The 5 biggest comedians in the WWE

Kurt Angle and Stone Cold were an awesome comedic duo

The WWE is not just about the physicality – it is purely sports entertainment. Comedic segments have always been a highlight of every Monday night Raw.

The company has been lucky to employ capable superstars for doing skits – because let’s be honest : it wouldn’t have worked if Marc Mero was the one using ‘the People’s Champion’ moniker and trading insults with Stone Cold Steve Austin in the Attitude era, would it??

This list takes a look at the top 5 all-time best comedians to have graced the WWE.

1. Santino Marella


It is hard to imagine that despite being predominantly used in a comedy gimmicks, Santino Marella has won both the Intercontinental and United States title in addition to coming close to winning the Elimination Chamber and the Royal Rumble.

Marella wasn’t extraordinary in the ring, but his comic timing was exemplary and his skits with the likes of Sheamus and Vladimir Kozlov were extremely goofy and funny.

Just listen to the ‘rapping song’ that Marella came up with in an edition of Raw.

2. Jerry Lawler


Undoubtedly the best colour commentator the WWE has ever had, Jerry ‘The King’ Lawler has been entertaining fans with his quick wit on commentary for nearly two decades now. A legend based on his exploits inside the ring, Lawler’s performance on commentary has been great as well.

Lawler is still the biggest draw in Memphis and has held over 120 titles in his career – his titles exceed that of every single superstar in the WWE.

But the older generation knows Lawler better for his outrageously effective puns and comedic timing – not to mention ‘Puppies’.

3. Bobby Heenan


Bobby ‘The Brain’ Heenan’s partnership with Gorilla Monsoon has been widely celebrated, but it was just one layer to the famous manager’s accomplishments.

Heenan was one of the greatest heels of the 70s and 80s, one of the very first guys whom the fans ‘loved to hate’. His antics in the weasel suit and his segments with another all-rounder in the form of Curt Hennig provided a lot of comedic value to WWE programming.

Heenan might just be the most entertaining heel managers of all time.

4. Edge & Christian


During the all-time high of the tag team division in the early 2000s, the top three teams had a specific role to play. The Hardy Boyz were the crowd-pleasing daredevils, the Dudleys were the serious bad-asses whereas Edge and Christian played the cowardly heel role perfectly.

E&C won the most titles during the time and they had more promo time than both the Hardys and the Dudleys put together.

Their gems included the ‘Five-second pose’ and the various skits they conducted with an equally versatile Kurt Angle.

The New Day have got a lot of catching up to do, if they are to match the tag team that ‘Reeked of Awesomeness'

5. Mick Foley


It is a tribute to Mick Foley’s amazing versatility that the Hardcore legend is equally well known for his extremely dangerous matches as well as his goofy ‘Uncle Mick’ persona during his time as WWE Commissioner.

He had numerous promos with the likes of Edge, Christian and Kurt Angle during the 2000s that gave a lighter note to Raw. His antics with the likes of the Rock as part of the Rock n Sock connection and the skits with Mr. McMahon were quite memorable too.