shackles and his limitations. Young finished by saying "This world doesn't belong to them. It belongs to us." Are there more out there waiting for Young to baptize them in his words?

It's time for the IMPACT Wrestling main event
It's time for the IMPACT Wrestling main event

Acey Romero met Tommy Dreamer and told him his partner was framed. Someone on IMPACT Wrestling was trying to put the blame on Larry D. Acey looked to prove his innocence.

Dreamer continued to walk on and found Rhino and Cousin Jake wondering what to do about Eric Young and Joe Doering. Dreamer said that they were the perfect men to put a stop to this, avenging their tag team partners.

Karl Anderson vs Chris Sabin w/Alex Shelley on IMPACT Wrestling

The IMPACT Wrestling Tag Team Champion was a little overwhelmed by Chris Sabin, who was a bit too quick and technical for the Machine Gun. Karl Anderson managed to slow things down following a tie-up, bringing Sabin into the corner and battering him.

With Sabin unable to get away from the corner, Anderson essentially manhandled the former IMPACT Wrestling World Champion. Even when Sabin managed to get a little space, Anderson caught him going for the apron kick, dropping him face first.

Anderson worked over Sabin's leg, hoping to weaken that fast-paced offense. He kept the pace slow, also wearing Sabin down with headlocks and chinlocks. For several minutes, Sabin struggled to get back to his feet.

Eventually, Sabin fought back after they collided heads in the middle of the ring. Sabin hit him with a flying crossbody, and set up for the Cradle Shock. Anderson avoided, but was caught with a nasty running boot in the corner. Sabin spiked him with the corner tornado DDT for a two-count.

The tag team veterans traded forearms and fists, with neither man wanting to back down. Sabin's rolling elbow was stopped by an uppercut, but both men took each other out with not one, but two double clotheslines. Anderson plants Sabin with the Double A spinebuster, getting as close to a three-count as you could possibly get.

Anderson would eventually steal the match and the show, rolling Sabin up and grabbing the tights.

Results: Karl Anderosn defeated Chris Sabin via pinfall on IMPACT Wrestling.

Grade: A-

Rich Swann confronted Karl Anderson, but was caught by a cheapshot from the Machine Gun. The Guns rushed in, but were clobbered by the returning Luke Gallows. Kenny Omega joined in, and after knocking out all three men, challenged them to a six-man tag at IMPACT Wrestling Hard to Kill. Kenny Omega will wrestle on an IMPACT Wrestling show in 2021!