5 dream opponents for CM Punk if he returns to WWE

Will we see CM Punk in a WWE ring again?
Will we see CM Punk in a WWE ring again?

Normally I wouldn't entertain the idea of a potential opponent for CM Punk. After the way he left the WWE in 2014, I never thought there was a prayer we'd see him in a wrestling ring again.

However, this is WWE we're talking about here. Never say never. CM Punk's name has been popping up in the news a lot lately. Sportskeeda's Tom Colohue reported this week that Punk's return to the company could be just a phone call away.

During an appearance on Ariel Helwani’s MMA Show, Triple H didn't close the door on the idea of a CM Punk return either saying, "We’re open for business."

I'm of the opinion that when there's smoke there's fire. There's too much noise right now for this not to be a possibility. I'm not saying a deal will get done, but I'm confident enough to write this article. I'm allowing myself to look around the WWE landscape, and pick out the most intriguing match-ups for Punk. If he chooses to return.

#1 Kevin Owens

KO gives AJ a stunner,
KO gives AJ a stunner,

This one is an obvious choice for me. KO and Punk wouldn't even need to have a match for this to be quality television. Just give both guys a mic and let them have at one another. Looking back, they could take their story all the way to their Ring of Honor days. The two apparently had a backstage argument during a show in 2004.

Also, if you think about it. Kevin Owens has now stepped into that anti-authority 'I do what I want' character that Punk was so good at portraying. It'd be easy for 'The Best in the World' to return and call out KO for being a CM Punk wannabe.

Promo magic aside, any match between these two is likely to be special. These are two of the best in-ring storytellers in WWE history. Who goes over? Who cares? The real winners are the fans.

#2 Daniel Bryan

CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan
CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan

These two have a history with one another that dates back to their time in the indie scene. Both took similar paths to get to the WWE and both men rose to heights in the company rarely accomplished by men their size.

I know Daniel Bryan and CM Punk had numerous matches against one another during their time in the WWE, but I don't care. This is a match that needs to happen if Punk decides to make his comeback. These two can put on a technical wrestling clinic. There's a chemistry between them that is hard to replicate. It would be a disservice to the fans not to put this match on.

So why would Punk return and start something with The Planet's Champion? Well, Punk's departure from the company in 2014 did cause WWE to call a number of audibles when it came to WrestleMania 30. You could even argue that Punk leaving opened the door for Bryan to assume to the top spot in the company. Surely creative could build a story from there.

Frankly, I don't think there needs to be a reason. Maybe Punk wants to come back to face his old friend one more time. To put on a match that no one thought they'd ever see again. That is a good enough reason for me.

#3 Seth Rollins

The Shield's Final Chapter
The Shield's Final Chapter

The Shield may be over, but that doesn't mean there still can't be stories told surrounding the two members who are still with the company. Seth Rollins should be right at the top of the list of targets for CM Punk if he makes his return to WWE.

This isn't just about the WWE Universal Championship either. Sure that would be an added bonus for Punk, but this is a match-up that doesn't need the title.

Don't forget the Shield debuted at Survivor Series 2012 and helped CM Punk retain his WWE Championship. They would serve has his mercenaries for a while, before the two sides eventually had a falling out.

A lot has changed since then. Punk left the company in the early part of 2014, and each member of The Shield went on to successful singles careers. Fast forward to today and Rollins, in particular, is the top-dog on RAW. He's the reigning Royal Rumble winner. He's a multi-time Universal Champion. He's also been the social media warrior for WWE this year.

Maybe Punk would have a few things to say about that if he is given the chance. He is after all the self-proclaimed Best in the World. Punk returning to take on his old protege is just good storytelling.

Not to mention that Rollins is, in fact, one of the best wrestlers on the planet. Even if Punk is only half as good as he used to be, it should make for a great match up.

#4 AJ Styles

The OC
The OC

No disrespect to Shinsuke Nakamura, but this is the real dream match. You can talk about Seth Rollins, Kenny Omega, and others, but AJ Styles for my money is the best wrestler on the planet. He's an incredible athlete and incredible storyteller in the ring. It's a shame he came to WWE two years after Punk quit.

The two have faced off before, but the last time was over 15 years ago at an IWC event. These two against each other in the prime of their careers would have been the main event of WrestleMania. It's hard to judge if they still could since Punk has been gone so long, but AJ can make just about anyone look good.

That United States title around Styles' waist, by the way, is the one title Punk needs to complete the grand slam. That could be the perfect program to bring Punk back into the company if they choose not to rush him to the top of the card.

Adding to the intrigue is the presence of Anderson and Gallows. Punk could recruit some help and elevate a couple of young guys in the process. It seems like the perfect opportunity for The Street Profits. I think the entire WWE Universe wants that smoke.

#5 Triple H

Would CM Punk play The Game?
Would CM Punk play The Game?

It's no secret that these two men do not like each other. They were set to face off at WrestleMania 30, but that match obviously never happened. CM Punk would walk out on the company the night after the Royal Rumble PPV. Triple H would go on to fight Daniel Bryan that year at WrestleMania.

Punk has been overly critical over Triple H ever since his departure. He's gone on record saying that The Game never liked him and that their backstage interactions weren't exactly friendly.

Do I think this match would actually happen if CM Punk returned? No, in all reality, I know this match will most probably not happen. CM Punk openly admitted he had no interest in wrestling Triple H in 2014. He was scheduled to win that night, and still had no interest, so I can't imagine his feelings have changed much. I seriously doubt he would leave in the middle of a program with 'The Game', just to return to it 5 years later.

That's what makes this the ultimate dream match. It likely won't happen, which makes me want it even more. I've said it before and I'll say it again, real-life conflict makes for the best on-screen storylines. Allowing Punk and Triple H to air their differences in front of the audience would make for must-see WWE TV.

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