5 Tag teams that could help the struggling WWE tag team division right now!

Could the Young Bucks bring the Superkick Party to the WWE?

Tag Team wrestling is something that has always had to take a backseat to the guys in singles competition. It’s always been that way and likely will continue to always be that way. However, it does not mean that the guys in the WWE tag team division cannot have their own piece of the creative pie.

With the way professional wrestling is today, there’s plenty of opportunities, especially considering the fact that there are five hours of prime-time television time available each and every single week.

Despite always being the step-brother to the solo guys, there was a time in which tag team wrestling was still very popular. There was a time when many of the guys in the tag team division could have easily transitioned into singles careers as well. These guys were that well-rounded as performers, with plenty of talent and needed charisma to succeed alone.

For instance, The Road Warriors, The Steiner Brothers, Demolition and several others were truly impactful performers, capable of carrying a roster at any given time, which they often times had to do. One of the most recent tag teams in this category would be The Dudley Boyz.

In fact, Bubba Ray and D-Von did have pretty successful runs as singles performers.

When it comes to today’s WWE Tag Team division, there have been multiple signs of hope. Duos such as American Alpha and Gallows and Anderson are both examples of great tag teams, with a tremendous amount of talent.

There are a few tag teams who can carry the load in the WWE, but it just seems as if they’re not being afforded the creative opportunity to prove their worth. With that said, there is a need for a shake-up in the current WWE tag team division.

Does that mean the creative powers in charge should take a look in the mirror and ask themselves if they are doing their job well enough to see optimal results?

That very well could be the case, but another thing that could make an immediate change for the better would be if the company made an aggressive bid to sign some of the best tag teams in the industry.

There are a number of quality tag teams outside of the WWE. Here is a look at 5 tag teams that could make an immediate impact in the WWE tag team division.

#5 War Machine

Strength, presence, destruction...this is what War Machine can bring to the table.

Hanson and Ray Rowe are collectively known as the Ring of Honor tag team War Machine. In fact, War Machine has also grown into one of the most well known and successful tag teams in the Japanese wrestling scene as well, with appearances in New Japan Pro Wrestling, as well as Pro Wrestling NOAH.

In 2014, Hanson and Rowe began working for Ring of Honor at the same time, as foes in the ROH Top Prospect Tournament. After Hanson went on to defeat Rowe in the finals, winning the tournament, they would almost instantly begin working together as the tag team we know as War Machine.

You would have a difficult time finding two guys with their size and stature, capable of doing the amazing things inside the ring that War Machine can do. Together, War Machine is one of the most perfectly paired combinations in all of pro-wrestling. They both have such a great way of complimenting one another, as well as uniting as a dominating duo.

War Machine defeated The Kingdom at the 2015 ROH Final Battle pay-per-view event to become the new Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions. They would hold the titles for 143 days before dropping them to The Addiction at the 2016 War Of The Worlds event.

#4 The Briscoe Brothers

The Briscoe’s have been highly underrated for a long time.

They are the most decorated tag team in Ring of Honor history. With a total of eight Ring of Honor World Tag Team title reigns, The Briscoe’s have held the tag titles a grand total of 807 days, which is the longest by any tag team in ROH history.

Not only have The Briscoes been tag champs multiple times but Jay has been the ROH World Champion twice as well, with his last World Championship run lasting nearly 300 days.

Mark and Jay Briscoe are one of the more unique and unorthodox tag teams you will find anywhere. However, they are also one of the most successful. Their style of common brawling, mixed with their own form of technical wizardry has earned the brothers a number of tag title wins in several top independent promotions around the world.

It’s also worth noting that The Briscoes had a tryout with the WWE, back in 2009.

After their tryout, the brothers claim they left feeling very good about what they did. In fact, they say they were almost certain that they would land a WWE contract after their performances during the tryout.

Unfortunately, the duo got a phone call from John Luranitus just a few days after their tryout, only to inform them that they were not “cosmetically pleasing” enough for their audience. I wonder what WWE officials think about Enzo Amore’s cosmetic appearance?

#3 reDRagon

They are just as good in the ring, as the look outside of the ring.

Kyle O’Reilly and Bobby Fish are two guys who are just as capable of succeeding in singles competition, as they are as a collective, dominate tag team. Both of these guys have had some huge wins both together, as well as individually.

As a tag team, reDRagon has won the Ring of Honor Tag Team Championships a total of three times. They have held the coveted IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Titles twice, on top of winning the 2014 NJPW Super Junior Tag Team Tournament.

As far as singles gold, Bobby Fish has held the Ring of Honor TV Title once, while O’Reilly has carried the top prize in ROH, the Ring of Honor World Championship.

This is a tag team that has travelled the world, shocking fans everywhere with their incredible athleticism and technical mastery. reDRagon is a battle-tested team, with a huge ceiling. Why WWE officials have yet to make a serious push towards signing these guys, is beyond me.

#2 The Hardy Boyz

There’s nothing “broken” about the way things were!

This past week has been full of all sorts of shocking, breaking news stories. None more significant than the news of Jeff and Matt Hardy leaving TNA. It’s common knowledge that The Hardys are likely to be welcome to the WWE with open arms, but for those hoping to see the “Broken” rendition of Cameron’s favourite sons, you're out of luck.

Apparently, TNA is holding their bureaucratic thumb on the Broken gimmick, claiming the creative rights to the persona.

As much as some of us enjoyed watching Matt Hardy morph into something we would’ve never expected out of him, there should be no concern over such a trivial issue, if in fact, The Hardys return home, to the WWE.

Nostalgic fans will probably welcome the return of the high-flying, charismatic tag team. After all, there was nothing “broken” about The Hardy Boyz’ WWE tenure, nor their six tag team title runs under “Meekman!”

#1 The Young Bucks

For over a decade, Matt and Nick have been too sweeeeet!

Some wrestling fans, including this writer, consider The Young Bucks to be the best tag team on the planet. In fact, as far as I’m concerned, no one has even been close to their calibre for quite some time now.

Matt and Nick Jackson are magicians in the ring.

They have created a style all to themselves, with their unique blend of high-flying, risk-taking, with tremendous mechanic supremacy. I have been fortunate enough to witness The Young Bucks live, two different occasions and in both instances, I left saying to myself “they’re not supposed to be able to do that!”

The Young Bucks have developed a true cult-like following of die-hard fanatics. These fans are mostly made up of anti-establishment indie fans, who don't particularly care for the “E.” With that said, signing The Young Bucks could help bring in a rather substantial group of fans who otherwise may not care much for what Vince and crew have to offer.

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