Five brilliant returns that closed out WWE PPVs

No list is complete without a Stone Cold return

A popular babyface or a loathed heel returning to the WWE after a long time being marred by injuries or other commitments, can really rejuvenate the scenario for themselves or any other performer who desperately needs an opponent.

Such returns also freshen up things and brings back some much-needed excitement from the crowd. Seth Rollins’ return this past week at Extreme Rules did just that for himself, for Roman Reigns and the WWE Universe who despite jeering him while he was a heel welcomed him back with a rapturous ovation. There have been quite a few PPV returns that have taken the audience by surprise

Here are the top 5 PPV returns that closed out shows

  1. The Ultimate Return

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Warrior returned to save Hogan

In the main event of WrestleMania VIII, Hulk Hogan faced Sid Justice, accompanied by Harvey Wippleman. Towards the end of the match, Papa Shango was supposed to interfere and break the pin attempt by Hogan which led Wippleman to enter the ring to distract the referee but Sid had already kicked out.

Shango appeared much after the official rang the bell to indication a disqualification win for Hogan. Hogan was overpowered by the numbers game. The mayhem however turned to celebration when the Ultimate Warrior ran to the ring, marking his return, to save the day.

  1. The Man Named Sting


The nWo as a heel faction was quite dominant for most of WCW’s run and the primary reason WCW was able to compete tooth and nail with its rivals. But it sure became dull after the heels kept outnumbering and overpowering the good guys. WCW really absolutely needed a game changer and that happened at Uncensored 1997.

After a very mediocre main event, nothing seemed to really interest the crowd and they were almost going to roll the credits when Sting returned after a very long hiatus, leaping from the rafters and bringing the NWO goons to heel with the help of his bat. This was a very exciting way to end the show.

  1. American Badass


Triple H vs The Rock always got one of the most rabid reactions from the crowd given the amount of heat Triple H generated and the amount of love The Rock got from all the fans. This was a perfect heel vs face rivalry.

During a grueling Iron Man Match at Judgement Day 2000 which had Shawn Michaels as special guest referee and a draw(5- 5) in the final few seconds of the match, the whole McMahon- Helmsley clan ran roughshod on The Rock, until The Undertaker returned with a whole new gimmick of The American Badass to one of the wildest reactions from the audience.

Also, watch the video to see how hilariously Vince McMahon tries to unsuccessfully run away from the Undertaker

  1. Hell Yeah!


After once again being assisted by Mr. McMahon and his cronies, it seemed Triple H would shamelessly steal a victory over the Rock at Backlash 2000 for the WWE Championship. The Rock valiantly fought off every punch, every finisher and every chair shot but he was outnumbered and overpowered until The Texas Rattlesnake returned after 9 months to raise hell, causing to the audience to pop huge and give McMahon the scare of his life.

Chair shot after chair shot after chair shot. It was amazing, effortless and typical Rattlesnake. The Rock finally regained control over the match and got a pin on Triple H when Earl Hebner finally came out to make the count.

  1. Entrant Number 30


The first of multiple superhuman returns by John Cena. He was supposed to be out with an injury and was the last person expected to make his return so early, ie, Royal Rumble 2008. But that’s what ‘Super Cena‘ did. He came out to a glorious reaction from the audience and gave us one of the most memorable PPV returns EVER.

He came in at Number 30 had everyone in the ring and outside of it shocked to the core and won the Rumble match quite quickly.

In a PPV filled with many returns, this will always be one of the most memorable.