Best and Worst of WWE RAW- Massive heel turn, Vince McMahon's surprise appearance 

Personally, I thought this show had more positives than negatives
Personally, I thought this show had more positives than negatives

It was clear when I watched All Out this past weekend, that AEW's focus will be on the in-ring aspect of sports entertainment, going forward. The matches were absolutely incredible and honestly, WWE cannot hope to keep pace with the kind of schedule they maintain.

Which is why there's a definite focus on the sports entertainment aspect of things with WWE in my opinion. After watching so much pro wrestling over the past few days, I'm glad that we have both alternatives in 2019, and we can enjoy both, depending on what we feel like on any given day.

Of course, I want to hear your take on how WWE RAW was and if indeed you enjoyed the show. If you did, please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts and views.

Did you think this week's show was an improvement over last week's episode?

#1 Best: Excellent King of the Ring match

We don't appreciate Baron Corbin enough and I'll tell you why I feel so in this section of my article!

Baron Corbin has grown by leaps and bounds in the ring, and as every great heel I've ever interviewed has told me, it is not the job of a good heel to do flashy moves and be cheered. Baron Corbin is great at his job and when it is time to make someone look good, he steps out of his comfort zone and actually keeps up with whichever former indie darling he's paired with.

And Cedric Alexander showed us just what he was made of, in the Quarter-final round of the King of the Ring tournament where, even in defeat, he looked like a million bucks. He even sold the injury that was inflicted upon him by The OC!

#1 Worst: No challengers for Bliss and Cross yet

Right from when the titles were introduced, it did seem like WWE had no plans for anyone in the division. At first, Sasha Banks and Bayley became Champions but there just didn't seem to be a concrete vision in place for the two. Both women seem far better off right now than they were as Tag Team Champions.

The same would happen with The IIconics and I thought that putting the titles around Bliss' and Cross' waists would change that. Such was not the case at all, and unfortunately, they were just instruments facilitating Bayley's heel turn.

I wonder if it means that Sasha and Bayley will be gunning after the titles Cross and Bliss hold. Whether they will end up competing twice on the same night just as the men are.

The lack of direction for these titles is truly weird.

#2 Best: Firefly Fun House starring Vincent Kennedy McMahon

Many have dubbed this week's episode of the Firefly Fun House as the best one that WWE has ever done. This week's show scores this distinction because so much was said and conveyed over the three minutes. Perhaps more so in three minutes than we learned in three whole hours.

Vince McMahon seemed irate at the fact that details of The Fiend challenging either Seth Rollins or Braun Strowman had leaked to the press. But then Bray Wyatt stuffed his face with money and Vince McMahon shut up immediately, which was so symbolic of the way that his character has gotten over with the WWE Universe. Bray Wyatt is money and he wants the world to know it!

And in what was the most telling thing in the segment, Bray Wyatt spoke about teamwork at the end. Is this indicative of the Wyatt Family returning?

#2 Worst: Forgetting about an existing feud

The Viking Raiders and The OC teased a massive feud last week during the Tag Team Turmoil match. This was a way for the two teams to eliminate one another so that Bobby Roode and Ziggler could go to the next round with ease. And I thought that this was still a good feud for The OC even if they weren't RAW Tag Team Champions anymore.

Except that there were different plans for The OC this week, which involved an altercation with Rollins and Strowman at the top of the show. And this effectively meant that the feud between the two teams was canceled. This is a shame because The Viking Raiders had to go back to squashing local talent this week.

The tag team division is already a mess with two singles players on top. This was yet another nail in the division's coffin!

#3 Best: Bayley finally has a new character

Bayley was once touted as the next John Cena, but obviously, something went wrong along the way for her. She's achieved much in WWE but somehow she has not been able to reach the same level of success that she was orginally touted for.

What she needed was a heel turn, and yes, it happened at the end of RAW where she unleashed a flurry of chair shots on Becky Lynch's back. This was the best way to end the show and everyone's talking about it being one of the best heel turns in history.

While this waters down her feud with Charlotte Flair to a degree, it's better in the long run, in my personal opinion. There's a lot of value in having Bayley develop into a full-fledged heel who can elevate the likes of Ember Moon.

There's no downside to a heel Bayley, I fear.

#3 Worst: Far too competitive

So, the alliance of Braun Strowman and Seth Rollins is not a cohesive one. We already know that and we know that there will be cracks when the two face Ziggler and Roode at Clash of Champions.

But at the same time, both men are top-tier performers, and Roode and Ziggler needed to be portrayed as credible threats for the duo at the upcoming pay-per-view event. I'm not sure that this was achieved to any degree whatsoever, on this week's show.

Roode and Ziggler took on Hawkins and Ryder and actually went on to have a very competitive match indeed. In fact, there actually seemed like a point where it seemed that they would lose the match, before the pinfall attempt was broken up, last minute.

I would have just had them run through this team and showcase to the world that they are indeed a dominant pair.

#4 Best/worst: AJ Styles' current role

So, AJ Styles is the current US Champion and he rightfully said that he deserves a shot at the Universal Championship, because that's the way it used to work in the old days. At least, such was the case with the Intercontinental Championship where a mid-card title would lead you to the main prize. But times have changed and the way that titles are booked have also changed.

I wonder if this particular approach of inserting him right into the mix with Strowman and Rollins will devalue the US Championship. Because at present, there's no program at all for the United States title at all. I wonder if the beatdown on Cedric Alexander was their unique way to kickstart such a feud.

We know that the RAW Tag Team titles have been watered down. They seem like an afterthought if the Champion himself cares about another title.

I fear this may happen to the US title too!