5 things Aleister Black’s promos are secretly revealing to the WWE Universe

The Dutch Destroyer
The Dutch Destroyer

Aleister Black is an intriguing character. I have to admit, he is my favorite NXT prospect of all time and I am really hoping that he would go on to reach the heights he is capable of, given his impressive ring work and penchant for unique mic work.

When he first arrived on the main roster, he was paired with Ricochet; but while the duo looked good as partners, it simply didn’t click for the Dutch Destroyer because of the stark contrast in their characters.

However, after being drafted to SmackDown Live, Aleister Black has been going solo. While he has not performed in the ring, he has been giving intriguing promos, which is helping his case a lot.

In the latest episode of SmackDown, he gave another promo, which secretly told us a few things – and here are 5 of them…

#5 We are going to learn new words


Have you listened to what he says in his promos? His sentence structure and word usage reminds me of The Architect (no, not Seth Rollins) from the Matrix trilogy. One has to listen to his again again to properly decipher the meaning of what he actually means to say.

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As a writer, words mean a lot to me, which is why his promos would be an excellent educational ride for people like me. We will get to know new words every week while also watching his awesome delivery.

In his recent promo, he apologized to his opponents for his “over-compensatory need to prevail” at the expense of them because they are the embodiment of the sins that he speaks of.

Jokes aside, not only did he use some complex language, he also added…

#4 More layers of mystique

The mystical man from the Netherlands
The mystical man from the Netherlands

The idea behind making Aleister Black speak in allegories is to add more layers to his mystique – and it has been working very well. Even though the latest episodes of both RAW and SmackDown were underwhelming, the two standout moments were Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House segment and Aleister Black’s mystical promo, respectively.

Black has always been portrayed as the man from the dark world and he has done an incredible job at maintaining the image. Everything about him, from his facial expressions to the way he speaks – and also his tattoos – perfectly go with his persona.

And to further his character with the WWE Universe, it is essential that he adds more layers before he finally explodes in the ring and competes for the titles and other accolades that the company has to offer, while telling compelling stories in the ring.

#3 He is going to be a ‘tweener'

A tweener character in the making
A tweener character in the making

The general way to divide Superstars in the WWE is to either put them in the heel/villain side of things or categorize them as a face/hero. However, sometimes superstars have gone beyond that classification.

They are neither heels nor faces. Like Stone Cold Steve Austin during most of the Attitude Era or The Deadman The Undertaker, there are characters that do what they want and dismantle anyone who comes between them and glory, regardless of whether it was a face they attacked or a heel.

These characters are the ‘tweeners'.

Right now, the company doesn’t have a young tweener persona in their ranks. With Aleister Black, they may just be carving one for the future. Black is someone who should be consuming the souls of his opponents, regardless of who they are.

He should not have any simple agenda; rather, he should be doing what he thinks serves his cause best - a true anti-hero. His character allows just that.

#2 Set for a big push in the future

Push upcoming
Push upcoming

When a Superstar gets a good amount of screen time every week, it shows that the WWE are willing to invest in that character. They are doing the same with Bray Wyatt.

This makes me believe that Black will be pushed. After all, WWE won’t spend so much time and effort on a superstar if they were not going to follow it up with a push in the future.

#1 Going to be a character beyond silverware

Black will carve a character with complex motivations
Black will carve a character with complex motivations

In sports entertainment, this is perhaps the most important thing. Ask any seasoned wrestling fan as to who the greatest WWE Superstar of all time is and they will often say Undertaker.

And this is the same Undertaker who has only 7 world titles to his name during the course of his long, illustrious career; that is because his character and persona go beyond mere metal belts.

Undertaker built his persona in such a way that it became bigger than titles, the same should be the idea behind Black's development.