5 Wrestlers who might be out of WWE soon, and 5 who might join

WWE Women's champion Ronda Rousey
WWE Women's champion Ronda Rousey

2018 wound up being one of the wildest, most unpredictable years in WWE and sports entertainment history.

From big name superstars being abruptly released, to the world's largest independent wrestling show All In, and the WWE's decision to run shows in the controversial kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the wrestling world found itself in a state of constant flux.

So far, 2019 seems on course to be even more eventful than the previous year. It all started on January 1st at midnight, when members of the Elite proudly announced the formation of a brand new pro wrestling promotion, All Elite Wrestling.

Much like throwing a rock into a pond creates ripples, the formation of the new promotion has had an effect all throughout the pro wrestling industry. Many of those ripples have directly affected the largest pro wrestling organization in the world, the WWE.

Faced with some flagging ratings and unhappy fans and wrestlers, WWE has been trying to turn things around but there will inevitably be those who believe the grass is greener on the other side of the fence. Here are five wrestlers who might be done with WWE in 2019, and five that could join the promotion.

Could be leaving the WWE soon: The Revival

Dash and Dawson, the Revival
Dash and Dawson, the Revival

The Top Guys were insanely impressive in NXT, putting on heart-stopping matches with teams like DIY. Their 'no flips, just fists' slogan was catchy, and despite being ostensibly a heel tag team they had a great deal of crowd support.

When they joined the WWE's main roster, fans hoped it would lead to a return of the golden age of tag team wrestling. Unfortunately, that hasn't been the case. The Revival recently asked for their release after participating in a six-minute match on Monday Night Raw.

So, will the Revival really be leaving? As of right now, WWE management has asked them to stick around for at least three months to see if things can turn around.

Chances of the Revival leaving the WWE: About 50-50. While the WWE doesn't want to release any talent that might wind up on an AEW broadcast, they are also notorious for treating tag team wrestling as an afterthought while focusing on singles stars. With The Revival under contract with WWE until next year, it could go either way.

Could sign with the WWE: Abyss

Abyss, AKA Chris Park, has been a long time Impact wrestling loyalist
Abyss, AKA Chris Park, has been a long time Impact wrestling loyalist

Longtime fans of Impact Wrestling dating back to its TNA days will immediately recognize Chris Park, better known to the world as Abyss.

Abyss has been a part of the company almost from its inception, and in fact the TNA Monster's Ball match is named after him.

So, just who is Abyss? Well, imagine taking the Undertaker and Mick Foley and putting them into a blender. What came out the other side would look a lot like Abyss. Like Undertaker, Abyss is a very big man who moves with catlike grace. Like Mick Foley, he can take a lot of punishment and is fond of the 'hardcore' style. Could he be coming to WWE soon?

Chances of Abyss coming to WWE: 80-20 in favor of it. Abyss has long been a stalwart TNA/Impact loyalist, but he's truly accomplished all he can in the promotion and his age and injuries mean if he wants to have a run in the 'big leagues' of the WWE it's now or never.

Could be leaving WWE: Chad Gable

Chad Gable
Chad Gable

Charles Betts, better known to fans as Chad Gable, checks a lot of boxes for wrestling fans. He's got a strong amateur background, which cements his 'legitimacy' in the sport. Gable also has youth and tremendous athletic ability. During his tenure in NXT, he and partner Jason Jordan were unquestionably the hottest tag team in the entirety of WWE.

Gable hasn't fared so well on the main roster. He was split from Jordan because WWE believed Jordan was ready for a main event run while they weren't too sure about Gable. Currently, Gable is one-half of the Glorious Alphas, a team that was literally thrown together at the last minute.

While he is wearing championship gold, it's in a division that the WWE has long neglected. Gable is everything that the All Elite Wrestling promotion is looking for in a signee. Will he ask for his release like the Revival?

Chances of him leaving WWE: 75-25 against it. While Gable could be much higher on the card, he doesn't seem to be as frustrated as others on the WWE roster. It also looks like WWE is following up on their promise to Dash and Dawson to feature tag team wrestling more prominently, so he may have less incentive to ask for his release.

Could be signing with WWE: Shane Strickland (Killshot)

He's a hot free agent, meet Shane Strickland (if you're not familiar with him already.)
He's a hot free agent, meet Shane Strickland (if you're not familiar with him already.)

Many fans were dazzled by Shane Strickland in Lucha Underground, where he wrestled under a mask as the Killshot character. Strickland's high flying ring style meshed well with the Lucha Libre promotion's talent, and he seemed to enjoy his tenure there.

He even joked that Lucha Underground is the only place a black man could wrestle under a mask and call himself Killshot.

He has also held the Evolve championship, having won it from current NXT wrestler Matt Riddle. Now that he's a free agent, might we see Strickland in the WWE?

Chances of Strickland signing with WWE: 90-10 in favor of it. The WWE has reportedly been keen on Strickland, and NXT wrestlers like Matt Riddle and Keith Lee have spoken highly of him. He would be a fine addition to 205 Live or NXT.

Could be leaving WWE: Goldust

You will never forget the name of....(INHALE) GOLDUST....even if he decides to leave WWE
You will never forget the name of....(INHALE) GOLDUST....even if he decides to leave WWE

When you're the son of a world-famous professional wrestler, name recognition certainly opens a lot of doors. However, it also leads to a lot of expectations and comparisons.

