IMPACT Wrestling Report, February 17th: Eddie Edwards takes on Davey Richards in a Street Fight

An action-packed show as always!

The show began with a recap showing The Hardyz arriving in Tijuana to challenge Psicosis and Super Crazy for the Mexican Tag Team Championships. Then footage was displayed showing Davey Richards screwing Eddie Edwards out of the TNA title last week, followed by Angelina Love attacking Eddie Edwards's wife and making her watch Davey Richards assault Eddie Edwards.

#1. Crazy Steve & Rosemary vs. Moose & Brandi Rhodes

Brandi and Rosemary got in the ring to start off the match, but Rosemary tagged out before Brandi could make contact. Moose stepped into the ring, but Rosemary distracted him, allowing Steve to thumb Moose in the eye.

Steve attacked twice with a running knee strike but failed to hit Moose on his third attempt. Steve dodged Moose's attack. Moose went to the outside, where Steve's teammate Abyss assaulted Moose. Abyss threw Moose on the steel steps allowing Steve to come outside and hit a cannonball on a beaten down Moose.

Rosemary drew Brandi in the ring to distract the referee. Moose came back in the ring, and Steve covered him for a two-count.

Moose frustrated by Abyss's interference, powerbombed Steve onto Abyss on the outside. Rosemary jumped on Moose's back, but Brandi pulled her off and started hitting her with a series of chops.

Brandi hit Rosemary with a top-rope dropkick before both she and Moose started hitting Steve and Rosemary. Moose took out Steve and covered him for a win.

Result: Moose & Brandi Rhodes win

Eddie Edwards arrived at the arena and said that he wasn't there to talk, but to kick Davey Richards' butt. Brandi Rhodes and Moose celebrated their win in the parking lot. Moose reminded her that she has his number, and to call him if anybody messed around with her again.

Eddie Edwards came out to the ring and announced that he was in the arena tonight to beat Davey Richards' butt. Edwards said that this was the low point in his life, because not only did Davey Richards screw his title chance up, but he also got his wife involved. Edwards ordered Richards to come out to the ring and take the beating he deserves like a man.

Angelina Love came out and asked Edwards to explain why he was so mad with Richards. She asked him where he was when Richards blew out his ACL. She asked him where he was when she, already nine months into her pregnancy, was tending to Richards.

Richards came out to the ring and looked menacingly at Edwards. Before Love could say anything, Edwards told her to shut up and give Richards his balls back.

Richards took the mic and told Eddie that he was the one who made him a Superstar. He said that he was the one who made Wolf Nation and now that since Eddie wasn't his friend, he would be the one to destroy it.

Richards told Eddie to turn around and walk away, but Eddie screamed, "Too Late!" and went after Richards on the outside. Both started brawling on the outside before security came out and separated them. Eddie got in the ring, took the mic, and demanded a street fight.

Braxton Sutter's celebrated his bachelor party. Mike Bennett had invited Braxton's best friends for the party.

The Hardyz arrived at the venue in Tijuana. They made their way backstage and spoke in Spanish with a masked man, who could converse in English. Konnan made a special appearance.

Laurel Van Ness was celebrating her bachelorette party, which Allie had decorated to resemble a kid's birthday party. Laurel showcased her ring and Maria spoke about her marriage to Sutter next week.

#2 Eddie Kingston vs. Jessie Godderz

Godderz attacked Kingston with a bunch of shots, but Gooderz no-sold them all and came back with an attack of his own. Godderz hit a dropkick for a near fall. Godderz hit Kingston with a hip toss. Kingston retaliated with a T-bone Suplex. Kingston choked Godderz on the second rope and then grabbed him in a bear hug.

Godderz escaped the bear hug and then hit Kingston with a bunch of clotheslines and a blockbuster for a near fall. Godderz attempted to apply the Adonis Crab, but Kingston powered out, but Godderz hit an Enziguiri and springboard forearm for the win.

Result: Jessie Godderz wins

After the match, the lights went out, after they came back on, we could see James Storm and Bram in the ring with Kingston. Godderz, already up the ramp, told Storm and Bram, that he had DCC's number.

Braxton Sutter, who was celebrating his bachelor party, wanted to end the revelries. But, Mike Bennett told him not to do such a thing. Tyrus was on the set of "The Fact of Life" and informed that he had something to say.

Laurel Van Ness's bachelorette party was going on in full-swing. Allie had procured games, noisemakers and much more. Maria told Allie that nobody cared about her decorations.

