CM Pun fires yet another shot in the direction of Hulk Hogan

CM Punk proudly representing his home team

The war of words between CM Punk and Hulk Hogan isn’t a new development as wrestling fans would know. Recently, when Punk’s home team Chicago Blackhawks took on Tampa Bay Lightning for the Stanley Cup, he and ‘The Hulkster’ got into a twitter exchange, which was reported here.

Punk wasn’t done yet as he went after Hogan again, as he was a part of the CSN Chicago panel for the Blackhawks’ Stanley Cup Parade. When his feud with Hogan was mentioned to Punk and Pat Boyle noted that Hulk Hogan was a ‘Tampa Bay Lightning fan’, Punk responded saying:

“ No he’s not. That’s the problem I have with that. If I’m a Lightning fan, I’m embarrassed they hitched their wagon to a guy like that. Doesn’t know Stamkos’s name, the captain’s name. Icing to him is something he eats three times a day.”

“My love for hockey supersedes anything else and I would just like to see people tune in and understand the game and appreciate the game for what it is. You put something on there like that, it kind of lowers it a little… If I’m a Lightning fan, I want someone to better represent my team. They’re a hell of an organization. That paints them in the wrong light.”