AEW Dynamite Results (October 28th, 2020): Winners, Grades, and Video Highlights

Could Orange Cassidy win his third TNT Title bout? The Inner Circle and MJF in a Town Hall
Could Orange Cassidy win his third TNT Title bout? The Inner Circle and MJF in a Town Hall

Tonight's episode of AEW Dynamite set up quite a bit for AEW Full Gear next Saturday. Tonight, the finalists in the AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament would be decided. Eddie Kingston also sent a message to the AEW World Champ Jon Moxley.

AEW Dynamite kicks off with Wardlow being interviewed ahead of his match with "Hangman" Adam Page. Well, before MJF took over, of course. He reminded the AEW fans that if Wardlow wins the tournament and beats Jon Moxley, MJF will be the AEW World Champion.

Sammy Guevara came in and stated that he'd do everything in his power to prevent MJF from joining The Inner Circle.

AEW World Title Eliminator Tournament Semi-Final: Wardlow vs "Hangman" Adam Page on AEW Dynamite

Adam Page started the AEW Dynamite opener off quickly, looking to dish out as much damage early on as he could. Wardlow shook off his offense, rocking him with a big right hand. Page escaped the F-10, but was tossed into the corner for a big clothesline.

Page avoided a second one and sent MJF to the apron for a springboard clothesline. He followed up with a dive over the ropes, but Wardlow managed to catch him. Page escaped his grasp once again, sending the big man into the post. Wardlow responded with a massive spear through the AEW Dynamite safety rails.

Page barely made it back in the ring before the count-out and was punished with a powerslam for his trouble. The big man brutalized the former AEW Tag Team Champion for several minutes, and it seemed like Page had nothing left to give. However, he managed to avoid a massive Swanton Bomb, finally getting a chance to build steam.

A series of clotheslines and punches took Wardlow to the floor. A moonsault off the ring post dropped Wardlow in this excellent AEW Dynamite opener. Back in the ring, Wardlow countered the Buckshot Lariat with a devastating clothesline, almost knocking Page out of his boots.

Page was launched with the F-10, but rolled to the floor before Wardlow could get the pin. As both men made it to the top, Page took Wardlow to the mat with an incredible avalanche exploder suplex. After that, two Buckshot Lariats sent Page to the finals.

Results: Adam Page defeated Wardlow via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: B+

Later on in AEW Dynamite, Kenny Omega, Page's former tag team partner, will battle Penta El Zero M, looking to move onto the finals of the tournament.

Eddie Kingston and his family were out next just as we went into the first commercial break of the night.

Eddie Kingston had a message to send to Jon Moxley
Eddie Kingston had a message to send to Jon Moxley

Next up on AEW Dynamite, fans got a video package highlighting the AEW World Title Bout at Full Gear. Jon Moxley called Kingston a whiner and someone that only made excuses. AEW is not the place for men like that.

Eddie Kingston berated Jon Moxley for failing to appear at AEW Dynamite tonight. He called Moxley a coward and looked to make an example of Matt Sydal tonight.

Eddie Kingston vs Matt Sydal on AEW Dynamite

Eddie Kingston wrapped up with Matt Sydal, easily overpowering the world-class high-flyer. Sydal looked to add another pinfall to his impressive four-match AEW Dynamite win streak, launching Kingston into the corner with a sidekick and hitting a high-impact dropkick.

A series of kicks chopped down Kingston, but a spinning heel kick was caught, with Kingston dropping Sydal with a powerbomb. During the break, Kingston punished Sydal, grinding him down in the mat and ending any attempts at a comeback with heavy strikes.

Eventually, Sydal dazed Kingston with more quick-paced offense. Kingston was dropped off the top with a leaping frankensteier. After that, a diving meteora took Kingston down for a two-count. Sydal continued to wrap Kingston up in several unique pin attempts, but a knee lift put a stop to that.

The spinning backfist laid out Sydal, and Kingston used Moxley's Bulldog Choke to get the win.

Results: Eddie Kingston defeated Matt Sydal via submission on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: B-

The Bunny brought a mic into the ring, and Kingston forced Sydal to say "I Quit" before releasing the hold.

In an AEW Dynamite exclusive, The Young Bucks and FTR, in separate locations, were interviewed by Excalibur. The AEW Tag Team Champions said that this was a dream match. Matt Jackson's ankle was injured by FTR last week, but The Young Bucks weren't going to let it interfere in their match at AEW Full Gear.

The Bucks said that they didn't regret their attitude adjustment over the past few months. The "old" Young Bucks have returned to AEW Dynamite, and they plan on dethroning Cash Wheeler and Dax Harwood.

