7 Ring of Honor stars that would be title contenders in the WWE

Could more of The Bullet Club be heading to the WWE??

In the wide world of professional wrestling, there's the WWE, then everyone else. Within that “everyone else” category, you’ve got New Japan Pro Wrestling, TNA and of course, Ring of Honor, who top that list. ROH is one of the more unique wrestling promotions you’ll find.

They have always had a roster full of high-quality talent, who have consistently given their fan-base something to hold on to. Despite the fact that ROH has notoriously struggled with finding a top level television deal, the company has always been able to retain their die-hard, core group of fans.

Another key component that has contributed to the success of Ring of Honor has been their close relationship with New Japan Pro Wrestling. NJPW has always been home to some of Wrestling's greatest talent. Fortunately for ROH, they have been able to successfully tap into that superior talent pipeline for themselves.

Ring of Honor has always been a great promotion for professional wrestlers to put their skills on display and there is absolutely no shame in being a member of the ROH roster.

With that said, there will always be one company that sits high atop the professional wrestling mountain, which is obviously the WWE. Sure, there have been some wrestlers who claim they would never sign with the WWE for whatever reason.

It seems as if the wrestling community has painted this evil portrait of what they think the company is. However, at the end of the day, if enough money is on the table... those ill thoughts will subside and these wrestlers will indeed sign on the dotted line.

Looking at the current Ring of Honor roster, it is pretty simple to determine which of their stars would have the best chance at success on the bigger stage with the WWE. Not that there is anything wrong with it, but some guys are simply not made for that level of performing.

With these individuals, ROH is pretty much the pinnacle for their respective career, which is perfectly fine. But, there are in fact a select few from their current roster that would probably have a good chance at doing some great things in the WWE.

Here’s a look at the seven stars from Ring of Honor who I believe would not only do well but could potentially compete for a title in the WWE.

#7 Marty Scurll

Marty takes pride in being a true villain

This guy is quietly becoming something we all will soon be talking about. Marty Scurll is the current Ring of Honor Television Champion. He has only been with ROH since last summer but has already made a significant impact.

Dubbed “The Villain,” Marty sports his trademark umbrella with him to the ring, which he may or may not have access to if necessary.

Also read: Ring of Honor Wrestling and WWE: Wrestlers who worked for both promotions

Marty made a name for himself in his native UK territory, prior to coming to the States and competing at the highest levels with top indie promotions such as Pro Wrestling Guerrilla. Scurll has also made appearances with TNA as well, competing in the 2012 British Boot Camp.

Marty’s style is what you would expect from a typical British brawler. He is relentless, methodical and strong. Even though he’s only 5’9”, Marty has proved that he can handle himself just fine in the presence of wrestlers twice his size.

Marty would be versatile enough in the WWE, that he could either compete as a member of the Cruiserweight Division, or he could start off in NXT until he has honed his craft enough to make a main roster run.

#6 Dalton Castle

He’s unique but full of great potential

If Ric Flair and Gorgeous George had an illegitimate love-child, it would be Dalton Castle. This guy may appear to be a freak of nature on the outside, but don't let the peacock feathers fool you, Dalton Castle is a bona fide star.

Castle has been one of the most entertaining talents in ROH history. This 30-year-old has a degree in theatre, which is obvious that he has put that education to use with his wrestling career. Dalton has already mastered the art of captivating the crowds, even before he makes it into the ring.

His over-the-top theatrics are what make him such a spectacle. But, it is also important to note that Dalton is incredibly sound in the ring as well.

#5 War Machine

These guys are pure destruction!

Hanson and Ray Rowe joined forces after first competing against one another in the 2014 ROH Top Prospect Tournament. In the finals of that tournament, Hanson defeated Rowe. It was their undeniable chemistry that resulted in the once foes combining forces.

Once together, fate took control and it was as if the duo was destined to be a tag team.

Since making their debut as a tag team, War Machine has had their share of ups and downs. In late 2014, Rowe was involved in a motorcycle accident which nearly cost him his life. Numerous reports began to surface, suggesting he may never step foot back into a ring.

