5 WWE superstars who manhandled Vince McMahon

McMahon being showered with beer

The Montreal Screwjob kicked off quite possibly the most compelling heel in the history of the WWE. Because that heel character resonated with a lot of fans of the WWE who were mostly working class people.

The egomaniacal, tyrannical, narcissistic, capitalistic boss made everyone loathe him to every bit of his being. Hence maybe the best way to get over and make a statement of how important you are to the WWE is by laying hands on the Boss.

Over the years McMahon has had many feuds but the beauty of an unforeseen or unplanned attack is worth every bit of your time. This list does not include his matches, these include moments that were not matches but segments where McMahon wasn’t supposed to wrestle and was attacked/ manhandled by a superstar.

Here are the 5 superstars who manhandled Vince McMahon-

  1. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Well, no one has come close to giving the beating that Stone Cold has unleashed on McMahon during their remarkable feud in the Attitude Era. Be it the first Stone Cold Stunner that pleasantly stunned the world to the comedic gold that was the hospital beatdown, Stone Cold did not give two cents about the fact that he was beating up the man who signed his cheques.

It was something that the entire working class audience of the WWE revelled in. Stone Cold became the biggest anti-hero and the most profitable star the company had ever seen. There was just no other man above him in that aspect.

  1. Undertaker

Apart from being called McMahon’s greatest creation, Undertaker also gets the lion’s share of attacking McMahon apart from Austin. After him and Kane are unable to prevent McMahon from getting attacked by The Rattlesnake, McMahon backtracked on his promise to hand over the WWF Title to either Kane or Undertaker.

He then booked a singles match between them for the next PPV where Austin stands in their way as the special guest referee and then books them in a handicap match for later that night.

All of that did not get him mauled but then Taker caught him flipping him off and that was the END of McMahon. Taker dragged him to the ground, landed furious punches and then both brothers went on to (kayfabe) break his leg.

  1. Roman Reigns

Reigns hasn’t really enjoyed the extent of freedom Stone Cold had back in the day in ripping the power that be apart. And really, you can’t put blame to anyone or anything. McMahon is now a 70-year-old man.

But the guy did the best he could in making Reigns look good. He sold the Superman Punch to death and that was an icing on that cake that was the night when Reigns crawled and roared his way into being over in front of a hard core arena like Philadelphia - the same arena that booed him at the Royal Rumble that same year. Just goes to show the impact and the aura the McMahon character has.

  1. Mankind

Not many wrestlers can say that they wiped the taste out of Vincent Kennedy McMahon’s mouth but Mankind can. On Raw’s 15th Anniversary, McMahon took a long stride to his ring and got the people to listen to his opinion of who the greatest superstar of all time is. He built this whimsical moment into something of an award ceremony where he asked to be given an envelope. Got one and then got a drum roll. And the winner was…

..It’s him, darn it! It’s been him all along!

That of course got him a lot of jeers until Mankind came out and gave McMahon the Socko treatment. Not everyday you see the chairman taste somebody’s socks!

  1. Brock Lesnar

You don’t get to slay the Beast’s advocate. You just don’t and that is exactly what Vince McMahon set out to do in one of the most babyface moves his character has ever committed.

Heyman and CM Punk were revealed to be paying Brad Maddox and The Shield for screwing Ryback of the WWE Championship and that just gave the Chairman enough ammunition to unload on Heyman.

And final shot was him telling Heyman that he was ‘FIRED’ but he couldn’t because the Beast showed up, took his moment, asked his advocate to shut up and let him handle it and then F-5ed McMahon out of his wits.