5 WWE Superstars the company needs to release now

Face the facts, Curt

SmackDown Live is considered to be the land of opportunity, and to an extent, that does ring true - however that isn't the case throughout the entirety of the WWE. In fact, there are quite a few names that aren't on this list that still could've qualified because the company just doesn't know what to do, given how much talent they have at their disposal right now.

Because of this, we honestly feel as if the best course of action would be for Vince to have another big clear out in the next few months. It doesn't necessarily need to happen for one reason, in particular. In fact, it's quite the contrary: there are multiple reasons behind why this should happen. Being a jobber is one thing, but being worthless is something else altogether.

Everyone on this list has had their moment in the sunshine at some point, but they'd all benefit so much from expanding their horizons outside of WWE. You see, we aren't suggesting that anyone on here is bad, but instead that they need to re-invent themselves in a way that could potentially make them more valuable in the years to come.

So with that all being said, here are five WWE superstars the company needs to release now.

#1 Curt Hawkins

Poor old Curt

Face the facts - Curt Hawkins isn't being given much respect around here anymore. The guy was brought back into the fold after a few years away on the independent scene and from the second the first vignette aired, it became apparent that he'd be positioned as a jobber once again.

That isn't us gloating, either - because pretty much everyone was thinking it.

Hawkins did well on the indies, and perhaps it'll take yet another stint away for WWE to finally realise that they need to get serious about this guy. He's got a solid look, he's decent on the mic, and he could work as an arrogant mid-carder that guys on their way up to the main event need to beat in order to gain some credibility.

Our next Superstar on the list is here to show the world.

#2 Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler desperately needs a change of pace

When Dolph Ziggler was toying with the idea of re-signing with WWE or leaving for pastures new, he really should've left. Like, it was a HUGE mistake for him to stay. He clearly doesn't rely as much on the money side of things and could probably live comfortably one way or another, which leads us to believe that he's really passionate about his work inside the squared circle.

So why on earth did he stay?

Sure he's had a great back-and-forth feud with The Miz that was better than it had any right to be, but since then he's been stuck in the same old loop, and many fans are growing to hate him. Oh, and it's not the proper kind of heel heat - it's ‘X-Pac heat’, and when that starts to happen, you really need to re-evaluate things.

It's time for all red everything.

#3 Eva Marie

Can Eva bounce back?

Eva Marie isn't a very good wrestler, we know that - but she's a hell of a lot better than she was a few years ago. The girl is a guaranteed heat magnet too, and prior to her suspension, Eva was doing great things on SmackDown Live as the bitchy heel that downright refused to wrestle one way or another. Seriously, it was fascinating television.

Also read: 5 Former WWE New Generation Superstars: Where are they now?

However, since then she's barely been seen on the weekly product, and if her Instagram is anything to go by, then she really doesn't care about professional wrestling all too much anymore. It's a shame, but if there aren't any plans for her in the immediate future, then the best course of action would be to "open up some cap space" so to speak.

We move back over to the male side of things for this next entry.

#4 Curtis Axel

Axel is being severely underutilised

Curtis Axel may not be on the same level of his father, but he shouldn't always be compared to someone as great as Mr Perfect - it just isn't fair. Instead, he needs to be looking towards where he wants to go with his career as it's obvious that his current WWE tenure is doing quite literally nothing for him. Seriously, the guy is practically worthless.

We could see Axel succeeding over in New Japan, potentially even as a member of Bullet Club if he was booked correctly. Sure they'd have to hide his flaws, but the guy is still young enough to the point where he can continue to learn, and Japan is a great proving ground for that kind of thing. Who knows, maybe he could even return to WWE one day.


#5 Bo Dallas

WWE does not Bolieve

If we’ve learned one thing over the last year or so, it’s that WWE most certainly does not Bolieve. The former NXT Champion started off well on the main roster after initially debuting in the Royal Rumble match, but after that point, things just seemed to go more and more downhill. There were rumours of dissension backstage and before we knew it, Dallas was a part of the Social Outcasts. Poor guy.

A lot of people believe that things can be salvaged by inserting Dallas into the Wyatt Family alongside his real life brother Bray Wyatt, but we’re curious as to how likely that is. After all, the two men have been on the main roster together for a few years now, and we’ve never even heard so much of a peep about their background. Either way, Dallas needs to go and work some magic on the indies for a few years.

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