5 Wrestlers who spent time in prison

Hall has an embarrassing record of arrests 

When working in the professional wrestling business, you are bound to come across a lot of limelight. When some of this would be good, others wouldn’t be things that one could be proud about. The stories of wrestlers getting arrested and going to prison belong to this category. And since the wrestling business is always under the media scanner, whenever someone gets arrested, it turned out into a media fiasco, worsening the situation.

We, as fans, have come across a string of such incidents and in this list; we are going to take a look at some of those professional wrestlers that went to prison.

#5 Ric Flair

Flair has his share of troubles

The Stylin', profilin', limousine riding, jet flying, kiss stealing, wheelin' n' dealin' son of a gun! has had his fair share of trouble with the police. Flair was arrested numerous times for ridiculous reasons. In 1996, he was arrested for letting an underage drunk girl drive his car and then almost a decade later, he was arrested for road rage.

Flair apparently caught a motorist by his neck and kicked the door off an SUV. For someone who is respected so much in the business, Flair has spent a ridiculous amount of time behind the bars. These days, thankfully, he has calmed and is cleaner.

#4 Vader

Imagine him being drunk and out of control

Vader was recently in the headlines for his criticism of the Will Ospreay vs. Ricochet match. While he enjoys making such controversial comments and wrestling occasionally these days, the real life Leon White was a handful for the police on various occasions. He was arrested during his vacation for being drunk and being out of control.

Then in 2002, eight officers, two dogs and three sets of handcuffs were needed to arrest him after he wrecked his vehicle and tried to flee the scene. He was apparently intoxicated during the whole process and was spewing threats at the police which included threats about killing the dogs. Long time back, he was detained for a few days in Kuwait as well.

#3 Sunny

Sunny was once arrested five times in one month

The fall of Sunny is something that makes all of us cringe. From being one of the most notable women in the professional wrestling business, Sunny has stooped so low to offering Skype sessions in return for money. And not only this, Sunny has been arrested numerous times and spent more than 100 days in prison.

The reasons for her arrests include third-degree burglary, violating protective orders, disorderly conduct, and much more. Things were so worse for Sunny that she even got arrest five separate times in one month. She recently made it to the news for embarking on a career in the porn industry and shows the roller coaster ride that once could take in the wrestling industry.

#2 Jake Roberts

Forgettable days

The documentary based on the life of Jake Roberts, ‘The Resurrection of Jake Roberts’ is receiving some positive reviews. The reason for this is the inspiring story of Jake. He was someone that had an immense amount of talent during his prime but thanks to his battle with the demons, Jake ended up being a big mess.

And he has gone to prison as well due to these struggles. He was arrested in 1988 for battery after he punched a man who was arguing with another man over a woman. 11 years later, Jake was arrested for being behind child support. His other arrests happened due to reasons like not looking after his Python, possessing Cocaine, drinking and driving and much more.

#1 Scott Hall

Not a proud history

Scott Hall has a long list of arrests to his name. The bad boy of the wrestling business, Hall was first arrested in 1983 when he was charged with a second-degree murder. Hall shot a man with his gun outside a club but Hall claimed that the same was for self-defense. The case was closed later due to lack of evidence but Hall would run into trouble again in 1990 when he drunk drove his limousine.

He was arrested for groping a 56-year old woman in 1998 and then was arrested in 2000, 2008, 2010, and 2012 respectively for various offenses ranging from bar fights, DUI, and domestic disturbance. Talk about setting the bench mark.