5 Raw superstars that deserve a singles push

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Monday Night Raw needs to up its game

The art of wrestling stems from the fact that anyone can be a superstar. No matter what attributes both physical and mental you possess, you can somehow be transformed into someone capable of reaching the pinnacle of WWE.

Now obviously not everyone reaches this status, but it's fun to think about who in the current roster has the potential to ascend to the dizzying heights of being at a main event status.

Not everyone can be world champion and that much is obvious. In this business, your timing needs to be impeccable, and all the right elements have to come together in order to see your dreams come true.

Unfortunately, for these five superstars, those stars have yet to align in the right way despite they fact that they have more than enough talent to succeed.

In the past we've seen unlikely underdogs such as Mick Foley and Daniel Bryan make it all the way to the top, so we certainly know that it can happen. Whilst these guys may be considered on par or below those two names is a matter of opinion, but the quality is still there.

Now, it's just a case of encasing it and channeling it in the right direction. So without further ado, here are five of the most under-utilised talent that deserve a big singles push.

#1 Rusev

“Rusev crush” should be the first order of business on Raw

The Bulgarian Brute had a rocket strapped to his back once he was promoted from NXT to the main roster, but it slowly fizzled out following his WrestleMania 31 defeat to John Cena.

Many people believed that Rusev was destined to be the next great monster heel, but at the same time the dreaded "Cena Effect" has a proven track record of ruining the momentum of upcoming stars.

Nonetheless, Rusev got his head down and focused on rebuilding his character and to this day he is probably one of the most popular superstars in the eyes of the fans. It's frustrating because out of everyone on this list, the guy is probably one of the easiest people to book.

Just have him constantly devalue the American name whilst simultaneously beating some of the top names in the company.

To be honest, Rusev never should have dropped the US Title to Reigns and the former champion should reclaim the gold once 'The Big Dog' is done with it. If you want to build new stars in the company, start with a man who could get more heat than any other heel on the roster.

Speaking of Rusev, one of his former valets is up next.

#2 Summer Rae

Summer Rae
Summer can do a whole lot more than just being a valet

Having been in the company for a few years now, Summer Rae has gone under the radar as one of the better female workers on either the Raw or SmackDown roster. Now it's not like she's on Charlotte levels of greatness, but she is certainly a lot more capable than people give her credit for.

It's not just her in-ring work either. If you look back to the Rusev/Rae/Lana/Ziggler feud which admittedly wasn't great, Summer proved that her mic work in addition to her character development actually had a great deal of potential.

Whilst some may see her as just a pretty face, it feels as if she's been pushed aside in order to make room for the four horsewomen of the world.

It's a shame because given the lack of depth in the Raw women's division, Summer could actually make a pretty big impact.

Right now, an injury is keeping her out of action, but upon returning, the former Total Divas star should be thrust straight into a storyline where she can show the WWE Universe what she's all about.

From one person who can't get on TV to another who is all over it.

#3 Big E

Big E
The New Day funny man could actually be quite an asset as a singles star

DON'T YOU DARE, BE SOUR! Well, as it turns out, we as an audience are beginning to get a little bit 'sour' when it comes to the New Day. The act is starting to feel a little bit stale and we say that with all due respect, because what they've done for the WWE over the last twelve months has been pretty impressive.

That being said, it may be time to look towards something new for all three members. With a whole host of potential teams set to come up onto the Raw roster, fans want to see how the likes of Big E are able to fare when they are left to their own devices.

After all, we saw down in NXT that Big E is more than capable of pulling together a serious character.

If you can combine that ability with the charisma he has shown ever since coming up onto the main roster, then you're just printing money. Ever since his babyface turn when he stood alongside CM Punk to battle Paul Heyman, it seemed obvious that there was a big future in store for this guy.

Just imagine what they could do with him given a solid character and storyline.

New Day certainly rocked at one stage as we move on to a second member of the group.

#4 Kofi Kingston

Kofi Kingston
Kofi has always been underrated by the WWE Universe

Ah, Kofi Kingston. The man who has supposedly been from about 10 different countries during his time with the WWE, and a man who still has a hell of a lot of potential.

Ever since his feud with Randy Orton back in 2009, people have been desperate to see more of the high-flyer because he proved that he has the character, mic work and in-ring ability to succeed at the highest level.

In the last few months, Kofi has had more mic time than any of the three New Day members, and that quality is shining through once again.

At the age of 35, the former Intercontinental Champion still has a good few years left in him, and it's important to let him thrive at the top of the card because that's where he belongs.

If done right, New Day's split could be just as effective as the Shield. Hell, maybe you even repackage them as two groups that are more serious than comedic. The possibilities are endless and when it comes to Kofi, he's oh so much more than just a spot monkey.

From one underdog to the man who pretty much invented the word.

#5 Sami Zayn

Sami Zayn
The only way is up for Sami Zayn

The underdog from the underground. Sami Zayn is everything you could possibly want from a WWE superstar and so much more because everything he does feels real.

There's nothing false or plastic about the way this guy operates, and his feel-good nature mixed with a classic in-ring style is always going to go over well with crowds around the world.

There's a reason people get up on their feet upon hearing Sami's theme song - it's because they care. He's been stealing the show for years now ever since his time down in NXT, and if handled correctly, the company could easily have another Daniel Bryan on their hands.

Just think - what would Bryan's storyline have been like if his career went on without injury following WrestleMania 30? With Sami, we can replicate and even improve upon that.

Now some people will say that he's already getting a pretty strong push following the feud with Braun Strowman, but that's not enough. We as a collective audience want to see Zayn thrust into the main event picture and whilst that may take time, Raw hasn't exactly been as trustworthy as SmackDown when it comes to storylines.

Just picture 75,000 people singing his theme song at WrestleMania. Magic.

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