Ex-WWE writer reveals what Vince McMahon did not want Stone Cold Steve Austin to do

Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon
Stone Cold Steve Austin and Vince McMahon

Stone Cold Steve Austin along with Vince McMahon changed the face of pro wrestling during the mid-90s in the Attitude Era of WWE.

But, it could have all been completely different if McMahon had gone ahead with one decision. Vince Russo, formerly a head writer for WWE and later with WCW, was recently on Chris Jericho's Talk is Jericho podcast, where he spilled the beans on several topics.

Russo has claimed that the WWE Chairman did not want Austin to speak on the mic and that Ted DiBiase would do the talking on Austin's behalf.

"I was a Stunning Steve Austin fan on WCW, you could tell this guy had personality out the a*s. And I’ll never forget, Vince looked at me and said, ‘I don’t want Steve Austin to ever say a word. He’s the Ringmaster. He says nothing. Ted DiBiase does all his talking.’
"And, I swear to God, in my mind, I’m like, he’s never seen Austin. He has no idea. And , then I would have to go to Steve, and say Steve, this is what Vince wants. But to Austin’s credit, every week, ‘Vince, you gotta give me more, you gotta give me a mic, you gotta give me more, you gotta give me more.’" (H/T 411Mania)

If this claim is true, we are glad that McMahon changed his mind about Austin's character as he the Texas Rattlesnake was one of the best on the mic and had a massive impact on pro wrestling.
