5 Reasons why Alexa Bliss is better than Charlotte Flair

Alexa Bliss has got it all!

Around a year ago, every member of the WWE Universe was discussing how this was the best era in the history of women’s wrestling, thanks to the Four Horsewomen. Sasha Banks, Bayley, Becky Lynch, and most importantly, Charlotte Flair, were leading the charge and ushering in a brand new era where women stood toe-to-toe with men.

Fast forward a year, and two women have emerged from the debris as the MVPs of the WWE Women's Division, across the two brands. The first is the daughter of (arguably) the greatest wrestler of all time, Ric Flair. The aforementioned, Charlotte. A woman that many have already dubbed the greatest female sports entertainer, maybe ever.

However, another contender has emerged to challenge The Queen’s throne now. A woman, who was at best, a mid-carder in NXT, has risen the ranks and become the first ever Raw and SmackDown Live Women’s Champion.

Only five feet tall, her accomplishments tower over almost everyone in WWE. In our estimation, she may even be a better performer than Charlotte Flair. In this piece, we shall detail why we think so.

#5 Significantly better promo skills

While Charlotte Flair is a decent promo, Alexa Bliss is simply a legend!

Remember the iconic feud between Charlotte and Sasha Banks that redefined women’s wrestling forever, with the first ever women’s Hell In a Cell match and the first ever Women's Iron Man match in the main roster?

While we remember the pay-per-views fondly, the episodes of Raw between the pay-per-views were simply quite intolerable. This is because, as good as the Four Horsewomen are, between the ropes, they lack when it comes to cutting promos and advancing the ongoing storyline.

What Alexa Bliss lacks in physique, she makes up for the same with her presence. When she has a microphone in her hand, she is simply unstoppable.

#4 Much younger than The Queen

For all her accolades, Alexa Bliss is only 25!

Charlotte Flair never intended to become a wrestler.

It was only after the demise of her brother Reid, that she took up the business at an advanced age, and found that she had a ‘flair’ for the gold, no pun intended. While she certainly does not show any signs of slowing down, Charlotte Flair is already 31 years old, as of now.

Charlotte Flair may certainly be durable and tough, but every entertainer has an expiry date, and one wonders how many more years she can remain at the top. Thankfully, Little Miss Bliss is only 25 years of age and has a long career path in front of her. If she’s so good now, one wonders how much better she will be with age.

#3 Looks like a goddess

...and stings like one too!

While Charlotte Flair is certainly far from unattractive, it is clear who has the greater glam quotient and can break away into the mainstream in film, TV or just, Total Divas! When your audience consists of a hot-blooded male demographic, looks do play an important part in determining who eventually gets pushed.

Alexa Bliss is gorgeous, and aptly dubbed Baby Trish by the NXT locker room, she grooms herself like a champion. Charlotte Flair looks regal and majestic, while Alexa Bliss looks drop dead gorgeous.

#2 More natural affinity towards wrestling

Unlike Charlotte, Alexa Bliss wasn’t ‘genetically superior’

In the latest edition of ‘Bring it to the table’, JBL compared Alexa Bliss to Kurt Angle in terms of how naturally sports entertainment came to her. While neither Superstar came from the indies really, Charlotte Flair was always surrounded by wrestling when she was growing up.

Heck, we saw her in WCW and WWE long before she ever made her in-ring debut. Alexa Bliss, on the contrary, was a cheerleader and bodybuilder who grasped the nitty-gritties of the WWE at once. While both Superstars understood the essence of sports entertainment and moulded themselves accordingly, Alexa Bliss’ ascent was just more natural.

#1 Better storylines

Charlotte Flair has been a victim of bad booking

Over the last year, Alexa Bliss benefited from being on SmackDown Live and took full advantage of the comparatively more creative storylines that the brand produced. The La Luchadora storyline (that eventually ushered in Mickie James’ return to WWE) was compelling and actually, made sense.

Charlotte Flair, on the other hand, has just suffered from constant misfortune. While she always had great matches on Raw, the storylines were lacking in well, stories. Now that she’s on SmackDown Live, she’s involved in the awful Welcoming Committee angle, which has been dreadful to watch.

Yes, this is not entirely Charlotte Flair’s fault, but Alexa Bliss just has better facials, expressions and command over the microphone, which inspires writers to write better stories for her.

While we're certainly not undermining the role that Charlotte Flair has played in the development of the Women's Division from scratch, the truth is Alexa Bliss may just be a better performer.

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