8 times WWE Stars attacked the fans

Their epic feud isn’t the only thing common between Punk and Y2J

Fan attacks WWE superstar at an event! How often have you come across such a headline in the past year or so? I bet the number is alarmingly high. Call it misdirected emotion or a dumb error of judgment, but a bunch of deranged fans crossed the lines by assaulting their not so favorite superstars.

You know things have gone overboard and that it’s high time WWE steps up its security detail when a fan has the cojones to attack a behemoth in Braun Strowman. But what if even that isn’t enough to detract the fans?

I’ve read fan’s comments that called for the stars themselves to take matters into their own hands and give it back to the fans who get too close for comfort. Well at times, the stars did just that and couldn't help but give an unruly fan a taste of their own medicine.

In this article, we take a look at those shocking or amazing moments – whatever you may want to term it as – when larger than life wrestlers attacked their fans:

Triple H breaks character and pummels a fan

If you thought Brock Lesnar was the mayor of Suplex City, the following instance will force you to reconsider your decision. This incident too place after a house show match between Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin. The Game had just lost a gruelling match courtesy of a stunner and was already at his wit's end when a fan decided to step into the ring and get physical with the Texas Rattlesnake.

An alert HHH grabbed the fan and suplexed the living daylights out of him before he could have gotten his hands on Austin. He went on to deliver some devastating punches while the referee too got on the action with a couple of stiff kicks.

You don't screw around with the Game, even if it means trying to avenge a loss for him:


Chris Jericho knocks out a woman

What would you do if someone spits on you? You’d probably snap and punch the life out of the guy right? Jericho did the same, but in this case, it was a fan from the fairer sex and while most would hold back, Y2J was too livid to do that.

The story goes like this. Y2J was exiting a WWE event in a car before being abruptly stopped by hoards of fans who wanted an interaction with the veteran. A fan apparently spat on Y2J just as he made his way out of the car and what ensued was a brawl of the highest order.

It was Jericho against the world as he went on to take out, not one, not two, but many fans at the same time. In the middle of all the chaos, Y2J even managed to knock a woman out cold – yeah, Y2J didn’t give a damn!

His actions had repercussions, though, as the police were obviously called in to take control of the situation as the visibly shocked fans looked on.

Here is a video of the incident:


CM Punks unleashes an elbow

The proverbial rebel of the WWE is controversies’ favorite child. Whether it is kicking off a riot with his promos or being the anti-authority figure to perfection, Punk still has the fans chanting his name day in and day out.

But there is one fan out there who would despise the mere mention of Punk’s name, and it’s all stems from what happened on RAW that aired on 10th July 2012. The then WWE champion was a part of the audience looking upon the star that cut a promo in the ring.

Punk had his back turned on the fans and one of the jobless ones wasn’t to let go of such an opportunity. Punk was nudged, shoved around and was crammed for space throughout the ordeal and it all came to a boiling point after which Punk instantly snapped.

An elbow was all it took to floor the fan, but in a botchamania moment, it wasn’t the fan that shoved Punk to begin with. Yeah, Punk took out an innocent victim, but what the heck, he surely sent out a stern message to the actual culprit.


An untold interference goes wrong

When you knock Eddie Guerrero off the ladder mid-match, you're bound to be taken out. It’s really dumbfounding, but a fan actually had the audacity to enter the ring and push the ladder while Eddie was perched up high on it, and it was downright stupid. He must have thought he's one of Vince McMahon's henchmen when he rushed to the ring.

It all happened during a ‘once in a lifetime’ match between Eddie and Rob Van Dam on an episode of RAW back in 2002. Fast forward to the closing stages of the match and RVD was spent and Eddie went on to take advantage by climbing the ladder in a bid to grab the Intercontinental title.

Next thing you know, a fan bum rushes the ring and pushes the ladder, sending Eddie crashing down on his feet. The fan knew he was in for a rough time with the security personnel who scampered to take him out, but little did he know that Eddie too would land some of the Latino heat on him.

The fan was forced out of the ring, but not before Eddie vented his frustrations out by landing a few swift punches. Here is what the dumb fan did:


Macho Man shuts down a fan

This incident happened during a WCW Nitro match between Randy ‘The Macho Man’ Savage and Kevin Nash. Macho Man made quick work of Nash and to add further wound to injury, went on to humiliate Nash by using a lipstick to make a mess of his face.

It could have probably been a butthurt Nash fan or just an attention seeking douchebag, but a fan rushed into the ring soon after Macho Man showed his artistic skills with a lipstick. Nash was busy selling and it all came down to Savage’s shoulders to tackle the fan.

Thankfully, Macho Man took the fan down before any damage was done. He wasn’t content with the takedown and went on to deliver a string of brutal punches while the fan was down, a clear disclaimer that the ring isn’t a place for a fan to be.


When Heath Slater couldn't control himself

Heath Slater is said to be one of the wrestlers whose reel life persona is a stark similarity to the way he carries himself in real life. An uncontrollable mouth coupled with a reportedly in your face attitude and you have the perfect ingredients of a top notch heel.

Slater is said to be something on these lines and if you don’t believe it, a horrific incident from his past could surely do the trick. The incident in question happened at a hotel after Slater worked a match at an event. Slater reportedly got way too physical with a female guard and it ended in countless legal hassles for the Social Outcast.

And it wasn’t just a random altercation if the guard's accusations are anything to go by. She stated that Slater thought she was attractive and grabbed her with a chokehold before attempting to drag her up to his room.

An arrest warrant was a given in the situation and Slater was slapped wth one soon after.

Big Show debuts his KO punch on a fan!

It's just idiotic to see a puny little fan have the ambitions of taking on a 7-foot beast and come out on top. A fan did just that when he tried to rile up Big Show in getting into a physical altercation and he successfully did, though, it ended up being a ‘shatering’ experience.

This was during Show’s WCW days and the particular incident occurred during one of his check-ins at a New York hotel. During one such check-in, a fan got too close for comfort and initially fired verbal jabs at Show, which was clearly caught on the security tapes of the hotel.

Verbal jabs are harmless, but things get serious when it gets all physical and the fan made a grave mistake by shoving Show. Who does that to a 7-foot giant?

An enraged Show went on to have a verbal argument before he couldn’t take it anymore and landed an epic punch straight to the jaw of the fan. The mammoth fist of Show guaranteed a broken jaw and subsequent court hearings, in which Big Show was firm in his stand that he had no option but to punch the ridiculously stupid fan in pure self-defense.


The nWo puts a fan in the right place

You have messed up bad when you are given the beating of your life by the legendary New World Order. Scott Hall, Randy Savage and Kevin Nash would have never imagined – that after defeating Diamon Dallas Page in a match – they would still have to go through a completely unforeseen obstacle in the form of a fan.

The fan rushed into the ring post-match but was greeted by a warm nWo welcome in the form of a comprehensive beatdown. Nash, Savage and Hall unceremoniously administered him a bad beating to send the fan out of the ring.

On the brighter side, the fan has a great story to tell his kids about the legendary beating he got at the hands of one of the greatest stables in pro wrestling.
