5 times WWE Superstar's moves were used in real-life

WWE Superstar Sheamus delivering a White Noise to an opponent.
WWE Superstar Sheamus delivering a White Noise to an opponent.

WWE Superstars’ moves inside the ring are indeed awe-inspiring, as these skills never fail to get insane reactions from the crowd. Fans see it as cool, and some of them can’t help but imitate these moves, albeit the dangers it entails. In line with this, there are those who utilize such manoeuvres in situations that leave them with no choice but to engage in violence.

A plethora of these scuffles have been recorded and uploaded to the interwebs, and most of them have gone down to infamy. Here are just five individuals who used popular wrestling moves while engaged in a fight.

#5. Man delivers a move similar to WWE Superstar Shawn Michaels’ Sweet Chin Music

The clip was part of a tweet back in March earlier this year where a guy cleanly executed a straight kick that was somewhat similar to WWE Superstar HBK’s signature move. His opponent was flat on his back after the attack, and to rub in some more salt, the guy who did it performed his victory dance.

The other guy got up, and while trying to figure out how to land a shot, he was swept off clean before the video ended.

The clip received quite the traction and has been liked and retweeted thousands of times.

#4. Sheamus’ Brogue Kick and White Noise in a street fight

Here’s another clip of a street fight as it captures a man who delivered a body slam on his attacker, that has the likeness of WWE Superstar Sheamus’ White Noise.

From the looks of it, the parties involved may well seem drunk at the time this happened. Per the video, the guy was initially arguing with another man before being snuck in by another. Looking closely, the attacker’s move would decently pass as Brogue Kick, the finisher of WWE Superstar Sheamus.

This got countered, though. Coincidentally, the failed Brogue was properly positioned for a White Noise to which the man in the white shirt delivered. He then sprinkled his attacker’s face with a bunch of hammer fists for good measure.

#3. Unleashing the inner Taker in him.

WWE Superstar and Hall of Famer The Undertaker also had finisher moves that were almost impossible to pin out of. One of them was the Tombstone Piledriver.

The odds of seeing this being used during a street fight are pretty slim, but not none.

The short clip of the fight breaking out seems to be in a parking lot. While these fellas are all tangled up, this blue-shirt guy comes rushing in and does a lame Superman Punch on one of the guys.

The blue-shirt guy then pulls someone off of the scramble, carries the guy similar to a piledriver, and forcefully slams the guy’s head first. He smacked him a couple more before letting the guy go.

#2. A fiery Cannonball Senton

The Titanland is well-aware that WWE Superstar and The Baddest S.O.B. on the Planet, Stone Cold Steve Austin, allowed another Superstar – Kevin Owens, to use his Stunner finisher, and he has been using it since. However, this is not the only move the prize fighter is known for.

Whenever he sees his opponent seated and dazed against the turnbuckle, Owens knows that it’s time for some Cannonball Senton. Just by watching it being sent by Owens, one can seemingly feel how devastating the move is. However, the guy in this clip was, without a doubt, the one who got hurt pretty badly.

What happened in this entry could have been a stunt gone wrong. In the video, the guy was about to perform such a move through a bonfire. Unfortunately, there was another man who was about to do the same as both collided mid-air and fell face-first into the fire before the clip was cut off.

Worth the mention: RKO outta nowhere


Randy Orton has every right to be called The Viper, as his RKO finisher is quick and delivered in numerous unexpected circumstances during a match. Such unpredictability of the move made it so popular that it became a meme at some point.

Clips of people performing the WWE Superstar’s move on their friends and even their significant others have been posted online, which has gone viral over the years.

#1. The body slam that was heard across the world


The story spread like wildfire when it first broke out. A video shows a kid being bullied and getting so fed up with the situation that he takes things into his own hands and makes a move similar to that of a WWE Superstar.

In the video, the then 15-year-old Casey Heynes can be seen being bullied and punched by Ritchard Gale, who is said to be just 12 at the time. Thinking that he’s had enough of the B.S., he grabs his bully and slams the kid like an unwanted Christmas gift.


As mentioned, this went viral as Heynes later revealed in an interview that such an incident was years in the making as tried to keep his cool as much as he could. But of course, one can only take as much.