Matt and Nick Jackson revealed that if they don't win at AEW Full Gear, they'll never challenge for the AEW Tag titles ever again.

Town Hall Meeting on AEW Dynamite

Tony Schiavone and Dasha Gonzalez hosted the AEW Dynamite Town Hall, bringing in Chris Jericho and The Inner Circle. Would MJF join The Inner Circle? Was that steak enough to seal the deal last week?

The Inner Circle, sans Jake Hager who was training for his bout at Bellator 250, made their way to the ring while the crowd serenaded them with Judas. MJF followed.

Luchasaurus was the first to ask a question, wanting to know how MJF could ensure stronger financial gain in The Inner Circle. MJF actually had a chart made, proving how their profits would explode when MJF joined. Dr. Britt Baker was next, alongside Reba, who was fawning over Chris Jericho.

Baker said that MJF has a terrible track record with friendships in AEW, so was Chris Jericho afraid of him backstabbing the group. Jericho said that they're not dips***s like Cody, and won't be giving MJF the keys to the castle just because he joins the group.

Peter Avalon took his time to ask if he could join the Inner Circle. Jericho, Santana, Ortiz, and Sammy Guevara all laughed in his face. Eric Bischoff made a surprise appearance on AEW Dynamite, simply called, "Eric B." Bischoff had a three-pronged question.

  1. What can MJF do for The Inner Circle?
  2. Though MJF is nearly a total package as a wrestler, what can The Inner Circle do for him?
  3. After calling Jericho a prima donna, and after Schiavone told Jericho to shut up, Bischoff said that MJF showed the same characteristics. If MJF joins The Inner Circle, how can they guarantee that they won't but heads with one another?

MJF said that Bischoff asked a great question, and decided to give a powerful one-word response. Friendship. To the next question, he corrected Bischoff, saying that he is a total package. However, he's not the best team player, but The Inner Circle could change that.

MJF and Jericho were both furious at Bischoff's comments. However, Jericho thought that the last question was an important one, demanding MJF answer it. MJF deflected, instead asking Jericho what else he has to do. For weeks on AEW Dynamite, he's proven himself. On AEW Dynamite last week, he gave Jericho the greatest segment in his career.

What hasn't MJF done? Well, he hasn't beaten Chri Jericho. on AEW Dynamite, Jericho made a huge announcement. Jericho and MJF will face off at Full Gear. If MJF wins, he'll join The Inner Circle. MJF warned Jericho, saying that he'd do whatever it takes to win.

Ortiz cut off MJF, saying that he and Sammy Guevara don't want him in the group. On AEW Dynamite next week, they'll take on MJF and Wardlow, and MJF won't make it to Full Gear.

Will Orange Cassidy capture his first title on AEW Dynamite tonight?
Will Orange Cassidy capture his first title on AEW Dynamite tonight?

TNT Championship Lumberjack Match on AEW Dynamite: Orange Cassidy vs Cody (c)

Cody and Orange Cassidy both went for their big moves out the gate, before Cassidy went to a mat-based game. A backslide earned "Freshly Squeezed" a near fall on AEW Dynamite. Cody escaped and went after Cassidy's knee before dropping him with a release front suplex.

Cody hit the Big Poppa Pump push-ups, much to the chagrin of Arn Anderson. Cassidy recovered as Cody showed off, sending Cassidy to the floor. Cody avoided a dive, but The Best Friends gave Cassidy "The Hug" to save him from some of the lumberjacks.

On the ropes, Cody went after Cassidy's legs again with a dragon screw. When Cassidy fell to the floor, he was caught by The Best Friends. Cody? Not so much. When Cody was knocked into the ropes, Trent hit him with a cheap shot.

Cody recovered, going for a Figure-4 Leglock. Cassidy escaped for a tilt-a-whirl DDT and another close call on AEW Dynamite. Cody blocked a dive with his knees and went back to Cassidy's knee once again.

A single-leg Boston Crab/crossface combo really worked over Cassidy, but he was able to make it to the ropes. During the break, a brawl broke out between the lumberjacks. Cody and Cassidy focused on one another, and Cody dropped his challenger with a top-rope superplex, landing on everyone below.

Cassidy kicked out of the cover back in the ring, frustrating the TNT Champion. A Cody Cutter dropped Cassidy again, but that failed to put Cassidy away. The challenger fired up at this point in this AEW Dynamite title bout, hitting Stundog Millionaire on Cody followed by a diving DDT.

Jon Silver rocked Cassidy with a pump kick while the ref was distracted. Even Arn Anderson caught him with a cheap shot, allowing Cody to get the win.