However, Rowe refused to allow the incident to control his destiny. Not only would Rowe come back, but he came back looking even better than ever.

At the 2015 ROH Final Battle event, War Machine defeated then Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions - The Addiction, and became the new Tag Team Champions. Rowe and Hanson would travel the world, accepting all challengers, during their 143-day title reign.

#4 Jay Lethal

Jay Lethal is one of the most underrated stars in the world

When I think about Jay Lethal, the first thing that comes to mind is his promo battle with Ric Flair during his time with TNA. If you have not watched those segments yet, I highly recommend you do so.

Jay Lethal has consistently been one of Ring of Honor’s top-tier performers. Jay has held practically every single championship that ROH has to offer, including the original Ring of Honor Pure Championship.

The Pure title is one of the most prestigious belts in ROH history, with only 6 wrestlers ever holding the title. Other winners of the Pure Championship include AJ Styles, Samoa Joe and Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson)

Jay Lethal is a true wrestling fan, first and foremost. He loves the sport and has done so his entire life. I heard him talking to Bill Apter once when he made the comment that “before all of this, I am a fan of professional wrestling.”

That has been one of his best attributes, as well as a huge part of why he is such a revered talent.

#3 The Briscoe Brothers

It’s not pretty, but it’s effective...#DEMBOYZ

Several years ago, I watched a shoot video where Jay Briscoe stated that following a WWE tryout, they received a phone call from John Laurinaitis.

During that call, John told the Briscoes that while they had the raw talent needed to succeed in the WWE, they were simply not “aesthetically pleasing” enough to represent the company. In simpler terms, John told them that they didn't have that cookie-cutter physical look needed to be in the WWE.

Since that time, Jay and Mark Briscoe have continued to thrive in ROH, as well as in Japan. These guys have had massive success as a tag team, but have also done pretty well for themselves in singles competition, especially Jay.

The Briscoes have a natural draw about them. They represent the common man, similar to the way Dusty Rhodes did. They don't dress flashy, they're certainly not politically correct by any means. However, they bring the business each and every time the bell rings.

#2 Adam Cole

Adam Cole is destined for many more years of success!

He's the newest protege for The Bullet Club, and he's also the Ring of Honor World Champion. Adam Cole is on top of the world right now, making the entire industry take notice that he is as good as it gets.

At only 27 years young, Cole has already won the ROH World Title three times, as well as the Television Championship. Adam has plenty of good years ahead of him and if he ever decides to take his talents to the WWE, I can picture him having to spend minimal time in NXT, not that NXT is a bad option.

There have been rumours of Cole making the jump over the past couple of years, but nothing has materialised as of yet. Personally, I think Adam is just letting the chips fall as they may, prior to making any sort of drastic decisions.

In the end, this will be a decision that Cole himself will have to make. But, as I have already mentioned, this kid has plenty of quality years left... his time will come and yes, I firmly believe that Adam Cole eventually signs a WWE contract.

#1 Young Bucks

This is as good as it gets, folks

They are the absolutely the very best tag team in the world, and they know it. While some may say Matt and Nick Jackson are cocky, I tend to call it mere confidence, which they are entitled to have. The Young Bucks have the luxury of going into every single match knowing they are better than the guys across the ring from them.

In recent years, there has been speculation that The Young Bucks were in talks with WWE officials. However, Matt and Nick tend to brush those rumours off as nothing. I have no doubt that Vince and his team have their eyes on The Young Bucks, they'd be foolish not to.

But this is a duo that won't be easily persuaded with money, primarily due to the fact that they are one of the highest paid talents on the road.

Both Nick and Matt have started settling down and focusing more on family life. They may be more willing to entertain a WWE offer if it means that they would have more time at home. Currently, the brothers are bouncing back-and-forth from the States to Japan.

This cannot be easy for a young family. Don't be surprised if you see the Super Kick Party rolling into the WWE in the near future.

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