5 superstars who should break out in 2015

One of the biggest secrets of being a good promoter is producing new stars every now and then.Paul Heyman knew the craft and he turned trash lying in the garbage can into gold that everyone wanted. This is the reason why his ECW is still a cult phenomenon even after a decade of its demise.Now, WWE is desperate to replicate what Heyman did at ECW. There is a certain lack of main event names at the promotion right now and despite having a lot of talent, the underutilization of these has led to this crisis.2014 has been a big mess for the company and the remaining two months doesn’t look to be any different. WWE has to come all guns blazing next year and here is a look at some of the stars who could break out in 2015.

#5 Roman Reigns

Reigns is an obvious choice for the list. The company has big plans for the Samoan and though 2014 was a good year for Reigns, 2015 will be the one that will define his career.

If the rumors going around are right, then Reigns would end up defeating Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania to win the WWE championship. Now, Lesnar is the absolute epitome of wrestling even if he doesn’t appear too often.

He ended Taker’s streak at WrestleMania and destroyed John Cena at SummerSlam. Conquering Lesnar would be a great achievement for Reigns.

He is guaranteed a booking like this next year and he could easily step into fill the void that Cena will leave when he retires.

#4 Cesaro

The Swiss Superman was supposed to be the biggest star of 2014 but things didn’t go down pretty well for Cesaro. Though the initial push looked bright, it all fell apart very soon and Cesaro ended up being a mere jobber.

Chances of reviving Cesaro’s career this year ain’t that good but WWE will have a good opportunity next year when Lesnar drops his championship.

Once the Best loses his title, Paul Heyman would be free to manage Cesaro and WWE can reboot the storyline for which they had high hopes.

And if the promotion doesn’t realize Cesaro’s potential next year as well, then Cesaro would go down in history as the man who never got the push that he deserved.

#3 Damien Sandow

Just when the fans started to give up on Sandow, the man came out just like a phoenix bird. No matter how ridiculously the company booked him, Sandow delivered the best he could and became over with the WWE Universe.

The stunt double character that Sandow currently plays would’ve buried a career if it was anyone else but Sandow embraced the risk and got the reward.

He not only has the ability to act, but Sandow is pretty good on the microphone as well. His technical ability in the ring is also solid and if this doesn’t make a complete package then what does?

Sandow will have a big angle with Miz next year for sure and from their WWE has to carry him forward rather than leaving him behind.

#2 Cody Rhodes

Cody Rhodes has been flirting with the main event scene for quite some time now. He was on and off the scenario before being limited to the tag team division alongside his brothers.

The new Stardust character turned out to be a refreshing outing for Rhodes and there is nothing negative about his tag team title run with Goldust.

But Cody is someone who could be useful elsewhere. He is probably at peak condition right now and WWE should not hesitate to make give Cody a Randy Orton type push.

Cody could go on to headline pay-per-views in the future and the first step for that would be a breakup angle with Goldust and all these should happen at 2015 itself since beyond that would be too late.

#1 Bad News Barrett

There is a reason why Barrett won the NXT’s first season. The British Brawler was the total package that belonged to the main event scene and the people in WWE knew this.

He went on to have a feud with Cena after wards but Barrett was mostly confined to the midcard scenario ever since. His latest return also blew off due to injury and when he returns, Barrett should be put back into the main event scene.

WWE doesn’t have a number of babyfaces or heels in the main event scene and Barrett is someone who could play both roles perfectly.

He could align with the Authority or end up being Cena’s next big challenge, but WWE should make sure that Barrett comes out on top.