5 scariest looking WWE wrestlers in history

He’s coming to getcha

One of the main appeals of professional wrestling is that it’s a larger than life sporting occasion. There’s athleticism, there’s drama, and there’s a whole lot of exaggeration that makes you feel like a kid again. There have been several characters over the years that have been, let’s say, outside the realms of possibility.

That’s not to say they weren’t convincing in their roles because if anything, their credibility is one of the main reasons why they find themselves on this list. As fans, we all remember the big baddy that we all hated growing up, and more often than not those villains came from the World Wrestling Federation as opposed to TV shows or movies.

It sounds harsh to consider striking fear into the hearts of children a success, but it’s an indication of how good these guys were in their roles. Every single competitor here has made an impact on the business, and you can never underestimate the marketability of a scary villain. Seriously, we were checking in our closets to make sure these guys weren’t in there.

So with all of that being said, here are the five scariest looking WWE wrestlers in history.

#5 The Boogeyman

Stop eating them worms!

He’s the Boogeyman, and he is indeed coming to get you. When the vignettes of this guy started to appear over a decade ago, many fans chose to laugh the character off and dismiss him before he’d even debuted. Whilst his run in the company wasn’t as successful as the company may have hoped, he certainly left a lasting impression.

The earthworm eating oddball was so unbelievably weird that his whole gimmick actually worked on a lot of fans. Plus, when he went on to return at the 2015 Royal Rumble he’d somehow succeeded in making his attire and face paint even scarier.

Say what you will about his in-ring abilities, but from a character standpoint, this worked.

Check out the man himself without the hideous makeup:

Hide your families.

#4 Kane

Kane was The Undertaker’s brother in WWE

We’d heard rumblings about The Big Red Machine Kane prior to his arrival, but nobody could anticipate just how terrifying he’d actually be. When he tore the cage off of that Hell in a Cell and attacked his brother, The Undertaker, Kane instantly thrust himself into a main event position. To make matters worse and scarier, he was a seven-foot monster.

Little did Glenn Jacobs know that he’d be portraying the same character for another two decades and that he would become an icon within the industry. The fear factor diminished over the years, but when he took his mask off, things got even more creepy.

Bravo for adapting to your surroundings, Mr Kane.

What a guy.

#3 Viscera

The scariest eyes in WWE

Viscera has worn many different hats in the WWE – including Mabel, King Mabel, and Big Daddy V. Despite his many characters, we think it’s fair to say that his most memorable stint was as Viscera. We’re focusing on the big bad ass who was a part of the Ministry of Darkness.

With his all-black clothing coupled with his creepy eyes, Viscera was one of the most intimidating superstars in a long time. As a huge, mean, vicious bodyguard he played his role to perfection and was constantly able to make any faction he was in seem instantly more dominant.

That, in itself, is an impressive accomplishment.

#2 Andre The Giant

Andre The Giant is an icon and a legend in wrestling entertainment

Andre The Giant is an icon, and that’s just a fact. His presence in the professional wrestling business and his influence cannot be understated, with his match against Hulk Hogan at WrestleMania 3 being one of the biggest moments in the history of the industry. He was also one of the scariest big guys we’ve ever seen in the industry.

The height, the stature and those crazy eyes made for one hell of a spectacle whenever we had the pleasure of watching him wrestle. The big man wasn’t exactly the most athletic of performers, but that didn’t stop him from becoming one of the biggest draws in the 80s.

He was so good they even named a battle royal after him.

#1 The Undertaker

The biggest name in WWE history

We’ve reached what many deem to be the pinnacle of spookiness in wrestling: The Undertaker. This is a character that, to most people, would be considered laughable until you’ve actually seen it play out in the flesh. Mark Calaway turned what should’ve been a silly idea into one of the scariest and most fascinating gimmicks in all of WWE.

After almost three decades of dominance, it seems as if he’s finally riding off into the sunset, and given how long he’s been doing this for we’d say that he’s earned himself a solid retirement.

Deadman, wherever you are, thanks for the frightening memories.