5 Biggest unanswered questions after Jeff Hardy's DUI incident on SmackDown

What will WWE do next with the Jeff Hardy storyline?
What will WWE do next with the Jeff Hardy storyline?

What happened in the opening segment of last week's SmackDown? That is only one of the many questions left on the WWE Universe's mind after watching Jeff Hardy getting arrested during the show. And while all the evidence seemed to be there, Hardy's involvement in the situation is still unknown.

In fact, between Hardy attacking Sheamus during his Intercontinental Championship tournament semifinal match and him trying to take Hardy's spot in the first place, there is a lot to unpack here.

There is also the question of what we didn't see or didn't notice during the first airing of the DUI segment, which leaves a lot of the crucial details up in the air. Of course, there is always the possibility that Hardy was behind it himself and it would be interesting to explore that storyline-wise, but all other evidence seems to point towards foul play.

With that being said and Hardy's storyline still playing out on television right now, here are the five biggest questions after the incident. As always, let us know your thoughts in the comments below and tell us what some of your biggest questions were after watching it play out.

#5 Is Jeff Hardy actually behind all this?

Did Jeff Hardy do this himself?
Did Jeff Hardy do this himself?

What if Jeff Hardy acted alone?

As much as the WWE Universe probably doesn't want this to be the case when it comes to the ongoing DUI storyline on Friday Night SmackDown, the company could go ahead with this narrative. It's no secret that Hardy has a past with substance abuse.

So was Hardy in the wrong once again and is trying to cover it up as a part of some kind of heel turn? It would be a huge swerve for the WWE Universe if the company made Hardy the villain and it would be quite a bizarre way to do so as well.

That would be something very interesting to script out and will probably be teased by WWE for weeks as the company builds towards their eventual payoff. What that will be however remains to be seen and depends on what the company wants to do with the storyline, however, they definitely have the fans' attention right now.

#4 What will the mystery hacker dig up?

What will the mystery hacker dig up on Jeff Hardy's incident?
What will the mystery hacker dig up on Jeff Hardy's incident?

It's no secret that the mystery hacker is one of the most intriguing characters on Friday Night SmackDown right now and there should be no doubt in anyone's mind that he is going to come into play during the Jeff Hardy storyline. The question is, however, what will he reveal and who will he implicate in the process?

While the initial thought is that Sheamus acted alone in staging the DUI incident, the mystery hacker could reveal that Sheamus worked in coordination with anyone from Baron Corbin to AJ Styles. He could also most likely show how Hardy ended up several yards away from the original crash scene and why he reeked of booze when the cops found him.

In the end, this storyline could once again allow the company to put the mystery hacker's power to good use and fill out the blanks over the next couple of weeks. What exactly fans find out may be groundbreaking or it may not be, but at least the company is doing something a little different here.

#3 Where does this leave Elias?

How will WWE bring back Elias into the fold?
How will WWE bring back Elias into the fold?

Elias was run over by a car during the opening segment of Friday Night SmackDown last week where Jeff Hardy got arrested. While The Drifter was removed from the Intercontinental title tournament, maybe this is actually a good thing for him. This protected him from an unneeded loss in the tournament and evoked a great deal of sympathy for him from the fans in the process.

WWE has already done the same thing with Apollo Crews over on Monday Night RAW and even made him a champion in the process. They started by having him get injured in a United States Championship match against Andrade, then kept him on the shelf for a few weeks and then had him come back and win the title.

If nothing else, it was a breath of new life into Crews' character and was also one of the biggest surprises of the year so far. Elias' situation is also similar. Maybe he could challenge the winner of the IC title tournament and thus derive some good out of the Hardy incident. If WWE reveals Hardy to be the assailant himself then perhaps Elias could feud with him on his return.

#2 Is Sheamus to blame?

Did Sheamus really do this to Jeff Hardy?
Did Sheamus really do this to Jeff Hardy?

Of all the questions that need to be answered in the ongoing Jeff Hardy DUI saga, Sheamus' involvement in the incident should be at the forefront. Not only is that evident from Hardy coming after Sheamus to close last week's edition of Friday Night SmackDown, but also by how quick The Celtic Warrior was to indulge in the idea of his replacement in the IC title tournament.

It's almost like he knew what he had done to Hardy and was trying to cover it up by switching topics as to who should be participating in the tournament instead of The Charismatic Enigma.

While Sheamus was ultimately unsuccessful in qualifying for the final after a loss to Daniel Bryan, it looks like he wanted a second shot at the title. Or maybe he was just jealous of Hardy and how much attention his redemption storyline was receiving.

Maybe he believes he deserved that spot and was hell-bent on doing everything he could to cost Hardy his place in the tournament. In the end, this a very interesting story the company is trying to tell and it will be fun to see the situation play out.

#1 Is WWE trying to paint a bigger picture?

Where is WWE going with all this?
Where is WWE going with all this?

There are a lot of different questions swirling around after the events that played out last week on Friday Night SmackDown, but what about the bigger picture? Although things like Jeff Hardy's innocence, Sheamus's involvement, and where this leaves Elias are all important questions, what about where WWE is headed with all this?

Is this WWE's way of branching out into drama show type content, or is the company simply trying to create a payoff to reveal later? WWE could also be trying to add more mature content to their product, which could be why they used some of Hardy's real-life struggles, but where will they go from there?

In the end, WWE has laid out a bunch of different questions that need to be answered, but where they go with this is still very much up in the air. For what it's worth, the company could easily reveal some other Superstar as the culprit in order to avoid putting the obvious suspect in Sheamus in the line of fire. Will WWE manage to make sense of the Jeff Hardy incident at the end of it all? Only time will tell.