5 ways in which WWE can book Shinsuke Nakamura vs Jeff Hardy

Strong Style or High Flying - Who wins this Tuesday?
Strong Style or High Flying - Who wins this Tuesday

Jeff Hardy and Shinsuke Nakamura have been fighting over the last few weeks on SmackDown Live. In an attempt to settle the score, SmackDown Live General Manager has put them in a match on this week's episode of SmackDown Live.

While the match has brilliance written all over it, even WWE would have to be cautious about the manner in which they book the match. If the match goes way too slow, it would kill the anticipation and sheer joy of watching these two great performers in the ring. If it goes one way, it would make the other wrestler look weak. If it involves one wrestler getting beaten up backstage, and in this case, it has to be Jeff Hardy, the sheer brilliance of this match would be lowered.

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Both wrestlers have amazing moves and finishers in their arsenal which makes it a match that is must-see on Smackdown Live this week.

With that in mind, here are five ways in which WWE can book the end of this match:

#5 Low Blow

Go Low-Blow
Go Low-Blow

Shinsuke Nakamura has been low-blowing his opponents since WrestleMania this year. He did this with AJ Styles after their match at WrestleMania, which made him heel.

Ever since that incident, Shinsuke hasn't stopped low-blowing his opponents, and even Jeff Hardy has felt it. The two wrestlers have been in the WWE ring before too, however, their match needs to have some powerful moves, and in an attempt to do just that, Paige has made this match for SmackDown Live.

In an attempt to get over with this feud and the match, what if during the end moments, Shinsuke Nakamura gives a low blow to Jeff Hardy which isn't seen by the referee as he would be distracted. This would help Nakamura win, and his heel persona will get more character.

This wouldn't be the most creative decision of all, because he has performed this activity on multiple other wrestlers already and there isn't anything creative or new about this move. Although it seems to be the easiest way to get through with the match, it surely isn't the most popular one, and that is why this option makes it at number five on the list.

#4 Double Count Out

Count them Out

Nakamura and Hardy have been involved in a gruelling match in the past and they have a gruesome history as well. Their feud has given fans a moment to enjoy some great action in the ring and if Paige makes it better through her decisions, it would be even better.

What if in an attempt to knock down their opponent, they go out of the ring and onto the concrete floor/ramp. Due to the bad blood, they have between them, they can continue fighting outside, while the referee counts to ten.

This way, none of them would look weak and we will get to see some more matches between these two amazingly talented wrestlers in weeks to come.

#3 Disqualification

Disqualified or Lost?
Disqualified or Lost?

The other way in which WWE can create some compelling television for weeks to come is by disqualifying one of them during the match.

While everyone would love to see Nakamura getting disqualified, it would be better if Jeff gets disqualified during the match. In case, you aren't aware, WWE have always got better responses and cheers from the crowd in case a babyface loses due to a heel's action and this time, Jeff Hardy is in that position.

During the match, Shinsuke Nakamura could try to bring a chair in the ring, and when the referee would ask Nakamura to throw it away, Jeff would hit Shinsuke, and get disqualified in the process.

This would be a good way to keep this feud going during coming weeks.

#2 Shinsuke wins it clean

Artistic Win
Artistic Win

'The King of Strong Style' or 'The Artist' as he is commonly known has given us some amazing matches during his time in the WWE. His matches in NXT and even the blue brand have been nothing short of greatness.

This feud with the Charismatic Enigma has turned a lot of heads and it would be only fitting if he continues his great performance with a win over Jeff Hardy.

#1 Jeff Hardy wins it clean

Will it be Charismatic Enigma's night?
Will it be the Charismatic Enigma's night?

Jeff Hardy has done it all in the WWE. He has multiple championship reigns under his name, and is never afraid of taking risks, even if it involves putting his personal well being on the line.

With that being said, you can rest assured that this high-flying wrestler will leave no stone unturned, and no move in the book, to pick a win over 'The Artist' Shinsuke Nakamura.

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