Tyrus was hosting Fact of Life with his guest Eli Drake. Drake was wearing a sling. Drake said that he enjoyed beating EC3 with a bat. Drake said that Tyrus's duty was to stay on the sidelines, while Drake worked in the main event.

He said that Tyrus's duty was to protect him. He further added that "Fact of Life" was his show. Before grabbing Drake by the neck, Tyrus said that nobody owns him. He challenged Drake to a match next week.

In the venue at Tijuana, one of Konnan's minions informed him that The Hardyz were looking for the Champions. The minion further added that The Hardyz didn't want money, just a shot at the titles. Konnan called them and informed them that the match was on.

At Laurel Van Ness' bachelorette party, Maria continued abusing Allie.

The Hardyz told Vangaurd-1 to find a quick escape route for them, as they intend on fleeing after capturing the titles. The tag team match for the tag titles commenced. In the closing moments of the match Matt hit Psicosis with a Twist of Fate and Jeff followed it up with a Swanton Bomb taking the win.

Jeff and Matt, now Tag Team Champions, flee Tijuana with assistance from Vangaurd-1 and teleport to the Impact Zone. The Hardyz placed their newly won Tag Titles in a giant sack and received a premonition. Matt told his scribe that, The Hardyz would go after the Mid-Atlantic Championships.

A video package featuring Brooke Tessmacher and Sienna was displayed.

#3 Brooke Tessmacher vs. Sienna

Sienna and Brooke brawled on the floor before the match. Maria grabbed Brooke's ankle as she tried going inside the ring, thus allowing Sienna to hit Brooke with a cheap shot. Brooke hit a flying head scissors kick and Sienna countered with a T-bone suplex for a near fall.

Brooke attempted an STO backbreaker but Sienna countered it into a wheelbarrow suplex for a near fall. Maria distracted Brooke allowing Sienna to hit her, but Brooke dodged Sienna. Sienna tried hitting Brooke with her finisher, but Brooke countered it and rolled her up to steal the win.

Result: Brooke Tessmacher wins.

Braxton Sutter tried leaving the bachelor party, but Mike Bennett stopped him. Bennett said that the main event of the party had arrived. The main event of the party was a stripper named, Roxy. Bennett opened the door and standing in front of him was a fat lady with bad teeth and armpits filled with hair.

Eli Drake was out in the parking lot talking about how he was going to beat Tyrus with the baseball bat.

Bobby Lashley came out to the ring and started singing praises of himself. He claimed that nobody in MMA or Wrestling could beat him. Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Josh Barnett came out to the ring.

Barnett said that he'd heard Lashley make empty claims. Barnett added that Lashley wasn't living up to the expectations of the fans. Barnett announced that he was there in the Impact Zone to teach Lashley a lesson.

Lashley advised Barnett not to make the mistake of falling into the hands of the fans. He welcomed Barnett to the Impact Zone. Lashley informed Barnett that his world has no rules unlike Barnett's.

Both engage in a physical altercation before Lashley, furious with Barnett, said that he would fight him. Barnett told Lashley to put his title on the line, to which Lashley agreed. Everyone at Braxton Sutter's bachelor party was asleep.

And Sutter finally got out of the place for good. Before leaving, Sutter put Roxy the stripper on Mike Bennet's lap. Sutter took a picture of it on his cell phone.

#4 Eddie Edwards vs. Davey Richards: Street Fight

Davey Richards attacked Eddie Edwards from behind. Edwards fell right near a trash can full of weapons. Richards kicked Edwards. Richards rammed Edwards into the barricade. Edwards dodged Richards' incoming attack and then hit Richards with a couple of chops before ramming him onto a trashcan. Richards smashed Edwards' hand on the steps.

After commercials, Richards hit Davey's hand with a steel chair. Edward knocked Richards to the outside and then hit him with a dive through the ropes. Angelina distracted Edwards, thus allowing Richards to hit Davey with a chair to the face.

Edwards' wife Alicia came to the ring and grabbed Richards from behind before attacking Angelina. Angelina took out Alicia and then cuffed her to the bottom ropes. Richards gave Angelina a chair to attack Alicia with, but Edwards crawled over his wife to protect her.

Richards bashed Edwards with a chair several times. Angelina placed a chair below Edwards' head, allowing Richards to hit a conchairto. Davey Richards covered Eddie Edwards for the pin with Angelina counting to three after she took out the ref.

Result: No-Contest

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