WWE: 5 Greatest WrestleMania Moments Of All Time

What Are The Best WrestleMania Moment's Ever?
What Are The Best WrestleMania Moment's Ever?

The Grandest Stage of Them All, WrestleMania 35, is almost here and there will be plenty of moments that will be made on the show. Every superstar wants to have a WrestleMania moment, and we as fans get our 'Mania moment when something historic happens at the PPV that we will never forget, such as when our favorite superstars leave with gold around their waist.

For this list, I have chosen the more recent ones, not just because I'm a young WWE fan, but also because I think these are generally the best moments in history. I will probably anger some people because since 34 WrestleManias have taken place, there are many moments to choose from and I have room for only 5. While I have obviously missed someone's favorite one out, at least 1 of these 5 will probably be on everyone's list.

So these are the 5 greatest Wrestlemania moments of all time.

#5 Steve Austin's Heel Turn (WrestleMania X-Seven)

Austin aligned himself with his longtime foe Mr. McMahon
Austin aligned himself with his longtime foe Mr. McMahon

I'm in the minority here, but I approved of Stone Cold Steve Austin's heel turn at WrestleMania X-Seven. While the heel run wasn't the best, it was stills a great and shocking moment.

'Mania X-Seven is regarded by many a fan as the best of all time, myself included. Austin vs The Rock was a great match to end the night and the end of the match was one of the most shocking things in WWE history.

No fan ever imagined that Steve Austin and Vince McMahon would ever be on the same page, let alone become allies. When Austin hit The Rock with the final chair shot and pinned him to become champion once again, the crowd in Texas was in a mixture of shock and happiness.

Then, it happened. Steve Austin shook hands with Lucifer himself Vince McMahon to solidify his heel turn. While it was not looked at as great by many, the shock factor and the moment itself was great. Well, I think so at least.

#4 The Undertaker Kicks Out Of The Tombstone (WrestleMania 27)

"What Did We Just See"

While WrestleMania 27 is regarded by some as one of the worst 'Manias of all time, it had one incredible match on it. The Undertaker vs Triple H was an amazing match at WrestleMania 27 and the following year. While their match at WM28 was probably better, there was no other kick out in the history of The Undertaker's streak better than what happened at WM27.

After a long, grueling match, Triple H did Undertaker's throat slit, hit him with a tombstone and crossed Taker's arms. The thing that was so awesome about this moment was that people are usually shocked when Taker's opponent kicks out of the tombstone, but in this case, everyone thought Undertaker had lost.

To the shock and delight of everyone, Taker kicked out and went on to defeat The Game in one of the best 'Mania matches in recent memory. Whatever you want to say about WrestleMania 27, this match was great and the kick out by Taker and the reaction from the crowd was just pro wrestling at it's very best.

#3 Seth Rollins Cashes In (WrestleMania 31)

The Heist Of The Century
The Heist Of The Century

WrestleMania 31 was supposed to be the night that Vince McMahon would crown the new face of his company. Roman Reigns was supposed to defeat Brock Lesnar and win the WWE title to the "delight of the fans."

Unfortunately for Vince, the fans didn't take to Roman as he expected. It took Vince more than 2 hours into the main show to realize that he had to change the finish of the match and shock the world. And that he did.

Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar surprisingly had a match that was definitely worthy of main eventing Mania. But the ending--the ending though...

After Brock hit Roman with an F5, Seth Rollins' music played and Mr. Money in the Bank flew down to the ring. Rollins hit a curb stomp on Reigns and pinned him to win the WWE title.

If Roman would have won, this would have been a lot less successful. With Rollins winning and being the first person to cash in at 'Mania, it was one of the best and most exciting WrestleMania moments ever.

#2 I'm Sorry, I Love You (WrestleMania 24)

This One Made The Tears Flow
This One Made The Tears Flow

When you think about the best all-around wrestler of all time, a few names come to mind. Two of those names would definitely be Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels.

When people moan about Kurt Angle's last match being against Baron Corbin, it's because legends careers should be ended by future legends or present-day legends. This was, in fact, the case at WrestleMania 24 When Shawn Michaels faced his hero Ric Flair.

The pair had a great match, despite Ric Flair being 59 at the time. Even though the match was great, the thing that is looked back on the most is the finish of the match. With Shawn Michaels not wanting to put his mentor away, but Ric Flair telling him to bring it, Shawn hit the Sweet Chin Music on Ric.

But not before he uttered the now icon words of "I'm sorry, I love you". Shawn immediately vacated the ring to Ric so he could say his final goodbye to the WWE Universe. While its a very emotional moment, it is still one of the best WrestleMania moments ever.

#1 Daniel Bryan Wins The WWE World Heavyweight Title (WrestleMania 30)

A New Orleans Celebration
A New Orleans Celebration

WrestleMania 30 is considered by many to be one of the best WrestleMania's ever. It was just a great show capped off in a great way.

The main event between Randy Orton, Batista, and huge fan favorite Daniel Bryan more than delivered as a great main event for the show. And the end of the match reminded many of why they are wrestling fans.

Daniel Bryan's underdog story and fight against The Authority was great and when he made Batista tap in the middle of the ring at Wrestlemania to win the WWE title, every fan in the world lost their mind for a few minutes.

It's strange to think that on the same show where everyone's heart was broken with the end of the streak, WWE made every fan happy and ended the 30th WrestleMania on the happiest note ever.

Even if this year Becky Lynch doesn't get this kind of reaction if she wins, we will always have this moment to fondly remember forever.