5 Superstars who should pick a fight with Aleister Black

Black apparently wants someone to come to him for his first feud
Black apparently wants someone to come to him for his first feud

Aleister Black's main contributions to WWE ever since becoming a member of SmackDown have been the dark promos in which he says that the average person wouldn't really like who he is. He says that the society that we live in would condemn him and that we might not like some of the stories behind his many tattoos.

Even though it would be better to see 'the Dutch Destroyer' in action on the blue brand instead of in weekly promos, the promos are necessary to build his character. They started off great but need to have an end game in mind, and an end game that shows up on the horizon extremely soon.

In his latest promo, Black said that most of us probably want him to pick a fight with someone, setting in motion his first main-roster feud. But he ended it with saying that he's waiting for someone to pick a fight with him.

Since it seems like they are delving into some darker aspects of his character, he might be returning to in-ring action as a heel. Or perhaps he is simply walking the finest of lines between hero, anti-hero and vigilante.

A lot of what is in store for him will be revealed by who the first person is that he feuds with. If it's a face like Finn Balor or Ali, then he's clearly going to be a heel. If someone like Lars Sullivan or Kevin Owens does, he'll remain a face. Owens would make sense because he literally has the word 'fight' on his shirts, but he shouldn't be put in another feud that he would likely lose.

His first opponent will also give us a gauge as to how WWE will initially book him. Will a lower-card Superstar challenge him or will it be a mid-carder or main-event type wrestler? He wants someone to 'pick a fight with him', so here are five Superstars who should do just that.

#5 Ali

Ali has already shown that he's a 'never-say-die' babyface
Ali has already shown that he's a 'never-say-die' babyface

While pitting two newer stars against each other will likely hurt the loser of the feud, Ali has already proven so much since joining SmackDown late last year. He's had matches with Daniel Bryan and AJ Styles. He has also battled the likes of Samoa Joe, Randy Orton and Andrade in tag team matches.

He recently picked up a win over Andrade after kicking out of finishes several times. It painted him as the type of faces that have been portrayed before by Bryan and Sami Zayn. He won't give up easily and has shown heart like Kofi Kingston has.

Since we know he has the intestinal fortitude to challenge anyone, it would make sense for Ali to be one of the first challenges for Black. Ali has routinely shown a great personality in his promos and has been shown to be someone who inspires people to chase their dreams.

If Black is returning as a heel, he could easily try to run down Ali on the mic, saying that his type of thinking only hurts people. It leads to people reaching for the sky only to get burned. If they wanted a positive antithesis to Black's dark mantras, Ali would be a good choice. He also wouldn't lose much if he lost to Black due to his willingness to fight to the end.

#4 Randy Orton

What's next for 'Viper' after he tangles with Triple H in Jeddah?
What's next for 'Viper' after he tangles with Triple H in Jeddah?

This is just my way of thinking with him, but at this point in his career, Orton needs to be putting over younger and newer Superstars in the company. It was done for him early in his career, and now that he's a 13-time Champion, it's time for him to pay if forward to the next crop of talent.

WWE might insist on continually pushing him to the main event, but if they do, they'll continue to miss out on opportunities to create the new stars that they desperately need. Orton wouldn't lose anything by falling in a feud to a newer star and the newer stars would get the immediate rub of toppling 'the Legend Killer.'

The reason why Orton makes sense as someone to pick a fight with Black is because if Black simply shows up in the ring, a simple RKO would signal Orton picking a fight with him. It would also represent a match between the old guard and the new guard. Orton isn't someone that is shy about attacking just about anyone, so instead of randomly showing up to give someone an 'RKO Outta Nowhere', it should be used to start a feud.

#3 Apollo Crews or Chad Gable

Crews, like a lot of other wrestlers, deserves better than he has experienced lately.
Crews, like a lot of other wrestlers, deserves better than he has experienced lately.

I know the title says '5 Superstars' but Crews and Gable are basically used in the same fashion. Despite immense talent and athleticism from each man, booking usually leads them into positions of losing to stars destined to move further up the card. Mojo Rawley of all people defeated Crews recently on Raw when Crews was used as a wildcard from SmackDown.

And despite Gable's never-say-die attitude and the fact that he often wrestles above his weight, he has also been used lately as a stepping stone for heels. Once he was separated from his tag team partner (again), he returned to the loop of being an over-qualified enhancement talent.

If WWE wants to slowly build up Aleister Black, then it will likely start on the rung of the ladder where Crews and Gable unfortunately currently sit. Both men have proven to be better than where they are booked, but they would also make Black look great during the match.

He doesn't need that, but they are both great sellers in the veins of Dolph Ziggler. If Black's ascent up the card starts off slow, one of these guys might try to get air time by picking a fight with 'the Dutch Destroyer.'

#2 Lars Sullivan

'The Freak' seems like someone who wouldn't mind picking a fight with anyone
'The Freak' seems like someone who wouldn't mind picking a fight with anyone

Once again, if Black is still booked as a borderline face or anti-hero, then Lars Sullivan would make a perfect foil. 'The Freak' has been attacking anyone and everyone from legends like Kurt Angle and the Hardyz to newer talents like the Lucha House Party.

In the latest WWE NEWS, Sullivan needs a meaningful feud at some point, and perhaps he is the one to kick the hornet's nest that will be Black. The two squared off in NXT when Black was NXT Champion with Black getting the upper hand. This encounter could be brought up in a potential feud should they ever cross paths.

Black probably shouldn't start off in a feud with someone else relatively new to the main roster, but Sullivan needs to get his comeuppance at some point. What better way than with a 'Black Mass' kick?

Sullivan seems like he'd fight anyone but has been squashing superstars that are at the tail ends of their careers or who are a lot smaller than him. Black is neither of those things and would be a credible foe for Sullivan.

#1 Bray Wyatt

How will Bray Wyatt's new persona debut?
How will Bray Wyatt's new persona debut?

This feud would be fun to see just for the visuals and mind games. Both men aren't cemented as faces or heels yet, but both have dark undertones in their characters. Depending on how Creative books them, one might be a face and the other a heel. We also don't know which show Bray Wyatt will belong to since his 'Firefly Funhouse' segments air on both shows.

Regardless of alignment, a feud between these two would be interesting. Would they attack each other's mantras or manifestos? Would they mock each other or consider each other 'brothers in arms' since their characters have both suffered different types of trauma?

One of the most underrated parts of Wyatt's game is his in-ring ability. He moves like a cruiserweight but hits like a Mack Truck. They always talked about Wyatt on the mic, but he always held his own in the ring.

Once again, it would be detrimental for either man to lose one of their first feuds back in WWE, but it would be a great pairing later in the year. We just have to get one or both of them on TV some point soon. Wyatt isn't afraid about poking the bear so it would totally be believable for these two to square off.