Scott Hall on the IC Championship ladder match and Orton’s prediction

Randy Orton gave his prediction about the winner of IC Title ladder match at WM 31

A link regarding an Intercontinental Roundtable discussion with Scott Hall, Edge, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart, Chris Jericho, Pat Patterson, Ricky Steamboat and Randy Orton about the IC Title ladder match at WrestleMania 31 was posted on the WWE website.

The Superstars spoke about the IC Championship and a former champion Scott Hall spoke about how his IC title reign made him prepare for the future. He said,

“Being the Intercontinental Champion meant you were wrestling WWE main events and that meant you had more exposure to Vince McMahon. Vince taught me how to speak and present myself on TV and that stayed with me.”

The legends were also asked to give out their predictions about who would walk out as IC champion.

Orton said, “If some guy’s going to take it and be a champion’s champion and he’s going to defend the title week in and week out and take on all comers then he builds up that title and makes it mean something. And there are a couple of guys in that match that I can see easily do that. My picks would be Stardust and Daniel Bryan.”