5 Programs for Seth Rollins after Elimination Chamber

These 5 programs could be great for the Kingslayer's future
These 5 programs could be great for the Kingslayer's future

We all saw the Elimination Chamber pay-per-view. We know what Roman Reigns will be doing at WrestleMania. We know what Brock Lesnar will be doing, as well. What we do not know is what lies ahead for Seth Freakin' Rollins.

The WWE mega-star has been on the road to redemption recently. His recent performances have reminded us just how gifted and professional the man could be, if given half a chance. We're here to analyse what the man can do, on the road to the Elimination Chamber.

Feel free to chime in with our comments, in the section below. We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.

For our part, we feel these 5 programs may be ideal for Seth Rollins.

#5 Ronda Rousey's Mixed Tag Partner

Could Rollins and Rousey be taking on Triple H and Stephanie McMahon?
Could Rollins and Rousey be taking on Triple H and Stephanie McMahon?

Triple H and Seth Rollins tore the house down at WrestleMania 33. Stephanie McMahon was famously part of the match as well, when she took a table bump and was written off TV for months. We'd love to see Rollins team up with Rousey, instead of Kurt Angle, like it seems now. We'll tell you the reason here.

Ronda Rousey did look dominant when she put Triple H through a wooden table at Elimination Chamber. However, she also showcased that she wasn't the best performer on the microphone during the very same segment. Having a veteran like Rollins in the mix could teach her a lot.

It would also enhance Rollins' own status in the company, to be featured alongside Rousey. It would establish him as a top-tier performer, in the same league as Cena, Lesnar and Reigns.

Honestly, considering how confused Kurt Angle has seemed recently, we don't really know if he'd be a worthy partner for Ronda Rousey.

#4 Feud with Finn Balor

This would be a program for the in-ring purists
This would be a program for the in-ring purists

Whenever we're done watching an NJPW pay-per-view, we're often at a loss for words with regard to the in-ring action that we witness from the talented performers. WWE too has some of the best independent wrestlers in the world today. They too can go at a million miles an hour, if they are allowed to. The Usos and The New Day have proved that, time and again.

By having this babyface vs. babyface program, WWE would be pleasing the hardcore fans who've wanted Rollins and Balor to be used to their full in-ring potential. It would also be interesting to see how Gallows and Anderson could influence the match-up. The possibilities are quite endless.

Another possibility could have Finn Balor turning heel, to give his character a fresh coat of paint. We've not seen this side of Balor's, and would certainly love to.

It would be fun to possibly see the Demon return, as well.

#3 Program with Jeff Hardy

Could Jeff Hardy return from injury, to take on Seth Rollins?
Could Jeff Hardy return from injury, to take on Seth Rollins?

Matt Hardy has been busy with the 'Woken' stuff recently. Jeff Hardy is due for a return at any time now. While he could always return as part of the Woken Universe, it is somehow easy to forget just how much singles potential the man has. Seth Rollins vs. Jeff Hardy would be a man worthy of a stage like WrestleMania.

In some ways, it may be better to keep Jeff Hardy away from the 'Woken' stuff, considering that it's not really getting over like it really should have. WWE knows how to book Jeff Hardy as a singles performer, The two men could help elevate one another, to the very top.

#2 Program with Samoa Joe

Yet another performer who could return before WrestleMania 34!
Yet another performer who could return before WrestleMania 34!

Samoa Joe was a part of the NXT Takeover: Philadelphia pre-show panel where he provided his fans with a vague injury update. He said it's a week-to-week thing. There's no concrete date with regard to his return to the fold. He could be back well in time for WrestleMania 34.

Samoa Joe and Seth Rollins could have a pretty interesting program. Joe will have renewed momentum after his return, and Rollins has been bolstered after the Gauntlet match. The two men could have a battle for the ages.

Rollins is the ultimate babyface right now, one whom the whole audience roots for and wholeheartedly supports. As for Joe, nobody can get the audience to turn on him, like the Samoan Submission Machine can.

#1 An Intercontinental Championship program

No heel can elevate a babyface quite like The Miz
No heel can elevate a babyface quite like The Miz can

If the top babyface on RAW, Roman Reigns, is challenging for the top prize in the brand, the second most important babyface should be challenging for the second biggest prize in the brand. The Miz vs. Seth Rollins may be a pretty interesting program overall.

The Miz can make almost any program work, because of how gifted a performer he is. Rollins can hold his own against The Miz, on the microphone as well. It would also give The Miztourage something to do, beyond the 'Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal', where they'd be booked otherwise.

So there you have it. We have outlined 5 intriguing possibilities.

We'll see you again, in a few short hours, with live coverage of RAW.

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