5 WWE Superstars who should have been World champions by now

Bray Wyatt and his legion of fireflies.
Bray Wyatt's entrance is among the best in the business

The WWE roster is filled with tonnes of amazing Superstars, but not all of them get their rightful due. Some wrestlers spend years putting on great matches, only to see someone with a better catchphrase be pushed ahead of them by management.

Most of the people who win a world title deserve it, but we don't always see everyone who deserves it win one. WWE can't just throw the title on anyone with some momentum because it would water down the belt's legacy.

Picking Superstars worthy of a run with a WWE World title sounds like it would be easy, but with so many different opinions on which wrestlers deserve it the most, it becomes much more difficult to please everyone.

This slideshow will look at five competitors who definitely deserve a run with one of the company's top titles. World Championships from promotions outside of WWE won't count, and the women's division will be included alongside the men's.

#5 Naomi


The women's revolution has been great for the business and the wrestling industry as a whole, but a few talented Superstars were pushed aside to make room for the new crop of talents being brought up from NXT.

One of the biggest victims has been Naomi. Before Charlotte, Sasha Banks, Becky Lynch and Bayley were called up, Naomi was far and away the best athlete in the division, and one of the best in the entire company.

Also read: 5 WWE superstars who should be involved in the title picture in 2017

She is agile, strong and has everything you could want in a character. She has worked well as a heel and a babyface, and she has one of the most entertaining entrances in the entire company.

As someone who has been with the company since 2010, she is one of the longest standing members of the division. Now that the Four Horsewomen have settled into their roles, WWE needs to consider giving Naomi the push she has deserved for years.

#4 Sami Zayn


A few injuries have kept Sami Zayn from reaching his true potential, but when you look at the history of WWE's world title holders, it seems wrong to not see his name on the list.

Zayn was ready for the main roster long before he was called up, but WWE took the slow approach to building his character in NXT as the ultimate underdog. He was being groomed as the next fan-favorite, but a shoulder injury delayed his main roster debut by almost a year.

Zayn has watched friends he has known from the indy scene for over a decade being pushed past him, but no matter how many times WWE stalls his push, Zayn continues putting on show-stealing matches.

The crowd loves him, and his feuds with competitors of all shapes and sizes prove that he can have a good match with anyone. He should be considered for the WWE or Universal Championship in 2017. Anything else is unacceptable.

#3 Cesaro


Cesaro has been on the cusp of a main event push a few times since he joined the main roster in 2012, but for some reason, WWE changes its mind before ever pulling the trigger.

His resume includes a U.S. title and two runs with the Tag Team Championships, plus a victory in the first Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal, but he has never held a top championship.

Even Jack Swagger, his former Real Americans tag team partner, has held a world title. Cesaro is over with the crowd, has an exciting repertoire of moves and possesses more physical power than guys twice his size. On more than one occasion, he has stolen the show with guys much higher up on the food chain.

Being paired with Sheamus as a team was a good placeholder storyline for Cesaro, but he is the kind of talent who can produce five-star matches with all of the main event players. He should be in the hunt for a singles title, not relegated to a short-term tag team.

#2 Kofi Kingston


Kofi Kingston has been with WWE for a decade, but he has yet to win a world title. He has held just about every other belt WWE has to offer multiple times, but whenever it looks like he is going to get a big push, management pulls the rug out from under him.

Teaming with Xavier Woods and Big E as part of The New Day has given Kingston a new energy, and the past two years have been the best of his career in terms of mic skills and overall wrestling quality. He has refined his style and has become a much smoother performer.

WWE has been struggling to find something for the group to do without the Tag Team Championships and putting one of them in a singles program for a top title while the other two continue pursuing the tag belts might be the best thing for them right now.

Putting Kingston back into the hunt for the WWE or Universal title would allow Woods to perform in more matches, so everyone wins. Kingston is an incredible athlete who has grown a lot as a wrestler. He should be getting better feuds with top stars.

#1 Bray Wyatt


There is no greater example of WWE catching lightning in a bottle and letting it go than Bray Wyatt. When he first debuted, he had the most intriguing gimmick we had seen in years. He looked poised to immediately rise to the top of the roster, but it never happened.

Every time Wyatt would build up a string of wins, WWE would book him to lose a big match and kill any momentum that he had. It happened when he fought John Cena, and it happened again when he faced The Undertaker at WrestleMania 31.

His current storyline with Randy Orton has helped him a little, but he still isn't the one being pushed into the main event. Instead, WWE had Orton win the Royal Rumble to earn a shot at the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 32.

Wyatt is one of the best WWE has on the mic, and he is a creative performer in the ring. If Orton ends up winning the title from Cena, he needs to enter into a feud with Wyatt for the title right away, otherwise, it would have all been for nothing.

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