5 fan chants you might have missed during WWE RAW (Nov 6th, 2017)

What are
What are they chanting?

You have to love a good crowd and Manchester certainly brought it. The night was full of action and unexpected moments. One of the best parts of WWE touring around the globe are the inventive chants each new crowd will come up with.

So let's check out five chants from Raw on November 6th, 2017 that you might have missed.

#1 Who's your daddy?

Who'll be calling who daddy after Survivor Series?

During the opening segment The Miz had the crowd in the palm of his hand and was in such a strange dynamic but he was able to handle it because he's awesome. He was a babyface when he spoke about Baron Corbin and the current feud he has as the show heads to Survivor Series. But when Kurt Angle came out he played the part of a heel.

While talking up some of the bombs Baron Corbin has thrown his direction, The Miz mentioned how Corbin said he would be calling him "daddy" after their match at Survivor Series.

This mention of the word daddy sparked an immediate "who's your daddy?" chant in the Manchester crowd that was a great way to kick off the night.

#2 Bruiserweight

Pete Dunne could do great things in WWEPete Dunne finally made his debut on Raw. Whether or not this is going to be a more consistent thing or it's a one-off special occasion, it was still pretty epic.

As the leader of British Strong Style, Manchester was the perfect place for this to happen. He's known as The Bruiserweight which is what the crowd chanted in full force throughout his segment where he laid waste to Enzo Amore. It was a great way to make his presence known.

Now, if we could just get some United Kingdom roster matches on Raw or SmackDown they might be moving even closer in the right direction.

#3 Yes!


Daniel Bryan's legacy in pro wrestling translates to something that is almost indescribable. People love him so much and now that his WWE career is over (unless he can pull off a miracle) fans cherish the time they had with him as an active performer. When people chant "yes" it is an amazing ode to Daniel Bryan who was in all reality one of the best rebels in WWE history just because of his passionate fan base.

In fact, all it took for the crowd to break into a rousing "yes" chant was to mention Daniel Bryan. When his name was brought up when telling about how Kane chokeslammed him into darkness last week on Raw the crowd erupted into "yes" chants.

There were also a few more moments where the crowd agreed with something and broke out in the same chant. It's a great homage to Daniel Bryan and a universal sign of affirmation at this point as well which has transcended into other genres of sports.

#4 Curtis Axel

Curtis Axel chants need to happen more often

Curtis Axel has been in a very predominant role in the past few weeks of Raw. Not only was he the only member of The Miztourage with Bo Dallas out of action due to illness, but he also got to take some sick bumps from Strowman last week. The cherry on the top was a running powerslam through the announce table.

This assault from Strowman meant Curtis Axel was sporting a classy looking neck brace this week on Raw. When The Miz was talking up Axel's injuries during the opening segment of Raw the Manchester crowd broke out in a rousing "Curtis Axel" chant.

It was a great thing to happen and only showed how appreciated Axel is to the passionate fans who flocked to Manchester.

#5 Hey Bayley!

It's good to hear an old favourite chant

I really only have one question to ask and its, "Oh, hey Bayley! I wanna know will you be my girl?"

The Manchester crowd broke out into this old classic in Bayley's general direction and it's been a while since the WWE Universe has heard the wonderful sing-song chant in Bayley's direction. It was really good to hear the same and I'm sure Bayley appreciated it too.

Of course, this chant still didn't help Alicia Fox decide she wanted The Hugger on her team at Survivor Series. But there's always next week.