Top 5 WWE anti-authority angles

Who was you
Who was your favourite rebel?

The tales filling WWE's storybook are full of people who buck authority and go on to greatness. Fans have always rallied behind people who look at their bosses and decide to go the other direction if anything because they envy their ability to do so.

This is no new idea to pro wrestling but it works very well. This is why a good ol' fashioned anti-authority angle can do the trick in kicking a program into high gear.

Here is a list of five times a Superstar or Superstars have gone against the establishment in order to get to the top using their own career path.

#1 D-Generation X

Were they
Were they the best stable ever?

When you're talking about D-Generation X's battles with authority you have to chose which one to highlight first. These guys battled with many regimens thought the existence of the stable, starting with Sgt. Slaughter and moving up to Vince McMahon later on.

They've put the band back together on many occasions and been a pain in the authority's neck the entire time while loving every second of it. Their juvenile antics have become the stuff of legend and nobody will forget the first time they heard an entire arena yell "suck it!"

It's ironic to think about where Triple H, Shawn Michaels, and Road Dogg are now because they are in positions of authority in WWE. But it all started with one simple question which is still being asked to this day: "Are you ready?"


#2 "Stone Cold" Steve Austin

Stone Cold
Stone Cold didn't care who he went up against

Long before the Broken Skull Challenge or his induction into the WWE Hall Of Fame, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin made a name for himself by giving middle fingers and Stunners wherever he went. This rebellious behaviour led to one of the most successful runs in WWE history that may never be matched in sheer magnitude.

Nobody was off limits for The Rattlesnake as he tore his way through the WWE roster and office alike. He dished out Stone Cold stunners like they were discounted bags of candy the day after Halloween and the fans benefited from every minute of it.

Austin gave his heart, soul, and body for the fans through his career and was used through his injuries as a non-wrestler just because he was so incredibly popular.

But he was game to do it, and in spite of a heel turn, where he became a corporate kiss-up, he was giving WWE's upper crust the business during his entire time with the company.


#3 Shane McMahon

This guy can ba
This guy can back it up in the ring

Even though he's the boss' son, Shane McMahon has always been on his father's good side. When he swooped in and purchased WCW out from under Vince McMahon, it was a moment that shook the entire pro wrestling world. This carried into the Invasion angle, and although it could have been booked better, the program was still full of moments worth remembering.

Shane is a notoriously hardheaded highflyer and can run with the best of them when put to the test. With the ability to back it up in the ring this gave Shane McMahon, even more, fuel to charge his rage and lust for skirting the status quo.

During Shane's return to WWE years after his departure, he became Commissioner of SmackDown Live and his rebellious attitude didn't seem like it's dwindled much. Although he was in a position of power, his ruthless tactics certainly ruffled the feathers of Stephanie McMahon and Kurt Angle leading into Survivor Series 2017.


#4 Daniel Bryan

Daniel B
Daniel Bryan loved getting The Authority's goat

It seems like The Authority's existence circled around the idea of making Daniel Bryan's life as much of a miserable time as possible. They put up every roadblock in Bryan's way and he used his skill and unbelievable popularity to come out on top.

Even though all the punishment The Authority put Bryan through might have taken years off his amazing career, The Bearded GOAT's own move set was really to blame for his early retirement.

But nobody will forget the moment Daniel Bryan hijacked Raw in the face of an astounded and hatred-filled Authority. This culminated in Bryan's insertion into the WrestleMania XXX main event, but he had to go through Triple H to get there.

Even after Daniel Bryan was forced to retire from in-ring action, he continued to rebel as he sought out other treatments to refute WWE's doctor's claims that he should never wrestle again. Our fingers are still crossed on that one.


#5 Kevin Owens

Kevin Owens has a great time as an anti-hero

I've previously written about Kevin Owens' desire to be a "Stone Cold" type anti-hero and he's well on his way to achieving that goal. He loves to get cheers, because who wouldn't? But what he loves the most is having a great time in the ring doing whatever he wants and getting a rousing ovation anyway.

Kevin Owens butted heads with authority in his program leading to Money In The Bank, literally. His headbutt against Vince McMahon was something that will be talked about for years.

For all we know, it could be the last time Vince McMahon puts himself in that kind of risk seeing how so many people came down on McMahon after the segment for bleeding during the PG Era.

This angle led to an epic encounter at Hell In A Cell against Shane McMahon which saw Sami Zayn joining his former best friend on the dark side. But no matter how mean Kevin Owens gets, some fans are still behind him due to his gravitating personality, ring work, and match psychology.