Results: Cody defeated Orange Cassidy via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: C

Serena Deeb defends her newly won NWA World Women's Title on AEW Dynamite tonight.
Serena Deeb defends her newly won NWA World Women's Title on AEW Dynamite tonight.

Backstage at AEW Dynamite, Miro and Kip Sabian attacked Best Friends.

NWA World Women's Championship on AEW Dynamite: Leyla Hirsch vs Serena Deeb (c)

Serena Deeb and Leyla Hirsch grappled to a stalemate early on in this title bout. Deeb wad caught with a heavy clothesline, and Hirsch followed up with an elbow and running double knee strike in the corner. A slingshot dropkick earned her a quick nearfall over the NWA World Women's Champion.

Deeb hit a hanging neckbreaker in the ropes on the challenger. A leg scissors pin gave Deeb a two-count. Hirsch caught Deeb with some kicks to the arm, nearly getting a cross armbreaker as well. An armbreaker further damaged Deeb. Throughout the break, various stretches and holds weakened Deeb's arm even more.

When AEW Dynamite returned from the break, Hirsch planted Deeb with a German suplex, but the follow-up moonsault missed. Deeb followed up with a swinging fisherman's neckbreaker and a hangman's neckbreaker. An arm-trapped single-leg Boston Crab forced the submission.

Results: Serena Deeb defeated Leyla Hirsch via submission on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: B-

Backstage, the AEW Women's Champion challenged Nyla Rose to a bout at Full Gear.

Shawn Spears w/Tully Blanchard vs VSK on AEW Dynamite

On AEW Dynamite, Shawn Spears looked to send a statement to Scorpio Sky. VSk was immediately picked up for the Death Valley Driver.

Results: Shawn Spears defeated VSK via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: D

A fan dressed as a bull was throwing candy at Shawn Spears. It was Scorpio Sky, who was dropped with the TKO.

Omega and Penta brawled in an exciting main event
Omega and Penta brawled in an exciting main event

Prior to the main event, it was revealed that John Silver would battle Orange Cassidy on the Full Gear Buy In. Miro will battle Trent on AEW Dynamite next week, as well. The main event will be Shawn Spears vs Scorpio Sky, and Cody and The Gunn Club will take on The Dark Order as well.

AEW World Title Eliminator Semi-Final: Penta El Zero M vs Kenny Omega on AEW Dynamite

Kenny Omega wasn't going to be able to catch Penta El Zero M with a flash knee like Sonny Kiss. However, he got into the head of Penta, showing the AAA Mega Championship, a title he beat Penta for.

That fired up Penta, chopping Omega's chest beet red. A kick to Penta's knee took him down, and Omega battered Penta a bit too long for the ref's liking. Some showboating gave Penta a shot to take back over, dropping the former AEW Tag Team Champion with a backstabber.

Penta followed up with a tope to Omega, but landed harshly on his knee as the show cut to the final break for AEW Dynamite. Penta stayed on the offensive, though, shaking some feeling back into his knee before bringing Omega into the ring.

The Best Bout Machine of AEW Dynamite was reeling as Penta bounced him both in and out the ring, even taking him over the barricade. Back from the break, a hurricanrana sent Penta to the floor, Omega hit a tope, but again was also caught again hotdogging and grandstanding.

Back in the ring, a pump kick caught Omega in the jaw. A springboard slingblade dropped Omega for the near fall. The double stomp followed up, but Omega kicked out again.

Omega planted Penta with the snap dragon suplex. A second one connected as well, but Penta prevented a third, lighting up Omega with some chops. Omega struck him with a flash knee and a powerbomb. The V-Trigger rocked him, but Penta escaped the One-Winged Angel in this exciting AEW Dynamite main event.

Another V-Trigger connected, and Omega took Penta up for an avalanche dragon suplex. Penta dropped Omega onto the ramp, catching him with a Canadian Destroyer. Omega was spiked with the Fear Factor in the ring, but refused to give up.

Kenny Omega was not leaving AEW Dynamite without a win tonight. Omega escaped the Pentagon Driver, but was stunned with an enzuigiri. As Penta bounced off the ropes, a flash knee knocked him nearly unconscious.

Penta escaped the One-Winged Angel again, and snapped the arm of Omega. Again, Omega avoided the Pentagon Driver, but was stunned with a superkick. He caught Penta, again, with the knee, and finally hit the One-Winged Angel for the win.

Results: Kenny Omega defeated Penta El Zero M via pinfall on AEW Dynamite.

Grade: A

The former AEW Tag Champions, and former partners, both advanced to the finals on AEW Dynamite tonight. At AEW Full Gear, they'll face off for a shot at Jon Moxley's AEW World Title.