Dustin Runnels is the son of the legendary American Dream, Dusty Rhodes. In order to escape his father's long, long shadow, Dustin adopted the character of the Bizarre One, Goldust.

From his early days of using homophobia as a psychological weapon, Goldust changed with the times and is now one of the most beloved figures in wrestling just on the basis of his longevity. Many fans grew up watching Dustin compete as Goldust. But could he really be leaving WWE behind?

Chances of him leaving the WWE: Almost 100% in favor of it. However, if Dustin leaves it won't be because he's disgruntled with his position in the company, but simply due to age and injuries accumulated over his thirty-year career. Since he's been outspoken about pursuing a career in acting, we may soon see the last of Goldust in a WWE ring.

Could be joining WWE: Allison Kay (Sienna)

Allison Kay, AKA Sienna in Impact wrestling.
Allison Kay, AKA Sienna in Impact wrestling.

Allison Kay is a former two-time Impact Knockouts champion, and a ten year veteran of pro wrestling who is currently being sought out by several promotions, including WWE and AEW.

Allison Kay is a lifelong wrestling fan, and brings a level of toughness that contrasts with her glamour girl good looks. Success in TNA/Impact does not necessarily guarantee a WWE contract, but given that Mia Yim and Laurel Van Ness signed with the company the prospects look good for Allison Kay.

Chances of signing with the WWE: 50-50. Allison Kay would be a lock in for NXT if not for the sudden formation of All Elite Wrestling. This might throw a wrench in the works for her appearing in a WWE ring, and only time will tell if the former Knockouts champion will end up wrestling the likes of Bayley and Charlotte.

Could be leaving WWE: Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler, AKA Nick Nemeth
Dolph Ziggler, AKA Nick Nemeth

Over and over again, if you ask fans which wrestling superstar is the most underrated by the company he works for, one name will pop up more than any other: Dolph Ziggler.

Ziggler draws favorable comparisons to Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair, but to be fair he's a far greater performer than either of those men. Dolph Ziggler, it has been said, could have a five-star match wrestling a broom, and we're not going to dispute that here.

While Ziggler is a former world champion, grand slam champion, and a major fixture of WWE for almost a decade, there is little doubt he mostly acts as a gatekeeper for the main event. Might he be departing the WWE for greener pastures?

Chances of him leaving the WWE: 90-10 in favor of it. The WWE reportedly wants to take Ziggler out of in-ring action, and make him a producer backstage. The insanely talented Ziggler has reportedly turned down such a role with the company, and recently removed WWE references on his social media accounts. He has also started pushing T-shirts that bear his real name, Nick Nemeth, and not the WWE trademarked Dolph Ziggler.

Might sign with WWE: Dalton Castle

Dalton Castle
Dalton Castle

When Dalton Castle made his debut for Ring of Honor several years ago, he was being set up to be a cocky heel. His 'alternative lifestyle' and dazzling entrance were supposed to rile the fans up against him.

However, by the time Dalton made it into the ring--by stepping on one of his "Boys"'s back--the fans were chanting "This is Awesome!" Dalton Castle became an instant sensation, and was so popular he wound up with a TV title shot even though he lost the tournament in the first round.

Last year, WWE was very keen on hiring the Peacock, but he wound up sticking with Ring of Honor. With his contract due to expire this year, will we see Dalton Castle ply his trade in the WWE?

Chances of him signing with WWE: 70-30 against it. While Dalton certainly is a star on the rise, Ring of Honor has treated him quite well, putting their world title on him in record time.

Could be leaving the WWE: Ronda Rousey

WWE Raw women's champion stares down Sasha Banks.
WWE Raw women's champion stares down Sasha Banks.

Former Olympic medalist and UFC world champion Ronda Rousey created quite a stir when she announced her signing with the WWE.

Many fans and critics believed that she would perform poorly at the transition, but Rousey has exceeded all expectations and proven herself to be a capable and entertaining wrestling performer.

Her first match at WrestleMania 34 was considered one of the best on the entire card, which is high praise indeed. She's held onto the Raw women's title with an iron fist, but could she be leaving the WWE soon?

Chances of her leaving the WWE: About 90%. Rousey's deal was said to be for one year, and she has made her intentions of having children and starting a family clear. It remains to be seen if the WWE can coax her into staying longer, or working limited dates ala Brock Lesnar.

Might sign with WWE: Eli Drake

Eli Drake, the namer of Dummies.
Eli Drake, the namer of Dummies.

Eli Drake has almost been a WWE superstar twice, and both times fate seemed to cheat him of that status.

The first time, he wrestled a try out for the WWE and impressed them enough for a callback. However, due to a long doctor's office visit concerning a shoulder separation, he wound up being an hour late. The WWE rescinded their offer on the spot, and he was blacklisted for almost two years.

Then, Drake joined the NXT developmental brand, but like so very many other wrestlers he butted heads with former trainer Bill DeMott. He signed a contract extension with Impact in the middle of last year, but could he wind up in a WWE ring, finally?

Chances of him signing with WWE: 50-50. Eli Drake has said he currently has rebuilt his relationship with WWE, and they are reportedly interested in signing the muscular Drake. However, TNA is keen on keeping him around as well.

There you have it; Five wrestlers who could be gone from WWE this year, and five that might end up signing with them. Questions or comments? Please leave them below the article, and as always thanks for reading!