5 Superstars who should follow Dean Ambrose into All Elite Wrestling

Dean Ambrose in ALL IN!
Dean Ambrose in ALL IN!

Jon Moxley a.k.a Dean Ambrose just invaded Double or Nothing PPV and announced his entry into the All Elite Wrestling arena. The former WWE Champion attacked Chris Jericho and Kenny Omega after their main-event match-up, which was won by Y2J.

Dean Ambrose left WWE in April after Wrestlemania, and his entry into AEW is even more surprising. Ambrose is bound to pave way for more talent to switch sides and join AEW.

Neville, Chris Jericho, and Dean Ambrose have already left WWE's ship and joined All Elite Wrestling. With WWE signing superstars every month, there will be a spring cleaning sooner rather than later.

We look at five superstars who are currently doing nothing in WWE and could succeed in a massive way in AEW.

#5 Ethan Carter III

Ethan Carter III is being absolutely wasted by WWE and should move away ASAP
Ethan Carter III is being absolutely wasted by WWE and should move away ASAP

EC3 had a short run in NXT, competing against the likes of Velveteen Dream, Adam Cole, etc. His main-roster debut was much anticipated. However, WWE absolutely buried the former TNA World Champion, weeks into his debut on the main roster.

He went from being the hottest free agent on the sports entertainment circuit, to losing on WWE Main Event within the span of twelve months.

He is currently in the lower rungs of WWE, fighting for the 24/7 title. His talent and charisma deserve a much better stage to perform and being on the same level as No Way Jose is a travesty.

EC3 would be a huge addition to AEW and face off against the likes of Ambrose, Omega, Jericho, and Neville. EC3 is just 35 and has quite a few years left before he calls it quits. He would be a sure-shot main-event level superstar in AEW, instead of sulking in the jobber division of WWE.

#4 Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows

The Good Brothers haven't received any good booking in WWE and shoul move to AEW
The Good Brothers haven't received any good booking in WWE and shoul move to AEW

The Good Brothers joined WWE in 2016, helping their Bullet Club team-mate AJ Styles against Roman Reigns and the Usos. They remained a hot commodity for majority of 2016, teaming up with AJ Styles against the Usos, John Cena, etc.

However, ever since they split after the Draft in 2016, Anderson and Gallows never found their feet in WWE. They have won a few tag-team championships here and there, but their reigns have mostly been forgettable and filler content.

Anderson and Gallows are exceptional talents and deserve so much more than they are getting currently.

The AEW tag division will get a shot in the arm if the Good Brothers decide to switch and join the likes of Young Bucks, Lucha Bros and Good Friends in the AEW roster.

#3 Sasha Banks

The LEGIT BOSS is currently disgusted with WWE's booking and has not been seen since Wrestlemania
The LEGIT BOSS is currently disgusted with WWE's booking and has not been seen since Wrestlemania

At one point, Sasha Banks was termed as the John Cena of women's divison in WWE. However, that thought has gone downhill and WWE made Sasha Banks a lesser priority than the likes of Alexa Bliss, Charlotte, etc.

Sasha Banks is one of the best wrestlers in the world today, and has been horribly misused by WWE. She is a 4x Women's Champion, however all her reigns combined barely cross 100 days.

Sasha Banks is currently off WWE programming ever since her loss at Wrestlemania, and with each passing day, Banks WWE career looks to be over.

For all the major male talent that AEW have snapped up, their women's division is still pretty weak. Sasha Banks will be the ideal superstar to join the division, and bring more eyes to the product.

#2 Shinsuke Nakamura

The Artist Shinsuke Nakamura is struggling to do any worthwile in WWE
The Artist Shinsuke Nakamura is struggling to do any worthwile in WWE

Nakamura was one of the biggest Japanese superstars when he first joined WWE. He had an exceptional run in NXT, facing off in high quality match-ups against the likes of Sami Zayn, Samoa Joe and Finn Balor.

Nakamura, however, was supremely wasted on the main roster. Part of it was the booking he received, and some blame goes to Nakamura as well. He never looked like his NXT self on the main roster, and his matches never had the intensity of his NXT ones.

Shinsuke Nakamura will be a major signing for AEW, as they could bring in more Japanese audiences with the signing of the former IWGP heavyweight champion.

Nakamura facing off against Kenny Omega once again will definitely help AEW boost their numbers. The Rockstar needs to start rocking the wrestling ring once again!

#1 Luke Harper

Luke Harper deserved better than what he got in WWE
Luke Harper deserved better than what he got in WWE

One of the best "big-men" in WWE, Luke Harper's potential was never utilized to the fullest in WWE. He was always relegated to being Wyatt's lackey, and his solo runs ended before they even started.

Injuries never helped his cause either, and Luke Harper always found himself in a new gimmick after returning from injury. Harper has been out of action for almost a year now, and made a small return during the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal.

Harper voiced his concerns on Twitter and asked for his release, which was apparently not granted by WWE.

Luke Harper is a prime talent and with age not on his side, he must spend the last few years of his career at the highest level.

Who do you think should move to AEW to save their careers? Sound off in the comments below!