5 reasons why John Cena could retire in 2020

Will John's WWE career make it to 2021?
Will John's WWE career make it to 2021?

There are very few stars who can claim to have had a bigger influence on professional wrestling, and specifically WWE, than John Cena. The 16-time world champion has been in this game for a long time and across the last two decades or so, he has been able to transform this business in a way that few could've imagined.

Nowadays he doesn't really feature all too heavily on WWE programming, and with that in mind, we want to put forward a few reasons as to why we believe he could retire this year.

That retirement may not hold firm, but at the very least, the idea of a storyline like this is enough to bring a whole lot of eyes to the product.

Before we move on to the next part of this article, gear up by listening to what Sheamus has to say regarding the success of The Bar and Cesaro's singles run in WWE!


#5 Stacked Main Roster

Aleister Black is one of many that will thrive in the next few years
Aleister Black is one of many that will thrive in the next few years

We've featured an image of Aleister Black to kickstart this entry, but in truth, you could put any number of main roster stars in there and they'd fit the bill pretty nicely.

RAW, SmackDown and NXT have more star power now than they have done in a long time and it legitimately feels like this is just the beginning. Nobody can guarantee that they'll go on to do some big things, but at the same time, putting a veteran like Cena into the mix at the top of the card just feels like a waste.

The argument that John has buried people in the past is somewhat accurate, but in reality, he'd be more than happy to step aside in the name of putting younger guys over.

He's even said himself that he can't keep up with some of the young guns and the product they're putting out, and that's all the confirmation we need.

#4 Age

How old is too old in this game?
How old is too old in this game?

It seems a bit odd to suggest that John Cena is getting too old to do this, especially given the fact that Edge recently returned at the age of 46.

However, we don't really see all too much point in bringing on someone who is about to turn 44 and putting them back into a full-time schedule. We know that there's the option of him going part-time, but again, having him come back and take spots from others simply isn't fair and the man himself has even been quick to admit that.

Plus, while ring rust may not be a 'thing' for a lot of wrestlers, Cena hasn't exactly been active as of late. It's been over a year since he was in the ring in an official capacity, and he needs to be performing much more regularly if he wants to hang with the big boys.

Cena needs to be preserving his body for his new career as opposed to an industry that he's already been able to thrive in for so long.

#3 Hollywood Career

Cena goes Hollywood
Cena goes Hollywood

From Bumblebee to Fast & Furious to Suicide Squad and beyond, John Cena is getting involved in more and more high profile franchises by the day.

The Rock is the most obvious example of someone who has been able to transition over from WWE into the film industry, but as Cena himself noted, he'd be a hypocrite if he continued to try and split his time between the two - much like The Great One did.

Cena needs to do what is best for him and right now, we don't know how you can argue against him staying in Hollywood. He may never be able to get to the same level as someone like Dwayne Johnson or potentially even Dave Bautista, who has done incredibly well for himself, but he's giving it a damn good shot.

At this point WWE feels like a bit of a distraction and if he can solely focus on his acting, which is a field he'd clearly like to conquer one day, then it makes all the sense in the world for him to retire.

#2 Injuries

Injuries have played a big role in Cena's career
Injuries have played a big role in Cena's career

John Cena has suffered from: a torn pectoral muscle, a herniated disc in his neck, a nasty elbow problem, an Achilles tendon injury and a shoulder injury to name but a few - and we wouldn't be surprised if that was only the tip of the iceberg.

Cena has an insane ability to get himself back to full fitness within a short space of time, but that isn't really his 'superpower' anymore. If he had the determination to come back really quickly because he was involved in a storyline of real importance then it'd make a lot of sense - but we all know that isn't the case.

These injuries pile up and while surgeries can always be done to repair certain issues, that isn't really the point. If Cena is signed on to do a movie and he messes up his elbow during his return bout at WrestleMania or SummerSlam, then the backlash from that is going to be fairly intense. It's just not worth it.

#1 WrestleMania In Tampa

The ultimate homecoming
The ultimate homecoming

This year's showcase of the immortals will be heading somewhere fresh as WrestleMania 36 prepares to roll into Tampa. Raymond James Stadium is going to be full of fans who have travelled from around the world, with many hoping to see the biggest stars in the business.

One man who wouldn't have to travel all too far in order to show up is none other than John Cena who resides in the Tampa area. If you want to talk about the perfect finale, then having Cena come back for one last match (for the time being) in a retirement stipulation in his own backyard seems like the right way to do it.

You could even go so far as to putting him in the main event depending on who it is he winds up facing. A world title match should rightly be out of the question but aside from that, there is an endless stream of upcoming stars that would jump at the chance to get themselves over at the expense of a departing legend.